See you all on the other side


Very odd jobs man and MiGaholic
I no longer wish too have myself or my files linked too the SOH in any way.
No more public releases will be issued, if anyone wants anything then they will have too use email.
SteveB has left the building.

sad to see you go, but after that outburst over on the dark side by someone who shot their mouth, completely understandable... and all we wanted was a public apology... :a1451:

take it easy comrade, i speak for a lot of people here; many of us will be sad to see you go :salute:
A damn shame

Well what can I say I have for many years enjoyed Stalins releases and now thanks to Mr I am not happy with a repaint... You know who you are this is the result. Congratulations to you and for hiding underneath your stone ... I am frankly disgusted with the feebleness and outright cowardice of some, all it takes is a manly action to admit you insulted the repainters but no

In any case a damn shame and its a huge loss for the SOH

Well what can I say I have for many years enjoyed Stalins releases and now thanks to Mr I am not happy with a repaint... You know who you are this is the result. Congratulations to you and for hiding underneath your stone ... I am frankly disgusted with the feebleness and outright cowardice of some, all it takes is a manly action to admit you insulted the repainters but no

In any case a damn shame and its a huge loss for the SOH


well said buddy! and as i said over on the dark side.... Someone needs to wake up and smell the f****** coffee!, all we wanted was a public apology, that thread has now cost the community 2 or 3 repainters....
If things go one... it will cost it a few more too, mark my words.

Dasvidaniya Stalin...
well said buddy! and as i said over on the dark side.... Someone needs to wake up and smell the f****** coffee!, all we wanted was a public apology, that thread has now cost the community 2 or 3 repainters....

I know how you must feel. Early last year I expressed at the dark side forum my unhappiness about a payware model. The result: lorries full of verbal **** thrown over me, also from people I had never expected that kind of attitude (a.o. an administrator!). I wasn't the only one in that thread receiving a verbal hiding.

After that experience I decided that I had had enough and didn't want to be part of the SOH community anymore. Which I wrote to the webmaster in a pm. His response was a good one: think it over. Your account will stay open.

A while later I realised that this never occurred (at least not to my knowledge) at 'my' FS2004 forum. I remember what the webmaster wrote me. At the same time there were two very nice projects going on which I started to really miss. So I decided to leave the dark side the other side and keep focusing on this side. So far I haven't had any regrets. Two examples of my resumed activity are the repaints of the Connie "Columbine II" and, the other day, the CAAC IL-18 package (actually inspired by your series of Il-18, IL-14 and An-12 repaints).

So, first of all I would like to thank you very much for all the great repaints you made. Secondly for all your positive input in this forum, And thirdly for the inspiration to make my CAAC IL-18 package.

Finally, don't burn the ships behind you. Take the time to think things over. And please do come back.

Best regards,
Its really sad to see you leaving us, i enjoy many of your paints and i am very grateful for them, its sucks when one a**hole with his comments ruin fun for so many people, i hope that one day you will return here again
Never thought I see my mate Stalin leave the building! Thanks for all the work some of which found it's way into FsX (Liberator paints for which you kindly removed the Fs9 wing shadow) and if you wont stay, let us know where you take your work please.
I've said it by email, but I'll say it publicly too; Steve, thanks for all the great stuff over the years and I totally understand your decision.

Roger, you and I pretty much had this conversation "offline" a year ago. I said at the time I thought that the way certain parts of the Outhouse were 'managed' was a disaster waiting to happen; I'm not happy that I've been proved right but, sadly, I have been. Pity that it has come to this point.


I'm really sad to hear this. Please don't allow one person to push you over the edge, in the end its not worth it. However, if your decision is final, good luck to you, and thank you for all your time and energy producing skins in various sims over the years. They are "must haves." :salute:
This is sad news... seems that the FS9 lot is loosing another very talented painter. The very fabric that once held a tight knit, gallant lot of flight simmers together is literally tearing apart. Sad to see you go Stalin, but I understand how you feel... and I agree.

All the Best --
If you acknowledge the trolls - even negatively - then they've won.
All they want is to upset people.

They're best ignored.


I'm really sad to hear this. Please don't allow one person to push you over the edge, in the end its not worth it. However, if your decision is final, good luck to you, and thank you for all your time and energy producing skins in various sims over the years. They are "must haves." :salute:

Its not the person pushing that's the problem... its that the community hasn't rallied to push back against a negative element rather prefering to ignore it and hope it goes away.
Why doesn't an administrator simply block out the troublemaker and save all this grief among the good guys?

Its not the person pushing that's the problem... its that the community hasn't rallied to push back against a negative element rather preferring to ignore it and hope it goes away.


Okay, I can understand that. I didn't catch this, but admittedly my focus is on maintaining the library and working on CFS2. Having said that, I do think, although not with malice, his comments were condescending to freeware developers, and that an apology is in order. Constructive criticism is a fine line to walk, for sure, but suggesting that freeware repaint efforts somehow are a disservice to payware products would send me over the edge if I didn't get an apology.'s a sad state of affairs. I wish I had caught it sooner, maybe I could have headed it off...
Rami, you're one person... Mods can't be everywhere at once. All that matters is we stop the haemorrhage of good members.
... its that the community hasn't rallied to push back against a negative element rather prefering to ignore it and hope it goes away.

.....This sort of scenario is always the finger trap. The more force you exert, the more firmly it holds you.

SteveB, thanks for the powerful and impressive archive you've given to us all. These are works that will be appreciated and enjoyed for a long, looonnnggg time.

My total graditude, Sir.

I hope that we'll see you again or that you'll reconsider. We all appreciate all that you've done.

We often see verbose or demeaning posts that the poster would probably never say in person. I guess it's the animosity of the internet that can embolden some, but often it's just the lack of visual ques that are missing on a the web and the inability to write without those ques without offending.

I totally missed the offending post until it was too late.
Steve I am hoping this decision of yours is not irreversible. You may want to give it a few days to think it over. I say that because someone with your talent shouldn't be denied to the balance of the FS community. I am amazed by what people who are blessed with your talent can do, and the degree of detail you work into your products. Firekitten has posted on the other side that she sometimes feels like her work falls into the hands of people who are saying "gimme - gimme - gimme" without an iota of thanks for her efforts, or those who right away are saying "you did this wrong, can you make a scheme for this aircraft/squadron," etc etc. I am happy to enjoy what has been produced - whatever the imagined degree of excellence - because I know it's ALL better than anything I could even attempt to produce. I've got ART (age-related tremor) and couldn't draw a straight line for a texture even if the tool existed to do so. If it hasn't been said enough, thank you - thank you - thank you to all the repainters and artists out there who give of themselves for the enjoyment of others in this hobby. If your decision is permanent, then fair winds and following seas, Steve. If not, then there will always be a place here for you and your work.:salute::salute::salute: