That's superb Milton ! and congratulations to the team.
May I ask you your settings for the materials to have such reflective effect?
I experimented several settings.
as an example, for ambient, I have R 70 B 70 and G 70 ; diffuse same and Specular level 40 and Glossiness 100. Specular is almost white with RGB at 229.
it's always tricky as some planes and specially military aircrafts, which doesn't have to be shiny by definition... (sometimes)
We used to have an S2, in private hands, parked at the airport her in Fairbanks, now it resides at the owners private strip. My recollection of it, in it's original Navy paint, was of a pretty smooth paint job, if not Imron slick. Some fading as one might expect from a plane sitting outside in a hostile climate for years.
Still Putzing along with the flight dynamics. As always, one thing changes another, so finer adjustment of engine power settings, HP and drag continues.
Cheers: T
Hi Milton,
I found this link to an article on the R-1820 with photos of a scale model of the 1,525 hp H-series Cyclone (as used in a.o. the Stoof (with and without roof)).
I don't know if it is of any use for you, by nevertheless I did not want to withold it from you.
That's looking awesome guys.
I need to send to you the model updates with the specular highlights to add some realism as well.
I'll package it, upload it, and send you a link shortly.
EDIT: The package was small, so I emailed to you Smoothie. Please share with simkid22.
Hi Milton,
Any chance of you sending me files to work on a paint job? I'd very much like to contribute some artwork...
Gaucho, bear with me, weathering etc... should be complete by Wednesday at the latest, then i can release a proper paintkit to Milton for full distribution :salute:
This is the first time I've followed one of your projects from start to finish, and it's exciting to watch the progress. This thread is my first stop every day. I love all of your aircraft, and am especially anxious to try this one out. Incredible. Thanks!
Me too, this is my first stop every time coming to SOH! It's an exciting project of a plane I have for a long time wanted to see. And it's done justice by the great skills of Milton and all the contributors. Every time I see it, I can't wait to fly it, and especially to paint it!![]()