SOH Team Project - Grumman Tracker, Trader, Tracer

But of course it simply would not be right to release this fine model until the F7F is finished, Right!! :icon_lol:

LOL Terry. I finished my phases of that project as promised, as did others, and went way beyond with a temporary VC.

The VC side and the FSX side is planned to be done by N2056 once he completes the P-61 on the FSX side.
S2F-3 Progress

Invested this afternoon in updating and building the stoof.

The wing fold angles are now better, wing hinges built and animated.

Simkid22 volunteered to take on the interior textures so here are some of the things he must ... take on.

EDIT: BTW, you might notice the nacelle sonobouy area is actually the early setup. I will likely change that to accommodate the larger capacity storage of the -3 nacelle. This nacelle works for the earlier developed "hawkbill" or "Parrot beak" versions the Japanese and Canadians used.
It may be a bit premature to call it good since the flight model, sounds, paint kit, panel and gauges are not here yet. :)

Your textures look nice. Thanks for all the pictures and input you provided; greatly appreciated.

I know but I meant your attention to detail on the exterior and interior modeling! Its amazing :wiggle:
Well when you put it like that it sounds like I made a bad decision :icon_lol:

LOL No need to worry; it's all quite simple, I assure you. :)

Spent the day working on the S2F-3.

Lots of hours invested in making the pilot/copilot windows larger, and improving on the window curvatures.
This also involved reshaping the interior cockpit and fuselage around those larger windows; a real pain.
Also, removed the lower windows on the sides and added the proper higher windows up just ahead of the wings.
Adjusted the MAD boom shape.
Textured the wing fold joints to compliment the hinges.
Reshaped the nacelles tails to accommodate a proper sonobouy load for the -3.
Had to remap the fuselage and nacelles after the changes.
I am an avid watch collector and have been accused several times of looking at my watch and then not being able to tell you what time it is. I get so caught up in the intricaite design details that i don't pay attention to what the hands say. I feel the same way when I look at one of your designs, Milton.:applause: every time you put up a new set of progress pix, I go over them again and again just staring at the beauty of your work.

Come to thing of it, I often do the same thing everytime I fire up one of your finished designs. It takes a long time to get around to making it to the runway, and once airborne, I spend most of the time outside oogling the awesome fruits of your labor. Once I finally make it into the cockpit, I have the same "problem" looking at all the bits and peices surrounding me. All I can say is thank goodness for the autopilot. Otherwise I'd crash a lot more often than I do.
All of your creations occupy my primary hanger, just a click away from the tarmac. I can't wait to get these babies out and about.

If I haven't said it before, Thank you so very much for sharing your passion with us mere mortals. Okay, that was over the top, but you do get my meaning.
I am an avid watch collector and have been accused several times of looking at my watch and then not being able to tell you what time it is. I get so caught up in the intricaite design details that i don't pay attention to what the hands say. I feel the same way when I look at one of your designs, Milton.:applause: every time you put up a new set of progress pix, I go over them again and again just staring at the beauty of your work.

Come to thing of it, I often do the same thing everytime I fire up one of your finished designs. It takes a long time to get around to making it to the runway, and once airborne, I spend most of the time outside oogling the awesome fruits of your labor. Once I finally make it into the cockpit, I have the same "problem" looking at all the bits and peices surrounding me. All I can say is thank goodness for the autopilot. Otherwise I'd crash a lot more often than I do.
All of your creations occupy my primary hanger, just a click away from the tarmac. I can't wait to get these babies out and about.

If I haven't said it before, Thank you so very much for sharing your passion with us mere mortals. Okay, that was over the top, but you do get my meaning.

LOL Thank you sir.

I will expect that you will provide lighting options the day after release. ;)
In Alaska we have lovely accents from all over. On the flight to Fairbanks the other day I sat next to a very beautiful lady originating from Sahth-Kara-line-ah who was just returning from Charleston.

Not everyone in California sounds like Arnold either.... T
LOL No need to worry; it's all quite simple, I assure you. :)

Spent the day working on the S2F-3.

Lots of hours invested in making the pilot/copilot windows larger, and improving on the window curvatures.
This also involved reshaping the interior cockpit and fuselage around those larger windows; a real pain.
Also, removed the lower windows on the sides and added the proper higher windows up just ahead of the wings.
Adjusted the MAD boom shape.
Textured the wing fold joints to compliment the hinges.
Reshaped the nacelles tails to accommodate a proper sonobouy load for the -3.
Had to remap the fuselage and nacelles after the changes.

