Matt I presume you saw my reply? At the moment it's like the day war was declared...we need to stick together... "Don't panic" comes to mind.
Its not the person pushing that's the problem... its that the community hasn't rallied to push back against a negative element rather prefering to ignore it and hope it goes away.
i did Roger, but needless to say i fear the crippling blow has been dealt, the community (not just painters but everybody) has been broadsided and is listing dangerously to port... as i say i decided to walk, not shouting off about it i just decided to hold my head high and call a hiatus on my work... as a few have said, i did need a break... i work on FS projects pretty much every day of the year including new year, Christmas... now (and i've got to be honest here) i feel like a load has been lifted from my back, ok i'm not happy about letting people down, far from it, i've come to respect you all as colleagues, nay friends even... but sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do before you end up blowing a gasket about it.
Having just read the PM directed to Steve, I reacted in a very mature UK manner...
I laughed my socks off!
Please guys, don't let somebody like this get to you. It's not worth it, though I do understand your strong feelings!
I've been in the background, but have followed all the posts.
For the record, I won't be going anywhere. I think everyone here is entitled to their point; be that anger, frustration, insult or helplessness. It's a bit like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
I'd rather not remain the last man standing on this forum, but at the rate we are alienating precious and valuable talent I fear we may see further casualties.
This forum is my refuge from the ugliness I have to observe and deal with in the real world every day. I love aviation, art and the communal spirit that drew me here in the first place.
This energy has somehow perpetuated itself beyond the scope of the original "insult". I would propose a truce...for a brief period. Possibly two or three days?
Gentlemen and Ladies?
(Ladies is an acknowledgement to Firekitten's presence and is in no way intended to be interpreted as a backhanded insult).
I've been in the background, but have followed all the posts.
For the record, I won't be going anywhere. I think everyone here is entitled to their point; be that anger, frustration, insult or helplessness. It's a bit like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
I'd rather not remain the last man standing on this forum, but at the rate we are alienating precious and valuable talent I fear we may see further casualties.
This forum is my refuge from the ugliness I have to observe and deal with in the real world every day. I love aviation, art and the communal spirit that drew me here in the first place.
This energy has somehow perpetuated itself beyond the scope of the original "insult". I would propose a truce...for a brief period. Possibly two or three days?
Gentlemen and Ladies?
(Ladies is an acknowledgement to Firekitten's presence and is in no way intended to be interpreted as a backhanded insult).
Roger and Rami have managed too persuade me too leave my files on the SOH.
I suggest we all sit back for a few hours and do the thing we Brits normally do and are damned good at and have a tea break.
Me? I left years ago, haven't been back since. Nor have I missed this place one bit. The person that you currently converse with is an imposter I tell thee!! If he says he's me, don't fall for it, he's one of them thar 'tinternet 'bots, bit like that Max Headroom guy.
s-s-s-s-s-sea ya l-l-l-l-later,
Oh, and yeah, I've kept quiet about this stuff, but FULLY agree with Steve. Principles I tell thee, where would we be without them.
Manners too, just because you can say anything on 'tinternet, doesn't mean you should or it's excusable. I was raised with manners and told 'they cost nothing, and earn plenty'.
Oh dear me looks like some ones been feeding Jamie meat again,![]()