Leg #7 to Agra (VIAG)... Crashed
The ORBS-VIAG flight was the flight from hell.. The map I used (FS Nav) shows hills/mountains to 10,000 in areas along the route.. the reality is, these "10,000'" foot mountains are over 13,000' tall AND often shrouded in thick clouds!.
Also, due to my own inexperience, this flight did not start-off well.. in fact, I "started" the flight three times.. all with the Duenna OFF! Wouldn't have been so bad if I noticed it on take-off, or shortly there after.. No, I had to fly for thirty minutes to an hour before I noticed this rather important fact!
I finally took off, at leasty a hour later than planned, with the Duenna on and headed to a correct airport..
I was at "The Point of No Return", a bit over nine hundred nautical miles into the nearly 1800nm flight, when I realized I was not going to make the primary airport (VIAG) before dark.. At a Town/Air Port/NDB called Quetta, I opted to divert Jodhpur (VIJO), a prepared refueling station.. it was some two hunded NM closer than VIAG. This decision was made at 1540 hrs, local (India) time. The sun was setting and by 1620 hrs, I was in total "black-out" conditions.
I got on TeamSpeak and saw "Danderous Dave" and "SrGalahad" (Rob), explained my problem (of being unable to find the airport in the dark) and was assisted with "GCA" like instructions.. The airport was so difficult to see that I was halfway down the runway, at about 1000'AMSL (400' AGL) before I recognized the runway lights.. I made two "Go Arounds", trying to get "lined up" with the very faint lights. When I made the commitment to land, I was "wide left" of the runway and my left wing caught a light standard, resulting in my crashing ON the airfield..
At that point, I was so exhausted, mentally and physically.. I thanked Rob & Dave for their help, shut-down the flight sim and fell asleep in my recliner.. (that's why I am so late in posting this)..
Herewith are the Duenna Files.
I do not know what the protocol is.. Rob (or Dave) thought the options were to Refly the route or "take the flight" but with a one hour penalty for crashing (first crash, second crashes rate a three hour penalty).
Given the length of the flight, I opt for the penalty.
Please advise if this is acceptable or not.