SOH Team Project - Grumman Tracker, Trader, Tracer


These look great in FSX!

I'm not sure if I installed something wrong, but the drop effect seems to be starting a little to low in the FSX CDF version. Also, toward the end of each tank, it lets out an extra "puff" of retardant that kinda hangs up higher than the rest.

Is this a known issue, or did I install something wrong?

What version of FSX, Accel?, SP2? DX9?

That's what we tested in.

I do get that final puff, but the retardant is perfectly matched to the doors here.
Here are the aircraft.cfg entries that control the position of the retardant. Feel free to adjust as necessary for your system.

The parameters are fore/aft, left/right, up/down.


smoke.1 = 4.5, 0, -8, fx_MS_fire_retardant
smoke.2 = 4.5, 0, -8, fx_MS_fire_retardant
smoke.3 = 4.5, 0, -8, fx_MS_fire_retardant
smoke.4 = 4.5, 0, -8, fx_MS_fire_retardant

You are also welcome to adjust and improve the effect to your liking. If you improve it it, please share with others.

Thanks, Milton. changing -8 to -5 put the effect in the right spot for me.

I swapped in the old effect from the radial tankers, and still got the puff at the end, so it seems to be beyond what's in the .fx file. I don't know enough about FSX effects to look beyond that.

Doesn't really matter anyway! It's still a great looking plane and a blast to fly!
Thanks, Milton. changing -8 to -5 put the effect in the right spot for me.

I swapped in the old effect from the radial tankers, and still got the puff at the end, so it seems to be beyond what's in the .fx file. I don't know enough about FSX effects to look beyond that.

Doesn't really matter anyway! It's still a great looking plane and a blast to fly!

Are you talking about FS9 or FSX here?

9 and X are so different because FS9 Smoke system read the parameters differently (incorrectly).

Are you running Accel, SP2 and DX9?
Here is what I show during drop and the second that the retardant stops.

Are these images from FSX or FS9? Your retardant looks a lot "fluffier" than mine does in FSX.

The reason I ask is the prop blur on the aircraft looks like FS9 or a native FSX model. My prop shows up almost completely clear in FSX (like most FS9 port overs do).

Edit - One other thought. Could it have to do how high you set Effects in the FSX options? I believe mine are set as high as it will go. I can double check later when I get home.
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I did some more poking around...

I installed the FSX CDF Turbo to a temp folder and looked at the fx_MS_fire_retardant.fx file in the (temp)/Effects folder. I compared that to the retardant drop effect installed by the FS9 CDF Turbo installer and they appear to be the same.

After digging around in the folders that the FSX installer installed, I found another fx_MS_fire_retardant.fx file in (temp)/simobjects/airplanes/SOH-S2TCDF/panel/EffectControl folder. This file is very different from the one that is installed in the (temp)/Effects by the FSX installer or the one that comes with the FS9 version.

Which file actually gets used by FSX?
No, that one is not used; should have deleted that folder altogether.

The one that should be active in your effects folder should be dated: 10/26/2013 12:45 and if you open the fx, you should see:

Display Name=fire retardent drop by Milton Shupe Oct 2013

(Note retardant is mis-spelled)

The one I distributed with the FSX packages is attached. Verify this is the one you have in your Effects folder.
If not, replace it and revert back to the original smoke settings.
No, that one is not used; should have deleted that folder altogether.

The one that should be active in your effects folder should be dated: 10/26/2013 12:45 and if you open the fx, you should see:

Display Name=fire retardent drop by Milton Shupe Oct 2013

(Note retardant is mis-spelled)

The one I distributed with the FSX packages is attached. Verify this is the one you have in your Effects folder.
If not, replace it and revert back to the original smoke settings.

Thanks Milton. That is identical to the one I already have installed, so I guess that isn't the issue. Out of curiosity, is it correct that it is also identical to the effect in the FS9 package?

I'll look at my install more a little later when I get a chance to see if something is mixed up...
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I love this thing.

These tankers have their own personality for sure. You can feel the "Heavy" when loaded but she carries the weight well. When empty, she handles light and doesn't require much in the way of flaps to bring her home. She is fun to fly and looks great too :)
i know this thread is in FS9,,where it most popular as a thread it seems,,,so im posting here,,,,,for the CalFire version,could someone help he out and make me a paint of both T-89,and T88, T- eight -nine,is one of my favorites.flown by Joesph (HOSER) Satrapa,ex crusader jockey ,atleast i think it was....big jet with an opening under the cockpit for air intake..C-7?..or C-8?..heck i dont know...would love to see these two in my sim atleast..
i know this thread is in FS9,,where it most popular as a thread it seems,,,so im posting here,,,,,for the CalFire version,could someone help he out and make me a paint of both T-89,and T88, T- eight -nine,is one of my favorites.flown by Joesph (HOSER) Satrapa,ex crusader jockey ,atleast i think it was....big jet with an opening under the cockpit for air intake..C-7?..or C-8?..heck i dont know...would love to see these two in my sim atleast..

Not sure what you are asking for Dave, but we do have an "88" on the FSX side.