Released! Spitfire Mk IXc for Microsoft Flight Simulator

Question for Jankees: are you considering repaints for this lovely bird?

If so, do you take requests?

Here's a recently restored Mk.IX (PT879, registered as G-PTIX) that I would love to see a repaint of. It is owned by Peter Teichman (Hangar 11 Collection) and based at North Weald in the UK. It was one of just over 1,300 Spitfires provided to Russia during WWII as part of the Lend-Lease program. It served in the Murmansk region and was involved in a mid-air collision on May 18, 1945 over the Kola Peninsula (the pilot bailing out). The battered but well-preserved wreck was recovered in 1997 for Peter Monk and was later acquired by Teichman in 2001. The restoration, which is authentic/accurate in every detail imaginable, was completed by the Biggin Hill Heritage Hangar, and it is finished just as it appeared in service in May 1945. Correct RAF factory colors/markings (all of the RAF roundels are there), over-sprayed with accurate Russian green and gray paint with red stars. There was still enough paint remaining on the original skins of the airframe to clearly reproduce 100% accurately.

All photos are copyright of Darren Harbar, as posted to the Hangar 11 Collection Facebook page.





okay I read the PDF, how do you guys open the cockpit on the aircraft??:banghead:

I am an x-pert now on this. Look for the strap at the top front of the canopy, just below the mirror. Click! it opens. then you can open the side door latch.
Also, once the canopy is open, there is still a click spot on top of the windscreen framing as well, so you don't have to look back/behind you to close it.
Did you look at my screenshots?
You can always ask, but no promises..

I would love to see repaints for this bird in the colours of 349 or 350 (Belgian) Sqn if at all possible. Like the ones you did for the RealAir Spit.

Thanks for considering this.

Beaufighter makes some very good points. As flight simulation has evolved it was inevitable that there would be duplication of models and aircraft. I have serveral versions of the same aircraft. Each has it own attributes. For me I guess I am looking for new inovations which come with advances in technology. This is probably why I purchased MSFS 2020. These are exciting times with our hobby approaching reality. I look forward to all the aircraft Baz will bring to use. Also a recent favorite is Dean's beautiful F-15 package. Great times in flight simming are to come.

I agree, I think for many years we've squeezed and reverse engineered to get the most out of our simulators. Always chasing that goal to get the best look and feel. Well, hey it's the future. We now have this MSFS which does pretty good at that, and if it's the best it gets, then I'll get them all please-and thank you. These models being developed today are something pretty special when it comes to the realism factor. They could be the best and last perhaps?? Then maybe what Spacesimulator next? I'll probably buy those models too. I am grateful there are artists who take the time to create for all of us. A lot of work goes into realism. :mixed-smiley-010:
Jan, you might want to try checking to make sure that you have Motion Blur turned off in your MSFS settings, which I assume is what is causing that effect on the spinner on your end. With motion blur turned off, I haven't seen the spinner look that way in my experience.

You're quite right, John, thanks ! Motion blur was indeed set at medium. Spinner Wobble is gone after setting blur to Off. Glad that's solved, thanks again !

(did have a first 'Back To Desktop' encounter while flying the clipped wing version. Believe that's the first ever with MSFS for me..) Btw, i do have a feeling that faster roll rate is indeed modelled in the clipped wing FM.

Btw(2), gorgeous screenshots again ! Atm it doesn't come any better than this, éh ? :applause:
If you prefer metric rather than feet, check your pilot weight, mine said 192 kg!!! That's 423lbs.
Anyone know what the cruise speed and top speed of this thing is? I'm close to purchasing but I'm a little afraid that it will dance all over the runway due just like the Carenado Mooney. (Which could be my controls or settings but I've got no idea). Is there an NDB or any form of navigation in the cockpit - or is it "the Mark I eyeball?"

Anyone know what the cruise speed and top speed of this thing is? I'm close to purchasing but I'm a little afraid that it will dance all over the runway due just like the Carenado Mooney. (Which could be my controls or settings but I've got no idea). Is there an NDB or any form of navigation in the cockpit - or is it "the Mark I eyeball?"

The only way of navigation is the compass, nothing more nothing less. :pirate: Ofcourse you have to map to navigate.
Best cruise is 170 MPH, max 300+ MPH. (Note this is MPH not KTS)

These are the speeds, indicated, that I get when flying the Spitfire in MSFS in clear conditions:

196 MPH - running low cruise setting of +0 Boost, 2200 RPM
211 MPH - running cruise setting of +2 Boost, 2300 RPM
215 MPH - running cruise setting of +2 Boost, 2400 RPM
223 MPH - running higher cruise setting of +3 Boost, 2400 RPM

If you can fly the Carenado Waco YMF, you can fly this Spitfire. It doesn't require much rudder on takeoff unless you have a crosswind component. As is the case with the real thing, it helps to have some right aileron input on takeoff. Because of the narrow-track landing gear, it might dance a bit on landing, which seems quite close to the real thing.

It can get tiring if you take it on a long-distance flight, as you can never trim it for completely hands-off flying. I seem to recall Peter Teichman once commented that, of flying the Spitfire, Hurricane, P-40 and Mustang, the Spitfire was his least favorite to take on long cross-country flights due to always having to be hands-on flying the aircraft.

Although this was filmed a few years ago, here is another wonderful cockpit video by Dave Hadfield that was just posted a couple days ago, flying the Mike Potter Spitfire Mk.IX based in Canada. Dave provides great descriptions/commentary throughout the video to better understand everything that is happening, including talking through the takeoff and landing. Note how on landing, the aircraft dances around a bit due to the nature of the landing gear - I experienced the exact same thing the other night with one of my landings in the FlyingIron Spitfire in MSFS. Note too that Dave uses reduced power settings with the Spitfire, only using +6 Boost on takeoff and +4 Boost for max-continuous/climb.

Just bought the Mk IXc, and jumped into "#57", the Israeli AF variant. The story behind this airplane (aka "The Black Spit") is that is was the personal mount of Ezer Weizman (IAF Commander, 1958-66). He flew the Spitfire operationally in the late 40s and early 50s as the commander of Israel's then premier fighter unit, 101 Squadron. Once he became IAF Commander in 1958, he held back one spitfire from the remaining group that Israel sold (to Burma, IIRC) in '58...painted it black, numbered it 57, and made it his personal aircraft during the time he was IAF Commander, using it to shuttle between bases as he worked with subordinate commanders to build the IAF into the fighting force it remains today. Under his command, a young pilot named Yak Nevo developed the plans for Operation MOKED (Focus), which was later executed with devastating effect on 5 June 1967, when in the span of eight hours, three Arab Air Forces (Egypt, Jordan and Syria ) were effectively destroyed.

I see no paintkit...does anyone know if there is one, or will be one released?

Love this bird!
