SOH Team Project - Grumman Tracker, Trader, Tracer

If you look at post #2581, you will see the pics on which this scheme was based. Easy to see how a 5 or a 1 could be gleaned from them.

Working on the FSX Port Over versions. May well have the military release out by day's end although I will likely await Firekitten's updated gauge back-lighting textures.

The retardant drop setup is not playing nice and I will need to contact the gauge's author.
I apologize for calling you a man...

I think Maarten above told you... it is time for you to accept you were wrong... and remain... VERY QUIET...
and as a good measure... APOLOGIZE... like I DID when you told me to do research before I opine... etc. [since I didn't know
whether you were right] (Mine was not a criticism... it was pure fact!)
The name of the game is NOT to prove anyone wrong.... but alas... as I said before... DE LA DISCUSION NACE LA LUZ...
Sophistry cannot possibly bring light on any subject... I accepted your comment (albeit quite petulant) and humbly went to do my research...
So... the point is to find out the truth... not to prove anyone WRONG... [I did a rotation in Psychiatry during my internship... and found
out a few things about my young self as well... especially when it comes to defensive reactions... one loses sight of the subject and tries to strike back...feels under attack... not a good way to search the truth or communicate]
My pointing out the blatant error was not to prove anyone WRONG... it was merely to RIGHT A WRONG.. as we say in the vernacular...
Short of a little statement like... "I didn't have my ducks in a row... YOU did".... there should be nothing further to add and call the quest successfully completed... (We now know it should be 25 instead of 21 in the tail)
If you choose to be a man from Missouri... (the "show me State") so be it... Happy trails..:jump::icon_lol::wavey:

If you choose to be a "lady" from be it... OK?

You don't get it, do you? The name of the game is not "the last one left standing"... ie: I apologize to you... I was in error... you are a lady not a man... this old guy just assumes I am a man...etc.
The point of it is to admit I was right... that simple...! and you still do not seem to be able to bring yourself to that simple a thing...
Like... he is the one in error.... NO, NO, and again NO... I was in error calling you a MAN... but that does not mean I was in error about the 25 de Mayo... that is sophistry... and god knows we got Obama
to do that job... or Beaner, Pelosi, etc.
Nothing changes the fact that you jumped the gun.... you were way out line with this stuff about the 21 of May.... and the 5 days of the revolution.... Maarten just showed you the picture...
In sum, WHAT I CALLED A BLATANT ERROR... STILL IS A BLATANT ERROR... and it does not mean I impugned Maarten in any way... just what he did was in error... NOT HIM!!!
When someone says... you were wrong... IT DOES NOT MEAN... YOU ARE WRONG... get a grip on things... look beyond the words and how they hit your sensitivities...
there might be gold in them there hills... don't judge a book by its cover...and other clichés ad nauseam
I don't want you to apologize to me... just admit you misjudged me... (basically, a guy who opines and does not do his research...) Obviously, you do your research... but add 2+2 and come up with 5...
I don't research stuff I already know.... but if a "doubting Thomas"... oh... excuse me... doubting Tomasa? so requires to accept my "conseil" I humbly go looking for what's needed to back up my statement...
I never for a second doubted I was wrong... [in the meantime... I could be right... then when I got the "goods", I presented them and said: "I rescind my apology... YOU were wrong" ... it is the best way one covers one's arse
while you go get the stuff that proves you right...]
Did you notice how Maarten put an end to it... " were right... and I was wrong"... it is that simple...
I hope you end up thinking... I learned something today... from some old fart... rather than "I showed him"... because your really only showed me I was careless with my use of genders...
Ciao for now...Bella... (after all Italians are gallant by definition.. jeje)

Okay friends, time to get back on topic here. Enough said. Take it off line please. This has been a great thread for 2 years; let's keep it that way. Thanks :wiggle:


Last time I flew most of these models was during the soundpack development - way back.
Man, have these birds taken on life;

Slick texture artistry; I honestly couldn't choose a favourite, each flavour simply delicious.

I would like to make a special thanks to Tom Falley - his dilligent work on the flight models is incredible.
Flying these aircraft is a delightful challenge, demanding skilled coordination of rudder/ailerons as in real life.

And...Milton; you've done it again, Sir! :applause:

Thank you to everyone in this great production. Milton as usual has displayed management and leadership skills that inspire support and loyal followers. Without your 'bigness' Milton, this project would have petered out like so many I have watched on other web sites and their forums.

You have all demonstrated craftsmanship of the highest order in all of the disciplines involved. The sheer work and time given by you all, without the reward of any financial gain, show the true altruism in all of us. We the receivers feel good from receiving your work, you the givers get that warm fuzzy feeling that comes with giving without expecting reward.

Thanks again many times over.

Thank you to everyone in this great production. Milton as usual has displayed management and leadership skills that inspire support and loyal followers. Without your 'bigness' Milton, this project would have petered out like so many I have watched on other web sites and their forums.

