See you all on the other side

SAY IT AIN'T SO!! I wish you'd reconsider and keep repainting. Everyone in the FS community benefits when you and others like you spend time purely for the joy of the hobby. I appreciate what you, and so many others, do. :icon29::icon29:

Thanks! and again, PLEASE reconsider your decision...

Steve, let me first say thank you so much for all your repaints. I have hundreds of them installed in my sim. I'm sorry to hear that one ungrateful *** is driving you away; unfortunately you are not the first. I'll never understand how people can be so unappreciative of the efforts of folks like you when thay are offered as gifts. I hope you will reconsider. You will be missed.
When one leaves the ship heyho people wake up

Its sad and frustrating but oh so human, most people are terrified of conflicts in any shape or form, some like to start them and then not be man enough to say ooops I went too far, pure cowardice others are happy not to get involved until its too late and then everybody rushes to cry and lament the fact that it happened. This is not criticism its human nature which sadly keeps showing just how predictable this all is. My gripe if I have one is that Mods should have reacted immediately and either forced an apology or blocked and banned person instead nothing was done and even in some case Stalin was told to back off from a completely legitimate point, the fact that the person who started the little storm has been CONSPICUOUSLY absent from all this and made no attempt to stand up again pure cowardice and I will call it for what it is. Yes internet can be great as an anonymizer and as a bullying tool but the fact that we the silent majority let the bullies and cowards get away with this shames us all, and yes I include myself as a recipient of this gripe. We should have put a stop to it and forced an apology instead we lose a pillar of the repaints, for us who are still fs9 fliers this is a huge loss for those in fsx maybe less but they now have to contend with a backstabbing individual who got away scot free.

Thanks for the kind words everyone. I have no little gripes with the guys/ gals/ hermaphrodites/ root vegtables (have I missed anyone out?) here on the fs9 forums, and have explained my thoughts on the matter of my files with Rami. If and it is still a big if my files remain here then I will complete and upload the last two 109's. If the files are removed as per my request then I will happily share the last of my 109's with whoever drops me an email (you can find it on the readme's in any of my repaints from the past ten years or so) asking for them. And I will place the files removed from here on to other websites as and when I have the time.

Such a shame your leaving Steve, love your repaints and the time and effort you put in for the community

I dont give a rats **** if I'm banned for been honest but it shouldnt be you going but the egotistical rivet counter who's cost us repainters with 1 idiotic post, reminds me of the same idiots counting and complaining about rivets on FREEWARE products that have cost us modellers too :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
<<--- "Root Vegetable"... yup, that'd be me. :salute:

A wise, noble and very kindred soul once said:

"We need to make this place a font of knowledge.... share our experience, teach the next generation or we're going to be the end of fs community development..."

NOTHING could be further from the truth. Hopefully a lesson will be learned. Let us not forget who we are, guys, gals, wanderers, wayfarers, and general conglomeration of misfits and oddballs here at SOH.

I know you've heard it many times, but I'll say it again... Thanks for all you do Steve!

Gunny Highway sez:

"Come on, SteveB. You can make it. Don't give the p---k the satisfaction."
Well said that man! :applause:

We should have put a stop to it and forced an apology instead we lose a pillar of the repaints, for us who are still fs9 fliers this is a huge loss for those in fsx maybe less but they now have to contend with a backstabbing individual who got away scot free.


And therein lies both the irony and the tragedy of this sorry tale. When I was throwing my toys out of the pram last year I took pains to mention that I had no issues with the moderation on the FS9 thread; Tom & Roger are very 'light touch' and we behave ourselves here anyway - but we behave ourselves because we know the limits and respect those limits, and respect each other. Would that it were so across the site but, sadly, it isn't.

Rami has said that things are being looked at; Roger has dealt quickly & efficiently with an attempt to further inflame the situation. I am now going to step away from this site for a few days, to give the Admins and Mods a chance to get things back under control; hopefully by the weekend things will have cooled and we will all be able to look, dispassionately, at where we go from here. This site has lost a lot of good people over the past year, just have a think and you'll realise some notable names don't appear very often & some of us contribute less; it would be a shame to see things die completely.

See you on the flip side.
No forum is a true democracy but we try to be fair when we can. I'd like to think that Stalin will grace our forums once again in the fullness of time because we lose a little of ourselves every time someone like Steve goes.
Side note of thanks to Maarten

Read your posts and could not resist your shameless plug on your Connie and CAAC Il18 repaints ( poor authority to be called CAAC lol) and wanted to say they are stunning superb already have them installed and they are real beauts, there ya go something positive from me at least lol

Thanks again

Warning strong language included

And then you get PM's like this.

