Screenshots (FS2024)

Thanks Jankees. I really needed that.

I'll let it rest for a couple of weeks, but when I'm off for the holidays, I'll dive right back in!

Not sure where to post this info, and I didn't want to start a new thread, but I thought it would get enough attention here perhaps...

One of the many new features of MSFS 2024 is that you can start on the water, or ground, wherever you like in the world. After clicking a point on the world map, and selecting “set as departure point”, go to the top dropdown menu and change your custom location from “airborne” to “on ground, shutdown” or “on ground, ready for takeoff”. Pretty cool!
just a few random pics of me trying out what works and what doesn't.
MB339 seems to work just fine, and accepts repaints too:
Screenshot (3818) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

Waco accepts repaints, but throws random registrations on the rudder and wings, annoying that
Screenshot (3804) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

Dakota accepts repaints, but also add random registrations on the tail:
Screenshot (3775) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

OK, they are not random, they are related to the country you start your flight in, but still, I don't want them...

P-47 works, but somehow looks different, not an improvement over 2020. It also shows only some liveries, not all, not sure how that works?
Screenshot (3786) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

C-46 does accept alternative textures, but what's with those windows?
Screenshot (3797) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

I managed to get another texture for the P-51A in the sim, but it adds an extra roundel on the other upper wing, and I don't like the prop. Ah, no sound nor pilot either. Again, odd, it's a microsoft model after all
Screenshot (3766) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

the ones that worked surprisingly well are the Sea Fury and the Mirage 2000, no problems at all.
Screenshot (3843) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

Screenshot (3792) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
I saw screens on Facebook depicting the Milviz ported Phantom which seemed to work too.

I'm starting to feel a bit better now! ;)

Anyone tried the Shrike Sabre?

just a few random pics of me trying out what works and what doesn't.
MB339 seems to work just fine, and accepts repaints too:
Screenshot (3818) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

Waco accepts repaints, but throws random registrations on the rudder and wings, annoying that
Screenshot (3804) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

Dakota accepts repaints, but also add random registrations on the tail:
Screenshot (3775) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

OK, they are not random, they are related to the country you start your flight in, but still, I don't want them...

P-47 works, but somehow looks different, not an improvement over 2020. It also shows only some liveries, not all, not sure how that works?
Screenshot (3786) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

C-46 does accept alternative textures, but what's with those windows?
Screenshot (3797) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

I managed to get another texture for the P-51A in the sim, but it adds an extra roundel on the other upper wing, and I don't like the prop. Ah, no sound nor pilot either. Again, odd, it's a microsoft model after all
Screenshot (3766) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

the ones that worked surprisingly well are the Sea Fury and the Mirage 2000, no problems at all.
Screenshot (3843) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

Screenshot (3792) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
That prop fault on the P-51A is uncured since it first came out in 2020. So frustrating that they haven't got to that even now.
Nice screens, John, but it's odd, some of my aircraft have an extra registration that I don't want, whereas yours has no registration at all?
Oh lordy. Got back from a trip and had some serious time to dive in for the first time. So much is just stunning. Add-ons are so quirky right now I'm sticking with stock aircraft and 2024-certified add-ons for now. There's so much to love (particularly the smoothness of the sim in 2D and VR!), but wow, the AI is so totally borked it makes the 2020 AI look fantastic. "Real-time online" traffic while testing out my "exclude" for my Flightbeam Denver add-on:


Also, occasional airline liveries, but it feels like 75% of the planes are Boeing and Airbus house liveries...
I did, no luck I fear, it wouldn't do anything at all.

These two did move, and seemed to work reasonably well.
The Sabre worked fine for me. I just pointed to the already installed one for 2020 using Addon linker. It also flies better in 2024 imho.
Bomber, I'm reporting you to Admin - shot #1 above is clearly a photograph and NOT an MSFS2024 screenshot. :ROFLMAO:
...and most shots as well. Holy cow, what an improvement of immersion all over. Congrats to all dudes whose sim / internet connection is running well to show pics like that :very_drunk:
I am not able to locate the MSFS 2024 Screenshots folder. According to everything I have read, it's supposedly in the MSFS 2024 directory, but not in my installation, at least. I have the Steam edition. NC
Hopping from MHTG to the Panama Canal. So far of all the aircraft I've tried, both default and my MSMP stuff, the C-46 has proven to be one so far that works really well with no issues. It's surprisingly good at bush hopping. The 208 wasn't bad, but I have noticed that on it and most everything I've tried, interior and exterior lighting is very week.

my last 2024 screenshots for now, to show some liveries that worked, more or less..
Screenshot (3870) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

Screenshot (3877) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

Screenshot (3882) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

Screenshot (3883) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

but to be honest, my experiences so far with 2024 have been a nightmare. Basically, almost nothing works. It takes almost as long as 2020 to start (one can make coffee in the mean time).
If I start a flight on the ground, almost always I end up in the dark, with clear skies, no matter what I select beforehand. I change weather and time, and then the aircraft won't move, often not even the aircraft that came with the sim. I release the brakes and nothing....they just stay there. sometimes changing viewpoints (cockpit/external) a few times helps, and suddenly we're moving, but most cases, nothing. So I slew into the sky, and then I can fly.
Most aircraft seem super sensitive to any input, the Electra just made me seasick. Even the A400 was all over the place, so I'm not convinced by the flight models.
Some of the aircraft that come with the sim, like the P-51, are just terrible, with the malfunctioning flaps and ailerons.
The ground textures often are blurry, and in most cases not an improvement over 2020. We were promised backwards compatibility, but that almost completely absent. Lots of pilots are missing on imported aircraft, or the sounds, or they just don't show at all.
And can somebody please explain to me what the advantage is to stream everything over having it on your own harddisk? I get stutters, messages that my bandwith is too low, really bad ground and aircraft textures on occasion, and it is not much faster than 2020. When loading a flight, I can easily take a leak, fill a glass of wine and drink most of it. It is as if every single time, I have to download all of the ground textures, the weather ànd the aircraft..... oh wait, I do.
I paid about 80 (!) euros for this junk (luckily I bought the cheapest version), and I feel like a beta tester, so endresult: I am not happy, and just uninstalled 2024. I may try again at a later date, but for now, I'm gone back to 2020