Released! Spitfire Mk IXc for Microsoft Flight Simulator

Thank you, Paul. I did see those, though I was directed here: A couple photographers I follow on Facebook and Flickr were also in attendance.

Zsolt, just to make sure you are aware, I have been working on this repaint of PT879 for at least three weeks now, so I didn't just start on it. I did see the screenshots you posted and wasn't sure if you weren't aware of my work, or just wanted it faster. My intent for this repaint is to make sure every detail is as correct to the real aircraft as is rationally possible. I will be sharing it here and on when it is finished/ready. I don't feel the need to rush it out the door.
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"Zsolt, just to make sure you are aware, I have been working on this repaint of PT879 for at least three weeks now, so I didn't just start on it. I did see the screenshots you posted and wasn't sure if you weren't aware of my work, or just wanted it faster. My intent for this repaint is to make sure every detail is as correct to the real aircraft as is rationally possible. I will be sharing it here and on when it is finished/ready. I don't feel the need to rush it out the door."


I didn't see your work process, where is it? I am now trying the painting procedure of the new MSFS It wasn’t part of a race, it was just an idea But why is it wrong for someone else to paint the same scheme? I had no intention of releasing it, it was just a shot

It's not important, but post #232 of this thread, back on April 4th, was my first indication, though I had been working on it for about a week prior to that. I wouldn't expect you to have seen it.

I don't mean you any ill will, Zsolt, I just thought it was a bit odd in you sharing that link a few posts up, making it seem like I was out of line doing the repaint of PT879. I'm all for anyone making repaints of the same aircraft that have already been done, especially if there are areas that can be improved upon. This is my very first foray into MSFS repainting as well, and I've been enjoying learning some new processes and tools. It has been taking a lot of revising of FlyingIron's work to get towards the results I want.

Among a number of items still needing to be addressed, the yellow 'PT879' stencils on the wing tips need to be re-angled to match the angle of the aileron joint.
Amazing work John, really look forward to this one. Hey I thought I should mention that I contacted DCS support about the flashing polygons. They are aware and said, "there is a fix coming soon". May affect our repaints down the road, maybe not. Anyway, I'm thinking of touching up Y2K, now that I've had time away from looking at that crazy fuselage texture. Ha!

Among a number of items still needing to be addressed, the yellow 'PT879' stencils on the wing tips need to be re-angled to match the angle of the aileron joint.

Looking beautiful John. Never seen the little yellow serials on a Spit before seeing photos of this restoration. Wonder what the purpose was?

Would have been great if we had the early tail/rudder variant of the XI as well. The numbers of possible skins would have been very interesting.

Thank you, Doug and Geoff!

When talking with Steve Atkin, he mentioned that those little yellow serial number stencils were commonly added when Spitfires were shipped abroad, since not all of the parts would be shipped together in the same box. When PT879 was shipped to Russia, it would have had thosee serial numbers applied to the various parts that were dissembled from each other. I still have one to add to the cockpit armor plate, and according to Steve Atkin there are some more that still have to be applied on the real PT879, including on the radio mast and mainplanes (which I will add/update later, once they are added on the real aircraft). The preserved Spitfire Mk.I R6915, which still has all of the paint from its last paint scheme applied during WWII, also has these applied all over, added during the war when it was dissembled for shipping. I will be uploading two versions of PT879, in factory scheme and with the Russian markings, and I'll probably have those yellow serial stencils removed on the factory version.

BTW, there are some repaints I'm planning to do of some restored Spitfire Mk.IX's that in reality have the shorter rudder, so it's not a big factor to me. With my repaint of PT879, I also have to look around the fact that the cannon arrangement is different ('c' wing of the product, versus the 'e' wing of the real aircraft). I'm planning on likely doing MJ755 next, followed by more than a dozen more I'm very interested in doing (that should take me at least through the summer :) ).
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Happy to see MJ755 in your list there John! Really looking forward to that one. As you mentioned earlier, there is already one out there but coming from you I'll be sure that it would be exact, with only the fin shape being different.
The final paint is drying, all the details in place. After the discussion of weathered and new liveries, I opted for a cleaner livery, as in the restored look. I'll be uploading today after one more final adjustment. Happy to get this out. :jump:

new paint blue reflection by Doug Smith, on Flickr

new paint belly by Doug Smith, on Flickr

New version 3 is available. Fixed Sky colour, minor line fixes, softer demarcation.
Among a number of items still needing to be addressed, the yellow 'PT879' stencils on the wing tips need to be re-angled to match the angle of the aileron joint.
Looks quite familiar!
We have a beautiful moon tonight, but it's behind rain clouds. But in the sim, it's fantastic!
