
gecko, nice video, but it seems you've enabled dreaded "youtube stabilization" which most often just distorts the video horribly - see how cockpit appears vertically stretched around 1:29 mark and overall it looks like your aircraft is made of rubber :)
It's gotten me thinking, would anyone enjoy an informational thread consisting of text and some videos where I explain the workings of different systems we have on our aircraft with periodic updates covering different topics?

Yes please! That's a good idea Daniel.

Really like the video too, it shows just how good CFS3 can look and work with the latest bells, whistles and PC power. :)
. It's gotten me thinking, would anyone enjoy an informational thread consisting of text and some videos where I explain the workings of different systems we have on our aircraft with periodic updates covering different topics?

I definitely would.

That video brought up two questions I have, how do you get so much radio chatter, and how do you get the pilot to get out of the plane and run away after the belly landing? My pilots always sit there until the plane explodes.
... and 109E's with the exhaust smoke effect when they accelerate.

Noticed that too: Is that a stock ETO effect or one of your own doing? In any case: I want it!

I definitely would.

That video brought up two questions I have, how do you get so much radio chatter, and how do you get the pilot to get out of the plane and run away after the belly landing? My pilots always sit there until the plane explodes.

The first is probably is his own mod at work and the second is a stock CFS3 animation. You should see it when making a crashlanding that is within certain parameters (don't ask me which ones :biggrin-new:)
Didn't you know about the secret rubber Spitfire prototype? I thought I had made sure I turned the stabilize feature off, but I hadn't watched the whole thing on YT to see the distortion it caused. I've reuploaded the video using a more historically accurate Spitfire that is made of aluminium rather than rubber!

Nigel, an update of that series in 2048 would be most welcome!

Frosty is correct, the radio chatter is a mod I did some time ago. It has been implemented in Pat Pattle's BoB expansion if you want to try it out. The acceleration effect is my own, needs some improvement, but it will eventually go public. This is my own highly modded install (I mod all the mods I put into it and create my own) so I have no idea how many little changes might be tucked into this video if you look.
Bf 109 Effect

Dornil, it is discussed in this thread:

I can go ahead and paste some lines here for people to install if they like the reticle and 109 effects.

Here is the acceleration effect for the Bf 109, it also generally makes them smokier, as is visible in period films:

Add these lines to your effects.xml:

<fx_accelerator ClassName="ParticleEffect" EmitterShape="sphere" EmitterRadius="0" EmitterLifetime=".8" EmitterPosX="0" EmitterPosY="0.0" EmitterPosZ="0" ZBias="0.00007" EmissionAngleHoriz="180" EmissionAngleVert="90" EmissionSpread="30" EmissionRate="50" EmissionRateVar="0" InitialDelay="0" InitialCount="0" MinDistance="10" MaxDistance="3000" StopMethod="0" ZSort="0" UprightSprite="0" RandomStartRotation="1" RandomRotationDirection="1" Lifetime="1.4" LifetimeVar="0" Speed="5" SpeedVar="0" MaxSpeed="1300" MaxSpeedVar="0.0" Accel="0" AccelVar="0.0" AccelTime="0.0" Gravity="0" Drag="0" DragDelay="0.0" InheritVelocity="0" Size="3" SizeVar="0" MaxSize="15" MaxSizeVar="0" GrowRate="1.1" GrowRateVar="0" RotationRate="30" RotationRateVar="15" FadeInTime=".05" InitialColor="50 50 50" InitialAlpha="80" Color="50 50 50" Alpha="30" FadeOutTime="1" FinalColor="50 50 50" FinalAlpha="0" Texture="" BlendMode="QuadSprite"/>
<DB601_high_power ClassName="ParticleEffect" EmitterShape="sphere" EmitterRadius="0" EmitterLifetime="0" EmitterPosX="0" EmitterPosY="0.0" EmitterPosZ="0" ZBias="0.00007" EmissionAngleHoriz="180" EmissionAngleVert="90" EmissionSpread="50" EmissionRate="50" EmissionRateVar="0" InitialDelay="0" InitialCount="0" MinDistance="10" MaxDistance="1500" StopMethod="1" ZSort="0" UprightSprite="0" RandomStartRotation="1" RandomRotationDirection="1" Lifetime="1.4" LifetimeVar="0" Speed="5" SpeedVar="0" MaxSpeed="1300" MaxSpeedVar="0.0" Accel="0" AccelVar="0.0" AccelTime="0.0" Gravity="0" Drag="0" DragDelay="0.0" InheritVelocity="0" Size="3" SizeVar="0" MaxSize="15" MaxSizeVar="0" GrowRate="1.1" GrowRateVar="0" RotationRate="30" RotationRateVar="15" FadeInTime=".1" InitialColor="50 50 50" InitialAlpha="6" Color="50 50 50" Alpha="5" FadeOutTime="1" FinalColor="50 50 50" FinalAlpha="0" Texture="" BlendMode="QuadSprite"/>
<DB601_exhaust_smoke ClassName="ParticleEffect" EmitterShape="sphere" EmitterRadius="0" EmitterLifetime="0" EmitterPosX="0" EmitterPosY="0.0" EmitterPosZ="0" ZBias="0.00007" EmissionAngleHoriz="180" EmissionAngleVert="90" EmissionSpread="30" EmissionRate="100" EmissionRateVar="20" InitialDelay="0" InitialCount="0" MinDistance="10" MaxDistance="1500" StopMethod="1" ZSort="0" UprightSprite="0" RandomStartRotation="1" RandomRotationDirection="1" Lifetime="1" LifetimeVar="0" Speed="5" SpeedVar="0" MaxSpeed="1300" MaxSpeedVar="0.0" Accel="0" AccelVar="0.0" AccelTime="0.0" Gravity="0" Drag="0" DragDelay="0.0" InheritVelocity="0" Size="1" SizeVar="0" MaxSize="4" MaxSizeVar="0" GrowRate="1.1" GrowRateVar="0" RotationRate="30" RotationRateVar="15" FadeInTime="0" InitialColor="50 50 50" InitialAlpha="7" Color="50 50 50" Alpha="5" FadeOutTime=".7" FinalColor="50 50 50" FinalAlpha="0" Texture="" BlendMode="QuadSprite"/>

