SOH Team Project - Grumman Tracker, Trader, Tracer

Just uploaded version 1.1 of the S2T Military Tracker. This version updates just about everything, model, panels, textures, flight model, and docs.

Model: eliminated one model and made all textures compatible with the alpha-glossiness enabled model. This is important to know not just for appearance sake but also because the paint kit texture names were based on the old flat based textures. So, an _T will need to be added by repainters using the kit for the exterior texture names.

Panels: Added Reverser Warnings, altitude selector for the AP, and altitude alerter, and Master Warning and Caution to all panels.

Flight Model: Improved throughout flight envelope. Ground fine and flight idle corrected, power range more smooth and consistent and predictable/less touchy, and oil pressure warning fixed. Use of flaps/gear effect on pitch and climb better managed/more controllable. Great job by Fliger747. :)

Textures: Updated to use the alpha-glossiness enabled model. There are still flat/aged versions as well as "fresh paint" versions.

Effects/Gauges: added squeaking brakes

Also uploaded an FSX Portover version with FM, animations and DDS/DXT5 textures tuned for FSX.

You can find them here when approved:
Thanks for the heads up, Milton. Looks like you and your team have nailed it! :ernaehrung004: Thanks for all the hard work and effort, mates!

Hi Milton and team,

I noticed that the military version VC has two gauges missing for the right seat. At first I thought I was missing some gauges, but skimming through the thread I saw that this also appeared already in some of Firekittens VC images, so I wondered if this is an issue at all?

Hi Milton and team,

I noticed that the military version VC has two gauges missing for the right seat. At first I thought I was missing some gauges, but skimming through the thread I saw that this also appeared already in some of Firekittens VC images, so I wondered if this is an issue at all?


That is correct; dang sequester!
Wrong texture in the ARA paints

I noticed in the screenshots and when I installed the Military version, that the ARA aircaft had black exhausts. This is incorrect and should be the same as the prototype.

Not sure when the wrong texture got in there, but the fix is easy. Copy the msparts texture from the prototype texture and paste it into the two ARA texture folders, replacing the original textures.
Hans-Joerg Naegele, who did the complex and involved water/retardant drop gauges for the F7F, A-26, and S2Trackers, sent his updates for FSX and we now have working retardant drops for the CDF and CONAIR tankers in FSX. So, I will try to get these released by the weekend. Thank you Hansi :applause:
Thanks Maarten. The biggest difference in the FS9 and FSX packages is the textures. Firekitten invested a lot of time in the FSX textures with added details and shading. The FS9 exterior textures were done by Tankerguy72 although the interior and panel textures were done by Firekitten. Both show the beauty of the CDF aircraft in their own ways.

Also I had mistakenly miscredited Martial "Ferondoe" Feron's CONAIR textures work on the original FS9 release but that has been corrected there and in the FSX version. Marty's artistry is just awesome on the PT6A-Engined CONAIR conversion.
Yeah, they (TG, Firekitten and Martial) are great artists! :medals: :medals: :medals:

All in all the "G7" team is a Super Team! :medals:

And of course I have to thank the re-painters for their tremendous craftmanship.

Thank you all!

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Beautiful aircraft and awesome looking drop effect. Congratulations Team Shupe for another outstanding contribution to the community. Hands down as good as most payware and better than not just a few.

Thanks to all involved on this project. Well done team!
Well thanks to all of you for your comments and support over the last 3 years on this Grumman series. With the release of the S2Turbo series, the project is officially completed.

This project started Sept 4, 2011 with the C-1A and followed by the E1B. In total, there are 13 Tracker, Tracer, Trader variants but some 16+ variants uploaded with FSX differences. Also, there have been some models converted to native FSX and some that are still in progress.

There were so many people involved in each of the variant projects, I hesitate to try to list them all. Please read the credits for the contributors who made each variant happen.

What was really neat too was that so many of you contributed by PM, Emails, snail mail, and in the forum thread with books, drawings, pictures, and references. This kind of support improves the projects tremendously and is priceless. I sincerely thank you for all the support given, and the contributions made over the last 3 years. You helped bring these models to life and it truly is the teamwork here at SOH that is so awesomely fruitful.

And finally, I shower thanks and gratitude to all the re-painters for their commitment to cover a range of Tracker history. Repaints expand interest and improve longevity of these projects and for that, I am grateful.

Thanks SOH Team :medals:
Thanks Milton and team. The fact that this plane was covered in so much detail for FS wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for all of you dedicated to making rare/off the beaten path aircraft fly in flight simulator. When you guys started this project, I thought you were crazy! 288 pages later, I can confirm it, yeah, you guys are crazy good!!:icon29::icon29: Cheers!