Well what can I say I have for many years enjoyed Stalins releases and now thanks to Mr I am not happy with a repaint... You know who you are this is the result. Congratulations to you and for hiding underneath your stone ... I am frankly disgusted with the feebleness and outright cowardice of some, all it takes is a manly action to admit you insulted the repainters but no
In any case a damn shame and its a huge loss for the SOH
Steve,well said buddy! and as i said over on the dark side.... Someone needs to wake up and smell the f****** coffee!, all we wanted was a public apology, that thread has now cost the community 2 or 3 repainters....
I'm really sad to hear this. Please don't allow one person to push you over the edge, in the end its not worth it. However, if your decision is final, good luck to you, and thank you for all your time and energy producing skins in various sims over the years. They are "must haves." :salute:
Its not the person pushing that's the problem... its that the community hasn't rallied to push back against a negative element rather preferring to ignore it and hope it goes away.
Why doesn't an administrator simply block out the troublemaker and save all this grief among the good guys?
... its that the community hasn't rallied to push back against a negative element rather prefering to ignore it and hope it goes away.