Add these lines to your the xdp of the Bf 109E in the "Effects" section near the bottom. Note, the placement is set for the MAW/ETO Bf 109E, should work for the F as well:

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="DB601_exhaust_smoke" Location="emitter_eng0_exh_l" MinVel="79.00" MaxVel="6000"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="DB601_exhaust_smoke" Location="emitter_eng0_exh_r" MinVel="79.00" MaxVel="6000"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="DB601_high_power" PosX="0.0" PosY="0" PosZ="0.0" MinVel="79.00" MaxVel="6000"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_accelerator" PosX="0.0" PosY="0" PosZ="0.0" MinVel="89" MaxVel="91"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_accelerator" PosX="0.0" PosY="0" PosZ="0.0" MinVel="120" MaxVel="122"/>

These are for the stock 109s:

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="DB601_exhaust_smoke" PosX="0.6" PosY="-0.145" PosZ="1.505" MinVel="72.00" MaxVel="6000"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="DB601_exhaust_smoke" PosX="-0.6" PosY="-0.145" PosZ="1.505" MinVel="72.00" MaxVel="6000"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="DB601_high_power" PosX="0.0" PosY="0" PosZ="0.0" MinVel="72.00" MaxVel="6000"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_accelerator" PosX="0.0" PosY="0" PosZ="0.0" MinVel="89" MaxVel="91"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_accelerator" PosX="0.0" PosY="0" PosZ="0.0" MinVel="120" MaxVel="122"/>

Here is the texture if anyone doesn't have it, goes in the effects/fxtextures folder.


    29.3 KB · Views: 0
Reticle Effect

Here is the reticle effect (must have Ankors shaders installed):

Add these lines to the effects.xml:

<mkii_reflector_gunsight_ring ClassName="Shockwave" PullOnGround="0" CountCycles="1" Pulse="0" InitialDelay="0" Duration="99999" FadeInTime="0" FadeOutTime="0" Pause="0" PosX="0" PosY="0" PosZ="0" InitialSize=".00007" FinalSize=".00007" Texture="reticle.mkii_ring.DDS" BlendMode="QuadSprite"/>
<mkii_reflector_gunsight_bar ClassName="Shockwave" PullOnGround="0" CountCycles="1" Pulse="0" InitialDelay="0" Duration="99999" FadeInTime="0" FadeOutTime="0" Pause="0" PosX="0" PosY="0" PosZ="0" InitialSize=".00007" FinalSize=".00007" Texture="reticle.mkii_bar.DDS" BlendMode="QuadSprite"/>

