Rare Aircraft- Flightsim wishlist

Here is a rare one. Hope the link works.

1957: Evangel Aircraft Inc, Orange City IA.
Evangel Rev Edmund Kalau and pilot Maurice Pickard, 1974 (Mike Allen coll)
4500 1964 (TC A2WI) = STOL aircraft intended for heavy-duty bush operations, notably used by Pacific Missionary Aviation in providing humanitarian services to islanders in the South Pacific. 9pClwM; two 300hp Lycoming IO-540-K1B5; span: 41'3" length: 31'6" load: 2050# v: 230/175/67 range: 745 ceiling: 21,030'; ff: 6/x/64. Conventional landing gear; 500' take-off run, 475' landing run. Carl Mortenson. POP: 8.

One that I would still like to see is the Lockheed/Sikorsky "Cheyenne" Attack Helicopter. Rumor had it that Piglet was going to do one but it never came about.

There's a few planes I wouldn't mind seeing for the Esteemed Sim. Took me a while to come up with this; 2008 was a very good year for me what with getting the Air Express and Yak-23 and all...
Curtiss Hawk 75A-4, A-5, A-7, A-8 (you know the one with the Wright Cyclone Engine)
Fokker Super Universal (I like its rough and ready look about it; makes a Fokker F.VII look sleek and refined in comparison)
Fokker D.VI (Mark Steckel did a wonderful rendition for CFS2 but it doesn't work so well in FS2004)
Roland C.II (Stuart Green has a great CFS2 version but like the aforementioned Fokker it doesn't translate well for FS2004)
I also wouldn't mind a Pitts Model 12 :jump:
I still say Tacit Blue is deeply needed for FS9. Such an interesting aircraft and it has yet to be made for any sim...

That, and a good Li-2 (a real Li-2, not just a repainted DC-3) for FS9 and several other widely ignored Soviet planes that are too numerous to list here.
I too would love to find a Yak-28 but don't think you will find it at the 'Avsim RU' site.
What they do have is another twin-engine machine.....the TU-128 Fiddler....and it is
hidden away and requires some fancy 'mouse-work' to click on the right link. But as for the Yak-28..
so far it's a no-show!

Fly High...Punch Holes in the Sky!
Yeah, what ever happened to our Pitt's building friends and a possible Model 12?

I'm surprised that they stopped short of the 12.
it's just that on page one Motormouse said there is one on Avsim Ru. It seems there is confusion between the Yak-28 and Tupolev Tu-128. Ah well back to wishing and hoping.
HI DrZook...I'm actually in the middle of doing a Fokker DVI..

Awesome....:applause: BTW love your rotary soundset.

While I'm at it I can't believe I forgot mentioning the Nieuport 28. JC Kiefer did one for CFS1 which did good in CFS2 and Felipe Belalcazar did one as well with four ailerons for FS2002. I'd love to see one for FS2004.

I too would like to see an AH-56 Cheyenne for FS2004. Also, a more detailed Mil Mi-12 than the one available a few years ago would be great. For fixed wing, an XF-90 or Convair YB-60 to name just two. There are so many wonderful aircraft to simulate, it's hard to make choices. Didn't the Russians have a bi-plane that converted into a monoplane once airborne during the early 30's? That would be a neat one to do. The list goes on.
You are right there HarryB.."It seems there is confusion between the Yak-28 and Tupolev Tu-128. Ah well back to wishing and hoping." To help with this ID problem..a couple of Yak-28 pics for reference...

This old 'warbird' ,during it operational time, sported nearly as many paint schemes as the Mig-17...a regular goldmine for those addicted to pumping out repaints.

Fly High..Punch Holes in the Sky!
Ah! Drat!
Sorry fellas...no pics came through with the above comment. First time try at adding 'bits' to
the forum comments but obviously not very successful. ..Feel a bit like 'Wiley Coyote' ..so ..
"back to the old drawing board".

Fly High..Punch Holes in the Sky!
Rare bird that I would like to see....the Yakovlev Yak-28 Brewer/Firebar series of soviet Aircraft....
in FS-9..PLEASE!!!

Fly High ..Punch Holes in the Sky

I started the gmax tutotials,my first choice for a plane was the Brewer,but i got troubles whit the calbox and changed for another plane