See you all on the other side


Heck .... like Tom said , I've also been away for a day and all hell breaks loose.

Steve , I'm shocked and dismayed at what's been going on in 'other parts'.

I very rarely check out the (X) forum as I'm a tried and true 2004er.

I've always admired your work ( as well as the others ) who are so kind to share their talents with us, and I'm eternally grateful for your kindness and generosity in uploading your work for our enjoyment.

Be assured you are amongst friends here who will always appreciate you.

Thanks again for sharing your work with us. :icon29:

Years ago "Stalin" sent me the link to his avatar which, in case you haven't noticed, says: "Politically Correct Resistance Front". The irony is that Political Correctness seems to have played a part in allowing this situation to overflow. I have long been saying that PC is destroying America and, from what i read in the Economist, also the UK. Now it is working its "magic" on SOH.

- H52

Years ago "Stalin" sent me the link to his avatar which, in case you haven't noticed, says: "Politically Correct Resistance Front". The irony is that Political Correctness seems to have played a part in allowing this situation to overflow. I have long been saying that PC is destroying America and, from what i read in the Economist, also the UK. Now it is working its "magic" on SOH.

- H52


I battle it every day, in every class I teach. You are preaching to the converted, my friend. :salute:

Heck .... like Tom said , I've also been away for a day and all hell breaks loose.

Steve , I'm shocked and dismayed at what's been going on in 'other parts'.

I very rarely check out the (X) forum as I'm a tried and true 2004er.

I've always admired your work ( as well as the others ) who are so kind to share their talents with us, and I'm eternally grateful for your kindness and generosity in uploading your work for our enjoyment.

Be assured you are amongst friends here who will always appreciate you.

Thanks again for sharing your work with us. :icon29:


I only went over there too check out some screenshots, as Roger had asked me too reconsider fsx, went over there saw the fsx forums and the rest is history. Needless too say I wont be considering going over too fsx any time soon if ever. Any community that is willing too overlook and ignore such behaviour is a sick community. Anyhow fsxar177 was eventually given the choice apologise or be banned, he chose too be banned for a year. And because I had too kick off and annoy those poor people on the fsx forums too the point where they banned my IP address, as a way too say sorry for my behaviour too these poor people who had too suffer my disturbance and complained I have decided too ban myself from uploading any future projects for a year also. My offer too the fs9 community that if they want what i'm working on its going too be available by email. I will complete my 109's and the fw189 paintkit and upload them as previously stated, then my self imposed ban on uploading files will start.

And just for the record the only pc allowed in my house is the thing I type and paint on.

My offer too the fs9 community that if they want what i'm working on its going too be available by email.

Well, I guess I won't be enjoying any more of your fantastic repaints. :crybaby: My ISP allows only very small files to be transferred via email. Sad it came to this, Steve.
You will be missed, Steve:

Steve, it is a sad truth that some people are just "jerks" but worse yet, "fools"! Thank you for all your OUTSTANDING work and help. Take care.

Ed Moore
Well, I guess I won't be enjoying any more of your fantastic repaints. :crybaby: My ISP allows only very small files to be transferred via email. Sad it came to this, Steve.
So I can email you a link too the file at yousendit or somewhere similar there is always a way.

I frankly did not bother to try and read any of the threads that started all this. I don't think it would be worth the time.
If you decide to not upload anymore because of one or even a few bad apples that is sad but also understandable. I frankly never broadly uploaded my paints because I simply did not want to be bothered by rivet counters and know-it-alls.
I have used Mediafire for a long time now to store the repaints...and share the links with folks I deem worthy of the work I do for free.

Please do however continue to post pics of your work so we know what is out there or in the shop.
One can never please everyone...and some people are just ungrateful Gnats that need to be smashed.
I would however not let one of these Assholes change how I do things in general.


Heck .... like Tom said , I've also been away for a day and all hell breaks loose.

Steve , I'm shocked and dismayed at what's been going on in 'other parts'.

I very rarely check out the (X) forum as I'm a tried and true 2004er.

I've always admired your work ( as well as the others ) who are so kind to share their talents with us, and I'm eternally grateful for your kindness and generosity in uploading your work for our enjoyment.

Be assured you are amongst friends here who will always appreciate you.

Thanks again for sharing your work with us. :icon29:


Same from me, look what happens when I go away for work!

Like you I rarely venture to the other side, x won't play nice on my machine.

