I spent a lot of time with my unpublished weather mod adjusting that to eliminate the discontinuity at the horizon that I used to get with changes in altitude. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you produced.
A smog layer would be quite difficult to get right I would think. The horizon haze density will be easily adjustable with an edit to a single value at the top of a single file, so you could turn that all the way up and make a weather file that used a fog color that was a smoggy looking brown. The problem is that it would look that way everywhere. I can look into doing something with making a smog effect with clouds, but I don't have high hopes of a result that looks good.It's going to be great!A ? to you and Andy WRT your haze and a layer of heavy haze or smog, such as would have been over the Rhur industrial area, I have yet to make a satisfactory haze/smog layer, I suppose similar to fog, but brownish. Is that something easy to make?(I can't
Stunning ! Amazing ! Regards, Scott
Amazing work