Sim Update 7 Release Notes

Yes, for months now the developers have stated DX12 implementation is very early and you should not expect any performance increase yet and that it will likely have a negative impact on performance. It clearly says in-game that DX12 is still in beta.

I can only speak for myself, but none of my controls or graphics settings were reset. They reconfigured some of the accessibility options and those reset, but it took what, 3 clicks to reset the changes back to what I prefer.

No idea what consoles have to do with anything, don't see how that version of the game is related to any of this but alright.
just like ak416 "I can only speak for myself, but none of my controls or graphics settings were reset". About DX12 it´s not good at least in my machine, a 50% drop in FPS but it´s a beta. Sure they will make a better version. Meanwhile good old DX11. What I miss are manuals...What I like is the mod I found on

Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2021.11.21 - Flight Simulator Screenshot 2021.11.21 -
I also had a problem getting the sim to 'remember' my settings. I went to my AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache folder and deleted the Content.xml and ROLLINGCACHE.CCC files, then launched the sim (which builds new content and rollingcache files), made my changes to the settings and saved them before re-launching the sim.

Thanks Tiger, but that doesn't work. :-(

TrackIR now seems programmed to switch off whenever there is a momentary interruption in the tracking, like whenever the sensors get confused by some stray reflection for a second, or whenever you turn your head enough that the sensor can't see one of the reflectors. It also switches off whenever you use the "Pause" TrackIR command, and resets the view to default. The latter is especially annoying because you can no longer use TrackIR to take a screenshot by freezing your head position using Pause; MSFS will reset it. Nobody was asking for these "features" and I can't understand why MSFS added them.

I don't think you need to quit the sim to get it back, though. I have always been able to turn TrackIR back on by either using the TrackIR toggle switch in the Cameras toolbar or by mapping a key/button to the new "Toggle TrackIR" command. It's mostly just a hassle that requires extra command inputs for no reason.


The TrackIR keys do nothing once it's off. I don't have to quit the Sim, just end the flight, go back to the hangar and start the options menu from there.
The TrackIR keys do nothing once it's off. I don't have to quit the Sim, just end the flight, go back to the hangar and start the options menu from there.
Make sure "Toggle Headtracking" is bound to a key (I set mine to CTRL + SHIFT + T and a button on my joystick). Once you have loaded in, press the Toggle Headtracking key or button and TrackIR should work. If TrackIR loses focus again, headtracking will be turned "off". If you press the Toggle Headtracking key again, it should turn back on without you have to return to the main menu. The usual TrackIR keys should still function as they always have.
Make sure "Toggle Headtracking" is bound to a key (I set mine to CTRL + SHIFT + T and a button on my joystick). Once you have loaded in, press the Toggle Headtracking key or button and TrackIR should work. If TrackIR loses focus again, headtracking will be turned "off". If you press the Toggle Headtracking key again, it should turn back on without you have to return to the main menu. The usual TrackIR keys should still function as they always have.

Yes, that's what I was trying to tell him.

Edit: If you have a second drive, you can specify a custom install path. There is a 1.13GB block that installs deep in the C: drive, but the rest can go wherever you want. Just research the pros and cons of using a custom install path.

I have a completely empty 240Gb SSD ready for this game, but it is still not big enough.. Might consider getting a new 1 Tb SSD as they are not really that expensive anymore, and if I still don't like this 'GOTY' I can always use it for other games I guess.
I have a completely empty 240Gb SSD ready for this game, but it is still not big enough.. Might consider getting a new 1 Tb SSD as they are not really that expensive anymore, and if I still don't like this 'GOTY' I can always use it for other games I guess.

Yeah, my base installation folder (called "Official", I'm a Steam user) is about 173 Gb big. I have the Deluxe Premium version, but that is big. Haven't even started to add the mods/addons to the community folder yet, but I'd say that 500 Gb is an absolute minimum for this sim.

I'm up to 383Gb total, 241Gb in the official and community folders and 142Gb of ORBX stuff on a separate drive
I haven't gone mad with the community folder, that only has 33.8Gb of stuff in it.

A 500Gb drive should be the minimum you need if your going to keep everything on one drive but there are ways to spread it over more.
Of course if you get hooked on its the skies the limit (pun intended) :)
Make sure "Toggle Headtracking" is bound to a key (I set mine to CTRL + SHIFT + T and a button on my joystick). Once you have loaded in, press the Toggle Headtracking key or button and TrackIR should work. If TrackIR loses focus again, headtracking will be turned "off". If you press the Toggle Headtracking key again, it should turn back on without you have to return to the main menu. The usual TrackIR keys should still function as they always have.

Thanks, but as I said in the very sentence that you quoted, the toggles do nothing once TrackIR has died.:wavey:
The following appear to be fixed now:

Devils tower does not launch high in the sky and blends, does not float, above the terrain.

Crazy horse, Half dome and Mount Rushmore do not float above the terrain.:jump:
TrackIR isn't working, there are issues in VR, I've had more CTDs than I've had since the early updates in 2020, and it occasionally locks up solid when switching views.

A hotfix is sorely needed.
TrackIR isn't working, there are issues in VR, I've had more CTDs than I've had since the early updates in 2020, and it occasionally locks up solid when switching views.

A hotfix is sorely needed.
Make sure DX12 is off.
Make sure DX12 is off.
Oh, it's off! Given MS said "there's no improvement in features or performance, the first take is just to test compatibility," I had no desire to add even more risk of issues just to provide telemetry for the dev team. :)

I also flattened my system last week and reinstalled everything from scratch to fix the sporadic performance issues I was sometimes seeing in some sims and games. That worked great -- good old Windows reinstalls for the win, fixing undiagnoseable problems since 1996! So I'm running a super-fresh, vanilla install with all the latest drivers and no "stale Windows rot."