You have all demonstrated craftsmanship of the highest order in all of the disciplines involved. The sheer work and time given by you all, without the reward of any financial gain, show the true altruism in all of us. We the receivers feel good from receiving your work, you the givers get that warm fuzzy feeling that comes with giving without expecting reward.

Thanks again many times over.


Thank you Mal. I assure you that the team members who have contributed to this collection of parts are the real heroes that make it happen. All have talents greater than my own and the synergy brings a nice end product for all to enjoy. The list is actually quite long from the beginning of the Grumman Seven projects that in its finality delivered 15 models (some yet to be released) in both FS9 and FSX as port overs, with some FSX native conversions completed, and more in progress.

The SOH has many talented people who love to share their time in hobby with the rest of the sim world. For that, I am most humbly appreciative.
And...Milton; you've done it again, Sir! :applause:

Hear Here :ernae:

And a big THANKS to all the team members who took part in bringing the "Grumman 7" to a successful completion. Learning to fly the Cal Fire Trackers without having the ground cometh up and SMITING ME... has been an enjoyable experience to say the least. The Military Variants are absolutely gorgeous and the panel work is outstanding! Very Nice Indeed.:applause:

Hear Here :ernae:

And a big THANKS to all the team members who took part in bringing the "Grumman 7" to a successful completion. Learning to fly the Cal Fire Trackers without having the ground cometh up and SMITING ME... has been an enjoyable experience to say the least. The Military Variants are absolutely gorgeous and the panel work is outstanding! Very Nice Indeed.:applause:


Thanks y'all :) Yes, the FM on these turbos have touchy throttles for some situations. It can be a bit challenging without a carefully managed approach to touchdown.

EDIT: BTW, I should be able to upload the FSX port over of the Military version Tuesday.
I have contacted Hansi about the retardant drop issues and he is looking at that. Probably something I am overlooking but I do expect a quick resolution. We should be getting all the FSX port overs out this week.
View attachment 95061
Here is a close up.
Sorry Firekitten, Dave. I wouldn't have noticed. :redf:

Okay Folks!

In the interest of international relationships, not to mention peace and harmony here on the forum and(most importantly) not wanting to offend my Argentinian friends. You will find attached a corrected texture for the Argentinian S-2T. My most humble apologies to all!

Thanks Gaucho for keeping me accurate!

Simply unzip and replace the offending texture with the new one.


I don't know if you know anyone still in Argentina or not, but I'm trying to find a better, more straight on picture of this tail. I'd love to do a texture for this one, but it's beyond my skill to change the perspective of this pic or to free hand draw it. If you or anyone can get me a better picture or drawing of this, I'd be grateful!

View attachment 95061

Okay Folks!

In the interest of international relationships, not to mention peace and harmony here on the forum and(most importantly) not wanting to offend my Argentinian friends. You will find attached a corrected texture for the Argentinian S-2T. My most humble apologies to all!

Thanks Gaucho for keeping me accurate!

Simply unzip and replace the offending texture with the new one.


Thank you Dave for the quick response; got it and replaced the original. :applause:
View attachment 95061

Okay Folks!

In the interest of international relationships, not to mention peace and harmony here on the forum and(most importantly) not wanting to offend my Argentinian friends. You will find attached a corrected texture for the Argentinian S-2T. My most humble apologies to all!

Thanks Gaucho for keeping me accurate!

Simply unzip and replace the offending texture with the new one.


Like I said before... you sir have nothing to apologize are gentleman and a scholar... and I feel privileged to in some fashion know you!
Only somebody from down there would have noticed the error... I was just trying to help...
Again.. thank you for a most welcome addition with this skin! If ever I can be of help again... don't hesitate to ask...
Hey... will be glad to change the perspective


I don't know if you know anyone still in Argentina or not, but I'm trying to find a better, more straight on picture of this tail. I'd love to do a texture for this one, but it's beyond my skill to change the perspective of this pic or to free hand draw it. If you or anyone can get me a better picture or drawing of this, I'd be grateful!


This is right down my alley.. will have a head on view for you by tomorrow... (then you can adapt it however you choose... I do a lot of photo perspective parallax corrections...)
This is right down my alley.. will have a head on view for you by tomorrow... (then you can adapt it however you choose... I do a lot of photo perspective parallax corrections...)

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I'll happily share credit with you when I repaint this one! I've searched everywhere for better pics of this one bird for over a year! Again Thank you!!!!


PS: I pm'ed you my email address to send the picture to me.
If this is what


THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I'll happily share credit with you when I repaint this one! I've searched everywhere for better pics of this one bird for over a year! Again Thank you!!!!


PS: I pm'ed you my email address to send the picture to me.

Here is what I did in short notice... let me know if it is what you were looking for...
Thanks, Milton & team, for such amazing stuff.
To be honest, I've lost track of the aircraft in this series, be it FS9 or for FSX.
Would/could it be possible to let us have a listing (& links) to the released models?

Thanks again.
I will email it to you...

Wow! Thanks Dave! That was very quick.

Your paints are awesome! (as they always are)


btw... my name is Carlos... Dave sounds fine but it is just not me....:mix-smi:
Cheers... and ciao for now