
I spent a lot of time with my unpublished weather mod adjusting that to eliminate the discontinuity at the horizon that I used to get with changes in altitude. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you produced.
That issue will be a thing of the past with this update. The entire sky is new. The skybox textures have been replaced by dynamic shading which will darken realistically as you climb. You will have the option to run fly without a fog wall at all if your system can handle it. In my screenshots I have terrain rendered out to 150km with a true horizon - no fog wall.
More Fokker shots. This amount of haze, and the patches of ground fog provide good atmosphere at dawn, but might look a bit thick if you're flying until the sun is well up. The shaders now has the capability to make fog clouds burn off as the sun rises, and the haze thins as well as the sun gets higher.




It's going to be great! :ernaehrung004: A ? to you and Andy WRT your haze and a layer of heavy haze or smog, such as would have been over the Rhur industrial area, I have yet to make a satisfactory haze/smog layer, I suppose similar to fog, but brownish. Is that something easy to make?(I can't :p)
It's going to be great! :ernaehrung004: A ? to you and Andy WRT your haze and a layer of heavy haze or smog, such as would have been over the Rhur industrial area, I have yet to make a satisfactory haze/smog layer, I suppose similar to fog, but brownish. Is that something easy to make?(I can't :p)
A smog layer would be quite difficult to get right I would think. The horizon haze density will be easily adjustable with an edit to a single value at the top of a single file, so you could turn that all the way up and make a weather file that used a fog color that was a smoggy looking brown. The problem is that it would look that way everywhere. I can look into doing something with making a smog effect with clouds, but I don't have high hopes of a result that looks good.
Getting closer. Right now a lot of effort is going to sunrises, sunsets, and dawn/dusk conditions. CFS3, being ancient, and though a flight simulator, never made provision to see a sunset from higher than sea level. There are all kinds of oddities that begin to show up once the sun drops below the horizon (as viewed from sea level) but you are flying higher. The higher you go the worse it gets. One by one we are eliminating those oddities that haven't been dealt with yet in previous releases. Andrey has squashed a big one just this past week. I don't know if it's possible to get them all fixed, but we're a lot closer than we were, and I think can get closer yet.