Pat Pattle
Thanks for the info on the effects Daniel, will give them a try! 

Here are two (but not in-game) of the current state of the build:
Here's another one. This is the same scenario, but flown from the German side.
Here's another one. This is the same scenario, but flown from the German side.
WOW! I need to get Ankor's stuff sorted out asap! Are the voice effects from Clive's BoB?
Yes, the voice effects can be found in Clive's BoB. These may be a bit different though, but same idea.
Last line from this post
Here is the texture if anyone doesn't have it, goes in the effects/fxtextures folder.
Here is the reticle effect (must have Ankors shaders installed):
Add these lines to the effects.xml:
<mkii_reflector_gunsight_ring ClassName="Shockwave" PullOnGround="0" CountCycles="1" Pulse="0" InitialDelay="0" Duration="99999" FadeInTime="0" FadeOutTime="0" Pause="0" PosX="0" PosY="0" PosZ="0" InitialSize=".00007" FinalSize=".00007" Texture="reticle.mkii_ring.DDS" BlendMode="QuadSprite"/>
<mkii_reflector_gunsight_bar ClassName="Shockwave" PullOnGround="0" CountCycles="1" Pulse="0" InitialDelay="0" Duration="99999" FadeInTime="0" FadeOutTime="0" Pause="0" PosX="0" PosY="0" PosZ="0" InitialSize=".00007" FinalSize=".00007" Texture="reticle.mkii_bar.DDS" BlendMode="QuadSprite"/>
Add these lines to the TextureMagic.ini in the shaders30 folder under the "[ReticleDynamic] ; scale" header:|2.07|2.35|2.62|2.9|1.10|1.24|1.51
Add these lines to the "Effects" section of the JF Spitfire IAs or the AvHistory Spitfire Vs xdp - I think you will also have to copy the cockpit from the Spitfire VIII package to make it fit right, or adjust the X, Y, and Z values in the lines:
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="mkii_reflector_gunsight_ring" PosX="0.0025" PosZ="-1.1" PosY="0.563" Pitch="90" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="mkii_reflector_gunsight_bar" PosX="0.0025" PosZ="-1.1" PosY="0.563" Pitch="90" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>
I've attached the textures required as well, I put them in the shaders30 folder.
The ranging bar on the reticle is also adjustable like the real thing was, though the operation isn't exactly the same. Use SHIFT+] and SHIFT+[ to adjust.