RTW 2010 Practice 1 Thread

I have the baton, PAOT to PABR Grumman F7F Tigercat

Teach yall to leave that thing laying around for anyone to pick up.....
Could take a bit longer than previously anticipated... got a 41kt headwind at 300* and I'm on 003*.

Did I mention that I don't do flying in the dark very well?
No. We have to go all the way around! :icon_lol:

A good place for the next leg might be PARC. It has lights, and it takes us a little bit south, where there will be more than 20 minutes of daylight each day. There are lots of airports up here within 350 NM, just no giant ones...
The race will be completed when we reach the starting point at UIBB in Russia. Keep it moving and ... have fun. :running:

EDIT: I noticed that the shortest distance to the next mandatory airport at ENMH is over the North Pole. :)

EDIT 2: The Northern Lights are running wild right now; makes for a great flight.
I have the baton. PABR --> AK71. A short hop just to advance the baton a bit. F8F Beercat.
Baton is free at AK71. Another hair raising landing in darkness and crappy visibility, although I did see the runway all the way from about five miles away this time, so the weather must be getting nicer!