Tempted... do we really need ORBX now is my Q?
IMHO I'd say yes, just for the range of country specific and airfield specific additions.

Tempted... do we really need ORBX now is my Q?
This is the lighting setup in P3Dv5 and in Skyforce just standard
All v5 pics look superb instead of the ocean water - waves are too big and blurry to my opinion. How is this inside the sim? Maybe on shots it appears a little different...
No this is ORBX scenery Cairns and also Australia v2
With regard to the blurred water when viewed at a distance, I can see that they did that on purpose so as to cause the terrain and cloud reflections to become disturbed/blurred the farther away you are from them (as they would be in reality). I love the effect when live/active in the sim, but not as much when focused in on in static screenshots. Without the blurring effect of the water at a distance, the reflections would remain constant/unchanged no matter how far away from them you'd travel.
"With regard to the blurred water when viewed at a distance, I can see that they did that on purpose so as to cause the terrain and cloud reflections to become disturbed/blurred the farther away you are from them (as they would be in reality). I love the effect when live/active in the sim, but not as much when focused in on in static screenshots. Without the blurring effect of the water at a distance, the reflections would remain constant/unchanged no matter how far away from them you'd travel."
Just like real life, for example:.