SOH Team Project - Grumman Tracker, Trader, Tracer

Grumman S2Turbo CDF Tanker Series Released

Just uploaded the first set of the Grumman S2Turbo series, the CDF Tankers. Awaiting Approval.

Check it out and if all goes well, I will upload the Military and Civilian CONAIR series today.
I'm sooooooo excited!!!!:jump: Quick look at the library. :running: Not there yet. Patience Maarten!

Milton, Rachel, TG, Nigel, Tom, Marcel, Jan, Hans-Joerg, Dave, thank you so very much!!! :medals::medals::medals:

The Grumman S2Turbo CDF Tanker Series for FS9 - VERSION 1.0 (S2T-CDF)

<<<WILL NOT WORK IN FSX, Effects will NOT work correctly; there is a port over version available.

Where is the available FSX port over located?

Thanks. :engel016:
YESSS!!!! :guinness: Thanks for the hard work and tireless effort you all... This has been well worth the wait. Looking forward to future releases.

The Grumman S2Turbo CDF Tanker Series for FS9 - VERSION 1.0 (S2T-CDF)

<<<WILL NOT WORK IN FSX, Effects will NOT work correctly; there is a port over version available.

Where is the available FSX port over located?

Thanks. :engel016:

Working on it. Should be out next week about mid-week. Made good progress there already but effects are still need attention.
S-2T Military Turbo Tracker


Check your PM and email. Sent kit.


edit: As always a day late and a dollar short! LOL! Anyway , you've got it!

Check your PM and email. Sent kit.


edit: As always a day late and a dollar short! LOL! Anyway , you've got it!

Paint Kit has been uploaded and approved. There is a link in the aircraft download description to download the paint kit.