Add these lines to the TextureMagic.ini in the shaders30 folder under the "[ReticleDynamic] ; scale" header:|2.07|2.35|2.62|2.9|1.10|1.24|1.51

Add these lines to the "Effects" section of the JF Spitfire IAs or the AvHistory Spitfire Vs xdp - I think you will also have to copy the cockpit from the Spitfire VIII package to make it fit right, or adjust the X, Y, and Z values in the lines:

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="mkii_reflector_gunsight_ring" PosX="0.0025" PosZ="-1.1" PosY="0.563" Pitch="90" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="mkii_reflector_gunsight_bar" PosX="0.0025" PosZ="-1.1" PosY="0.563" Pitch="90" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>

I've attached the textures required as well, I put them in the shaders30 folder.

The ranging bar on the reticle is also adjustable like the real thing was, though the operation isn't exactly the same. Use SHIFT+] and SHIFT+[ to adjust.


    73.1 KB · Views: 0
Didn't you know about the secret rubber Spitfire prototype?

Don't believe this! He's trying to preserve the secret of a metallurgic treatment accidentally discovered by a Russian scientist who subsequently escaped Stalin's purges of '37 and traded it with the British for a quiet pension in one of their peaceful colonies (Malaya, Rhodesia, or perhaps India?). In layman terms - for the uninitiated (and the rest) - it is a form of 'crystalline aerodynamic flexing' whereby the crystal lattice in the metal tries 'to make room' for passing gas molecules by de- and reforming its structure in order to move faster through the surrounding air. Quite succesfully - you all saw the Messerschmitt go down.

Of course, the Brits were anxious not to let anyone in on their newly acquired secret, so these aircraft never operated anywhere else than over British soil. Due to war shortages, only a handful were ever built and with post-war attention gravitating towards the discoveries made by the fantastic German Luft '46 projects, the advent of nuclear power and the detrimental influence of popular music on formerly well-groomed youths, the further development of this technique landed on the backburner until it ended up in a dusty corner of a secret government warehouse (you did see the end of Indiana Jones, right?).

There you have it, folks - the so-called secret of the 'rubber Spitfire prototype'! Just replace one hard-to-believe story with one that is so outrageous that 'it must be true' (Rubber aeroplanes, haha :biggrin-new:! What will they think of next...)!

Okay, off with the tin foil hat and let's see if we can incorporate these effects into ETO 1.50 ... (Or shall I continue tinkering on my P-47 model? Decisions, decisions...)
Now the real question you should be asking is, who is paying me to propagate the rubber spitfire story...:mixed-smiley-010:
[puts tin foil hat on again]

Indeed a good question!
Either you 're part of an elaborate and long-running government cover-up (payed by the British, of course) or you are employed by the newly set-up Department of Alternative Facts - err, I meant to say 'Ministry of Truth' (oops, sorry :redface-new:. Didn't mean to violate forum rules. Oh well, the deed is done, 'they' are probably watching as I type this anyway).

[Tin foil hat off again]
You should be more careful Joost, don't think that just because you blew the lid on a 75 year old cover-up on an unpretentious flight sim hobby site they won't come looking. You should probably only communicate in code from now on.
You 're right, Daniel. We need 'screenshots' :wink: to get this thread back on the rails.
Here are two (but not in-game) of the current state of the build:


  • Cockpit (2).jpg
    Cockpit (2).jpg
    56.9 KB · Views: 0
  • Cockpit (1).jpg
    Cockpit (1).jpg
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What do i need to do with the config exe to get the best quality graphics? Have everything maxed out with in game options and have fantastic fps too. Graphics are on par with Il-2 '46 and good enough for me but am always open for better graphics as long as it is a too big of a hit on fps. Like the smoothness of the sim as is and if i want better graphics i would get WOFF UE or wait for the new CFS3 based WWII version coming out in the near future.
What do i need to do with the config exe to get the best quality graphics? Have everything maxed out with in game options and have fantastic fps too. Graphics are on par with Il-2 '46 and good enough for me but am always open for better graphics as long as it is a too big of a hit on fps. Like the smoothness of the sim as is and if i want better graphics i would get WOFF UE or wait for the new CFS3 based WWII version coming out in the near future.

check MajorMagees recent posts in the Knowledgebase Sticky - always a "go-to" thread.