OK I'm going to put myself down to some of the UK levels I see on here like SteveB and Matt just to name a couple but just this once, I promise.

STOP acting like little kids and wanting an apology for something that was NOT DIRECTED AT YOU and for the most part something that does not require an apology PERIOD!.

YOU SHOULD BE GIVING ME AN APOLOGY for being so annoying since it's your nature in general... so yeah an apology for being such an annoying UK ASS would be more appropriate in this case.
YOU want an apology? :barf: FRICKING PLEASE!!!

You still want an apology? BEND OVER! :female:

Move on and stop this baby chit you UK babies and stop blaming others for your childhood WHOP in the WOODPILE life you obviously had.

Your giving the good people over there in your homeland a bad name.


I don't need any part of this BS infested parasite forum and I don't associate with crap like this BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE TOO!. I live on a high scale and have a descent life so I will not have anything more to do with this kind of CRAP and Immature idiots looking for attention and for apologies they obviously never got as children!.

Do you really think all this controls my life and reflects everything there is to my life?
Do you think I really care what you think of me for writing this? IT DOESN'T MATTER one least bit but what does matter is the fact that MOST OF YOU ACTUALLY live your life around this crap and are acting exactly like BABIES and worse about all of this and that's what's wrong with you and the world today.

MOVE ON AND GET A LIFE PEOPLE AND LEARN TO HANDLE THE TRUTH ABOUT LIFE because your life here is fricking BOGUS and most of the clientele here is on the same BOGUS level.

I was warned about this site and now I see it for myself. UNREAL!. Enough is enough.

GOODBYE my little babies and good riddance :icon30: outta here!​

He's the self proclaimed marketing guru who also accused repainters of producing 1/2 assed jobs.

I give this 2 out of 10 on the rantometer, maybe he missed his meds or something.

Read your posts and could not resist your shameless plug on your Connie and CAAC Il18 repaints ( poor authority to be called CAAC lol) and wanted to say they are stunning superb already have them installed and they are real beauts, there ya go something positive from me at least lol

Thanks again


Wow! Thank you very much, mate! You make me blush. LOL!

after the latest outburst (see the following ""), which has left a bad taste in my mouth, to avoid getting myself warned and/or banned I won't flip here at the comments made, instead, i'll take myself away from here, until a point where i can see things have calmed down... this is now 3 or 4 painters having walked...

...i'll maintain a presence to converse with buddies here, but i shall not be showing any more work or posting any more work. sorry folks... :salute:

Matt/Tiger.... Out.
Wow! Thank you very much, mate! You make me blush. LOL!


Praise where it is due mate. That is a lovely model anyway (now I know how to start it), and your paints are a very fitting gilding to that particular lily. Thank you. Ooh look, my last post before the sabbatical is an appreciative one!!
GRRRR Stop the haemoraging now

Dont know if thats how its spellt but this cannot go on please will the person just post his apology and we can all sweep this under the rug is this really worth this , it was an insensitive comment made in haste we all make mistakes just face up to this like a man and we can move on and become serene again , I cannot even fly in the sim lol I am panthering all over the place ( please note I am putting a small letter so nobody lol feels singled ou lol hehe)

Note on the Il18

Yes the original panel is a handful to get round to starting it and left me in tears and anger more than once I have found an easier panel which allows for the trusted lazy ie my type of starting Cntrl E lol I am currently asking for permission to upload it here , the person also did some nice Russian Cammo and an Indian Cammo skins .

It's good to see the trolls win another one...... One idiotic comment directed at no one in particular and everyone suddenly wants to throw in the towel..
OMG!!! Desperate!!

Steve, something is surely wrong with that guy. Now that he has shown his real sad self, it is all too obvious that he cannot be taken seriously at all.

I hope that the administrators will take their responsibility and block him.

I just hope that, with all the support for you during the past few hours, you will reverse your decision and stay in our midst. Let the end of this day be one where we can all give a sigh of relief and have one :icon29: or :guinness: for each other.

after the latest outburst (see the following ""), which has left a bad taste in my mouth, to avoid getting myself warned and/or banned I won't flip here at the comments made, instead, i'll take myself away from here, until a point where i can see things have calmed down... this is now 3 or 4 painters having walked...

...i'll maintain a presence to converse with buddies here, but i shall not be showing any more work or posting any more work. sorry folks... :salute:

Matt/Tiger.... Out.

Matt I presume you saw my reply? At the moment it's like the day war was declared...we need to stick together... "Don't panic" comes to mind.