I apologize for calling you a man...
I think Maarten above told you... it is time for you to accept you were wrong... and remain... VERY QUIET...
and as a good measure... APOLOGIZE... like I DID when you told me to do research before I opine... etc. [since I didn't know
whether you were right] (Mine was not a criticism... it was pure fact!)
The name of the game is NOT to prove anyone wrong.... but alas... as I said before... DE LA DISCUSION NACE LA LUZ...
Sophistry cannot possibly bring light on any subject... I accepted your comment (albeit quite petulant) and humbly went to do my research...
So... the point is to find out the truth... not to prove anyone WRONG... [I did a rotation in Psychiatry during my internship... and found
out a few things about my young self as well... especially when it comes to defensive reactions... one loses sight of the subject and tries to strike back...feels under attack... not a good way to search the truth or communicate]
My pointing out the blatant error was not to prove anyone WRONG... it was merely to RIGHT A WRONG.. as we say in the vernacular...
Short of a little statement like... "I didn't have my ducks in a row... YOU did".... there should be nothing further to add and call the quest successfully completed... (We now know it should be 25 instead of 21 in the tail)
If you choose to be a man from Missouri... (the "show me State") so be it... Happy trails..

If you choose to be a "lady" from Missouri...so be it... OK?
You don't get it, do you? The name of the game is not "the last one left standing"... ie: I apologize to you... I was in error... you are a lady not a man... this old guy just assumes I am a man...etc.
The point of it is to admit I was right... that simple...! and you still do not seem to be able to bring yourself to that simple a thing...
Like... he is the one in error.... NO, NO, and again NO... I was in error calling you a MAN... but that does not mean I was in error about the 25 de Mayo... that is sophistry... and god knows we got Obama
to do that job... or Beaner, Pelosi, etc.
Nothing changes the fact that you jumped the gun.... you were way out line with this stuff about the 21 of May.... and the 5 days of the revolution.... Maarten just showed you the picture...
In sum, WHAT I CALLED A BLATANT ERROR... STILL IS A BLATANT ERROR... and it does not mean I impugned Maarten in any way... just what he did was in error... NOT HIM!!!
When someone says... you were wrong... IT DOES NOT MEAN... YOU
ARE WRONG... get a grip on things... look beyond the words and how they hit your sensitivities...
there might be gold in them there hills... don't judge a book by its cover...and other clichés
ad nauseam
I don't want you to apologize to me... just admit you misjudged me... (basically, a guy who opines and does not do his research...) Obviously, you do your research... but add 2+2 and come up with 5...
I don't research stuff I already know.... but if a "doubting Thomas"... oh... excuse me... doubting Tomasa? so requires to accept my "conseil" I humbly go looking for what's needed to back up my statement...
I never for a second doubted I was wrong... [in the meantime... I APOLOGIZED...you could be right... then when I got the "goods", I presented them and said: "I rescind my apology... YOU were wrong" ... it is the best way one covers one's arse
while you go get the stuff that proves you right...]
Did you notice how Maarten put an end to it... "Gaucho...you were right... and I was wrong"... it is that simple...
I hope you end up thinking... I learned something today... from some old fart... rather than "I showed him"... because your really only showed me I was careless with my use of genders...
Ciao for now...Bella... (after all Italians are gallant by definition.. jeje)