Released! Spitfire Mk IXc for Microsoft Flight Simulator

I find it a little edgy, so I may need to sort out my sensitivity levels for the sim.

But overall its not a bad experience.

Is the engine still quick to catch? I gather only purchable off their website for now. And a really, really, slow download. Their servers must be slammed. 30 minutes, 50% remaining.

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First Flight

Is the engine still quick to catch? I gather only purchable off their website for now. And a really, really, slow download. Their servers must be slammed. 30 minutes, 50% remaining.

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Ticked all my boxes! Didn't want to spend the money, but.... who can resist? Smooth as silk flight, audio and visuals are just great, screenshots will be endless. Engine quick to catch is fixed. Only niggle so far is that I can't get the canopy to open on the clickspot. LOL Now if MS would just fix that aura issue.....
What can i say... A native Spitfire in MSFS and it's a regular DCT ! (Dream Come True !). Take-off requires very serious practise. Not anything like i got used to with the A2A Spit. If it remains like it is i'm not sure if i'll be able to master it perfectly. (only 3 TO's so far, got into the air but don't ask me how.. ;-) Does fly very nicely, love the sound (more or less), looks are breathtaking, inside and out. What has been sorely missing rear's its ugly head like never before now that we have a Spitfire to fly and admire : a Fly-By camera ! :banghead:

Anyway, Fun!, Fun!, Fun! :jump:





One very odd thing i have not seen before in MSFS (or in any other flightsim as far as i can remember), there is a terible wobble going on in the animation of the propspinner. Looks like it'll break off any minute... Hopefully will be mended sooner or later. Also, not really a fan of the exorbitant scratching of the canopy glass. That's just way too much if you ask me.

Otherwise, absolutely adore this first MSFS Spitfire. Well done FlyingIron !
Gorgeous screenshots, Noddy and Jan! Loading up the sim now to have my first flight.

Here are some great in-cockpit videos flying the real thing:

"Spitfire Practice Flight" (Mk.IX TE294)

"Flying the Spitfire in Oshkosh! Spitfire Mk. IX Helmet Cam" (Mk.IX TE294)

"Ride Along in the Cockpit of a Spitfire Mark IX" (Mk.IX MK912)

"Onboard with Peter Teichman as he flies in Spitfire Balbo at Duxford 2018" (PR Mk.XI PL965)
First Spit for FS20

And released on the Spits birthday no less! Well ok, she was "born" on the drawing board but took it's first flight today 85 years ago.
It flies about as I would expect it should. Very responsive in pitch, but a bit sluggish/heavy in roll (as the real examples are also described). +1 elevator trim prior to takeoff. The interior and exterior Merlin engine sounds are exceptional!

Just click the canopy handle strap at the top, dvj, just like you'd grab it in the real thing ;-)
Gorgeous screenshots, Noddy and Jan!

Thanks, John, yours ain't too shabby neither. Hehe

I LOVE bare-metal, always have, but somehow i can't get used to it on the Spitfire (although your screenshots of it are gorgeous ;-)

I do love the sounds too but still can imagine someone will deliver an even better Merlin soundsuite.

Does your propspinner wobble too ? Can't seem to see it in your screenies. It can be seen in some of the screenies i took, quite remarkable. The spinner is just a blur :

Jan, you might want to try checking to make sure that you have Motion Blur turned off in your MSFS settings, which I assume is what is causing that effect on the spinner on your end. With motion blur turned off, I haven't seen the spinner look that way in my experience.

Concerning the canopy, there is also a click spot on the top of the windscreen framing too to open/close the sliding hood. Note that you have to have the side door closed first in order to close the canopy, otherwise the canopy won't move from the open position. If you start out cold & dark (aka, at a parking spot), the canopy and side door should already be open.

Also, for anyone who hasn't tried starting the aircraft from cold & dark, you must know that Ctrl+E will not work. You have to make sure that the fuel system is on, that the mixture/idle cutoff lever is full forward, and then you have to use the wobble pump to build up fuel pressure. Once the red fuel pressure light is off, which is located in the lower right side of the instrument panel (you have to move your head forward to see it (such as Ctrl+1)), then you are able to start the engine with either Ctrl+E or the full start procedure - throttle cracked, 5 strokes of primer, mags on, booster coil/starter.
Jan, you might want to try checking to make sure that you have Motion Blur turned off in your MSFS settings, which I assume is what is causing that effect on the spinner on your end.

Concerning the canopy, there is also a click spot on the top of the windscreen framing too to open/close the sliding hood. Note that you have to have the side door closed first in order to close the canopy, otherwise the canopy won't move from the open position. If you start out cold & dark (aka, at a parking spot), the canopy and side door should already be open.

Also, for anyone who hasn't tried starting the aircraft from cold & dark, you must know that Ctrl+E will not work. You have to make sure that the fuel system is on, that the mixture/idle cutoff lever is full forward, and then you have to use the wobble pump to build up fuel pressure. Once the red fuel pressure light is off, which is located in the lower right side of the instrument panel (you have to move your head forward to see it (such as Ctrl+1)), then you are able to start the engine with either Ctrl+E or the full start procedure - throttle cracked, 5 strokes of primer, mags on, booster coil/starter.

Re-downloaded the sim, installed, the canopy is suddenly working now. Even the door opens! LOL

With motion blur off, the spinner does appear to vibrate at certain angles. I did not notice this until I read it here. The flickering canopy edges, is a published known issue to the developer. Also, takes a very long time to slow down unless you drop the flaps on final. Worst however is the ASOBO edge glow. Not much we can do about that.