anybody want one?
(and, no I have not fixed my screenshot problem - these taken in windowed mode and cropped...)
:ernae: love the aircraft..!! the tires are AWESOME..!!! Manfred has done an outsatnding job there..!! i noticed with my download the right rear view was out of wack..i adjusted the following
item..view_rear_right_windows=32 , the second line to read 0.000, -0.100, 0.000..mine originally
ended in 0.-800..
now i have a question..if i may..while in for maintance..can a switch be added to the vc panel
to turn off the overhead/cabin light..?? as in the D18s..
thanks Milton and to all the team for this beauty..!!! i believe beech had a real winner here..!!
best rgds
The more I fly the Grizz the more I love it
Thanks again Milton & Team you've added another dimension to the freeware world.
I've noticed one minor thing ..... the airspeed indicator actually does one complete revolution before settling onto the correct speed.
Has anyone else noticed that ?
If you have imagetool, it is a simple task.
Open your texture folder
Select View mode and select Details
Click on Size Heading twice to sort by Size Descending
Now you have textures listed, largest to smallest.
The key benefit to obtain is by reformatting the 4096KB textures to DXT3 to save 15MB. You can go deeper if you wish to do the 1024MB textures for a larger savings.
Open each in Imagetool (right click the file, Open With Imagetool)
Select Image at the top
Select Format
Select DXT3
Save and overwrite.
Do this for each texture folder and you are done.
You can use DXTbmp to convert them as well.
You might want to create a backup before you convert for fallback purposes if necessary.