SOH Team Project - Grumman Tracker, Trader, Tracer

Releasing Retardant

Really beautiful job on the S-2 Turbo. Thanks Milton, :applause:

I guess I missed something in the read me, but I can't figure out how to release that red retardant. :redface:

Thanks in advance
Really beautiful job on the S-2 Turbo. Thanks Milton, :applause:

I guess I missed something in the read me, but I can't figure out how to release that red retardant. :redface:

Thanks in advance

The pre-release did not have the effect. I just recently installed the retardant drop mechanism and FX. Once we have the new panel grapics and gauges in place, all four of the S2T variants will be released, two tanker units with Garrett engines, civilian tanker with PT6A's, and military units with Garretts.

merci Milton, Nous voyons voler cette machine tous les étés à Perpignan pour la lutte incendie.
Votre travail est remarquable
Papy Daniel:jump:
I can add wig wag lights to the FSX model as I have the XML controller for those lights, not sure about FS9 as I don't have FS9 installed on this laptop, I can provide the XML for conversion into the FS9 makemdl format. Since I'm on a holding pattern with the Dash 7 FSX conversion, I can take a crack at starting the X conversion of the 2T aircraft. Uncle Milton, what do you think?:wiggle:
merci Milton, Nous voyons voler cette machine tous les étés à Perpignan pour la lutte incendie.
Votre travail est remarquable
Papy Daniel:jump:

"thank you Milton, we see this machine fly every summer in Perpignan for firefighting.Your work is remarkable

Thank you Daniel; I hope to release the full package over the next 3-6 days. Have fun :)

Daniel vous remercie, je l'espère, pour libérer le package complet au cours des 3-6 prochains jours. Amusez-vous
I can add wig wag lights to the FSX model as I have the XML controller for those lights, not sure about FS9 as I don't have FS9 installed on this laptop, I can provide the XML for conversion into the FS9 makemdl format.

This would be fantastic! I once had a go at creating the effect by changing the timing within a new landing light fx cfg. Unfortunately they soon synchronized.
As far as I know this effect doesn't exist for FS9 yet, it certainly would be a great enhancement!

My sincere apologies to Daniel, I was 'trying' to be sarcastic. Now I'm stuck with a red face... :redf:

I can add wig wag lights to the FSX model as I have the XML controller for those lights, not sure about FS9 as I don't have FS9 installed on this laptop, I can provide the XML for conversion into the FS9 makemdl format. Since I'm on a holding pattern with the Dash 7 FSX conversion, I can take a crack at starting the X conversion of the 2T aircraft. Uncle Milton, what do you think?:wiggle:

The FS9 models and packages will be different from the FSX packages for various reasons. There are actually 6 models on each side, total of 12 models.

I have not tested the tank retardant drop on the FSX side yet, and the panels, textures, and FM's are different. Not sure about the FX differences just yet.

Not going to rush these out because of all the differences; too easy to get my hands crossed here.

If you wish to send the xml code, I will look at the requirements and if reasonable add to the FS9 side. (BTW, who owns the copyright to that code? Will need permissions if used.)

I have a series of minor changes to make to the 6 models so would prefer to do these exports only once.

How is the Dash 7 native conversion going?
So happy to see this part of the Grumman project nearing its well deserved release.

Modeling excellence , exciting handling, fabulous work from our texture artists and now an incredible drop effect -massive improvement.
Uncle Milton,

The Dash 7 conversion is on hold until Mike gets back at me with the final detail layers for the nacelle bump maps.

The XML for the wig wag lights were provided to me by Bill Leaming for my Bell 222 project, so credits go to him for that.
Uncle Milton,

The Dash 7 conversion is on hold until Mike gets back at me with the final detail layers for the nacelle bump maps.

The XML for the wig wag lights were provided to me by Bill Leaming for my Bell 222 project, so credits go to him for that.

Thanks 350,

If you want to email the xml and any associated stuff, I'll check it out.

I will be making some minor changes to all the models tonight and Saturday morning and would like to incorporate in the CDF tankers, if you are okay with that.
I've just reinstalled the Grumman C-1A Cargo Hauler after rebuilding the sim due to a HD failure.

I thought there were a few extra repaints of bush cargo textures but can't seem to find them or who did them.

Any help here please.

I've just reinstalled the Grumman C-1A Cargo Hauler after rebuilding the sim due to a HD failure.

I thought there were a few extra repaints of bush cargo textures but can't seem to find them or who did them.

Any help here please.


There were a few - I don't remember them all either since I haven't gotten around to re-installing that plane yet - but I authored one, complete with new interior textures to match.
Tanker VC at Night

Update: got all the changes done to the 5 models. Working on VC Gauge back lighting now; not RW ideal but it is functional and readable.

Will spend the rest of today finalizing and testing all the variants. may get to upload before bedtime; should be available Sunday if all goes well.

Also waiting to see if Tankerguy72 has the textures available for the S2A-Turbo special edition for a total of 6 model variants to be released.