
Ohhh for Ankors shaders and reflection...LOL.

Simply gorgeous shots of the Fw190,

I take it your texs John?

Superb, and really makes it come the subtle oil runs and hinge dirt (do I need to take my meds having admitted to that?........:teapot:)


Ohhh for Ankors shaders and reflection...LOL.

Simply gorgeous shots of the Fw190,

I take it your texs John?

Superb, and really makes it come the subtle oil runs and hinge dirt (do I need to take my meds having admitted to that?........:teapot:)



Yea my texs Mark, and no you don't need meds, you're a skinner, loving stuff like that is quite normal for us!:biggrin-new:
The mission was fantastic ! Can't wait for this Fw-190 series release. Waiting with baited breath. Enjoy all the Fw-190 series and the Ta-152's available . Some new and improved ones will stir up the pot.My favorite German fighter. Regards,Scott
Thanks! I used the latest Ankor shaders, no sweetfx (the softening etc I did to the screenshot, normally it looks like my previous shots), JohnoUk water, Aris clouds from WOFF, skybox texture from my ETO Environment Effects package.

Finland 100 years, may there be a lot more.
wow, beautifull one and have a nice Independence day! :jump:

I've been to Helsinki last September but it was just a 2 days stop & go for work with limited time to visit. I'll come back one day to visit Finland!
Wheat! (Assumedly.) Playing around with the screenshot afterwards bleached them a little. Their natural color seems about right though: