Thank you, Geoff! It's not perfect, but I tried to match the same level of "scatter" around all of the lines of demarcation, and how you can tell that the Dark Green was applied last, with the demarcation between it and the Sky Grey being slightly lower than the Medium Sea Grey/Sky Grey demarcation. There is paint spray/scatter along the leading edges of the wings, horizontals and along the rear base of the wing/fuselage fillets as well, so none of those areas have any straight edge demarcation either. There is also green over-spray on the base of the radio mast, as seen on the restoration. When doing camouflage like this, adding the green pattern, it is always a three-step process for me. First I just use the paintbrush/airbrush tool, with a hard edge, and then rough-in the design of the green pattern across the aircraft, making sure everything lines up, pixel to pixel, from part to part. Then I come back and I trace it all by vector-drawing it, making sure everything still remains aligned. Once the vector drawing is completed, then I drop a shadow from it, with the right amount of scatter/feathering that I want, which results in the paint layer I ultimately use. After that, I used a number of masks to create the scattered/feathered demarcation between the green paint and the lower-surface grey paint.
In this shot you can see I still need to work on the textures for the pitot tube as well as removing the paint chips from the wing PBR Complete Map. The inside of the carburetor scoop being painted the British pale green is accurate to the restoration. The RAF roundels on the bottom of the wings were drawn to the same size as the product paintkit's and these will need to be redrawn to be a bit larger, though I have re-positioned them to where they should be. I redrew the yellow leading edge markings to be more accurately narrower and to have them look better than what is provided in the paintkit - they all now line-up, top and bottom as well. Some Spitfires have those yellow makings stop before the nav lights, and some have them going past the nav lights, as in the case with PT879 (this is accurate to both how it looked during WWII, based on photos of the recovered airframe, and how it is also painted now). When the Russian colors/markings are added, the topside of those yellow wing leading edges are painted over in green. All of the fuselage insignias/markings and fin flash were also redrawn and done using photos of the real aircraft as an overlay for proper size and positioning.