Only one thing I can say looking at the latest development pics...
Milton Shupe!!!
In Alaska we have lovely accents from all over. On the flight to Fairbanks the other day I sat next to a very beautiful lady originating from Sahth-Kara-line-ah who was just returning from Charleston.

Not everyone in California sounds like Arnold either.... T

Accents are a funny thing. I live in Georgia so we have some really "drawn out" conversations. Also, I have a good friend from Ireland with a real Irish brogue, but still understandable. That is until he goes back home for a couple weeks. Upon his return it takes about two weeks before any of us can understand anything he says. He can't figure out why we just stare at him when he talks.
Accents are a funny thing. I live in Georgia so we have some really "drawn out" conversations. Also, I have a good friend from Ireland with a real Irish brogue, but still understandable. That is until he goes back home for a couple weeks. Upon his return it takes about two weeks before any of us can understand anything he says. He can't figure out why we just stare at him when he talks.

Phil; good to see you aboard, buddy!

...just wait till Smoothie and I get going with our Greek accents :icon_lol:
Looking good, Milton and team.
Can't wait till it's finished and ready to download.:salute:

Thank you John; we are making great progress and hopefully it will start coming together quickly.

Meanwhile, I am working on the S2F-3 (S-2G/E) and have a question for anyone familiar with this model.

None of my drawings or pictures of this model show a side door when a bomb bay is in place.
Can anyone verify that?
I have pictures of quite a few S2F-3's that do not show bomb bay doors and they have an entrance door on the starboard side just under the wing.
Yet when bomb bay doors are present, I see no entrance door.
Any insight appreciated.

I have removed the port side door, added the hstab antenna, added the big round belly radar, and put in the bomb bay doors today.
Thank you John; we are making great progress and hopefully it will start coming together quickly.

Meanwhile, I am working on the S2F-3 (S-2G/E) and have a question for anyone familiar with this model.

None of my drawings or pictures of this model show a side door when a bomb bay is in place.
Can anyone verify that?
I have pictures of quite a few S2F-3's that do not show bomb bay doors and they have an entrance door on the starboard side just under the wing.
Yet when bomb bay doors are present, I see no entrance door.
Any insight appreciated.

I have removed the port side door, added the hstab antenna, added the big round belly radar, and put in the bomb bay doors today.

The entrance door was on the starbord side under the wing. This always in place as was the bomb bay. Also, I noticed in your pictures that your wing tips are the blunt tps for the earlier and COD versions. The wingtips on the S2F3 (S-2D,E,and G) were completely rounded housing 2 Elint antennae in each tip. This accounted for the increase in wingspan on the later variants. The elint antennae were part of the ECM system that replaced the over cockpit radome prevalent on the S2F-1 (S-2A) The "dust bin" radome was extendable in flight. Thought you'd want to know that. I've attached a few "differences" drawings to illustrate.

Thank you. I do have those drawings but needed clarification because some of the pictures I could not see the door.

I have elongated the wing tips and horizontal stabilizer. I just haven't gotten around to removing the old lights, nor adding the antennas.

I will add the door to the starboard side with your clarification.

Yes, I did read the manual regarding the belly radome and how it was managed.

Also, some of this model has a smaller looking radome behind the large one but I cannot find clarification on how that was used, if it extended/retracted, or what. Most of the pictures I have do not show this but instead other antenna types, or something. The 3-views I have are not much help here.

Thanks for your help. :)

The entrance door was on the starbord side under the wing. This always in place as was the bomb bay. Also, I noticed in your pictures that your wing tips are the blunt tps for the earlier and COD versions. The wingtips on the S2F3 (S-2D,E,and G) were completely rounded housing 2 Elint antennae in each tip. This accounted for the increase in wingspan on the later variants. The elint antennae were part of the ECM system that replaced the over cockpit radome prevalent on the S2F-1 (S-2A) The "dust bin" radome was extendable in flight. Thought you'd want to know that. I've attached a few "differences" drawings to illustrate.


I agree with p3aewguy's info. However, in the side view of the S2F-3/S-2E he is uncertain about a crew window on the Port side. I can vouch that there is indeed a window there, in fact on both the Port and Starboard sides.

- H52