The Grizz is out!!

and with the textures i'm working on a strafing rig, texturing gun-ports onto the side ;) lethal.... oh yes... and then some!
Hey Milton, No problem and I am happy to do it. You should load up the Nick's prop dust gauges and try it out. It's freeware and the effects of the dirt, dust, water, and snow blowing when you rev up the engines is really cool. The mess you make is even visable from the virtual cockpit. Thanks again for such a beautiful bird,

LouP :kilroy:
PRB, cool, lots of possibilities.

Also remember the current two aircraft containers were separated based on the extra weight of the external stores of bombs, tanks, and/or rockets and ferry tanks.

So, if you break out some new variants, keep this in mind. Your examples might go in the less weight category of the civilian and experimental group that had no external stores as distributed.

We also may put out a sixth variant with a little different look. :wiggle:

@smoothie, looking forward to your work mate. :)

@Lou, thanks, I'll have to go looking for that.
Great Aircraft Milton and Team !

Thank you for all your excellent work on this

with kindest regards,

Thank you guys!

This is really a bear of an aircraft!
Despite all the power coming from those Cyclones, it's very handy to fly.

Truly awesome. :applause:

...nick's prop dust

light.8=8, -12.12, -10.00, -5.86, fx_nickspropdust_dirt_s
light.9=8, -12.12, 10.00, -5.86, fx_nickspropdust_dirt_s
light.10=9, -12.12, -10.00, -5.86, fx_nickspropdust_gravsnd_s
light.11=9, -12.12, 10.00, -5.86, fx_nickspropdust_gravsnd_s
light.12=6, -12.12, -10.00,-5.86, fx_nickspropdust_watrsno_s
light.13=6, -12.12, 10.00, -5.86, fx_nickspropdust_watrsno_s

And that's a nice addition too.
I don't know where I got those effects from, but they were in my effects container anyway...
Looks great!

I would like to add these effects to some other aircraft operating from non-hardened surfaces too (mostly piston-powered twins, what else...?).

How can I manage to get the adequate xyz-parameters to locate the effects? I guess it's the engine and contact points position to relate to, but where do these effects have to start exactly?

Guesswork and try-and-error?
Any estimated values?

Thanks in advance,


Thank you very much for release this fine plane ....
Will let for some time the "viermot" Dash in the hangar (maintenance time) :)

:ernae: :ernae:

a screenie or two

to add to the enjoyment here a few screenies of the baby in fsX around Death Valley and the Grand Canyon

Many Thankx to Roger for the adapted files

click on screenie for larger image

click on screenie for larger image

click on screenie for larger image

click on screenie for larger image

click on screenie for larger image

click on screenie for larger image

click on screenie for larger image

click on screenie for larger image

click on screenie for larger image

click on screenie for larger image

I hope you enjoyed 'm
Hav'nt tried in FS9 yet .. FSX , WOW ! .. love this thing , Credit is undue here , a freeware that breechs 2002 to 2009 , from FS8 to FSX JUST BRILLIANT!
Guys .. :engel016: Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, Damian Radice, Tom Falley , Steve Buchanan. :engel016:

I no it never got past devolpment .... BUT who thought up the idea of a private transport for all to use !
Thanks for a fine aircraft Milton.

For those that are interested I tested it as an AI and it worked perfectly.

Hav'nt tried in FS9 yet .. FSX , WOW ! .. love this thing , Credit is undue here , a freeware that breechs 2002 to 2009 , from FS8 to FSX JUST BRILLIANT!
Guys .. :engel016: Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, Damian Radice, Tom Falley , Steve Buchanan. :engel016:

I no it never got past devolpment .... BUT who thought up the idea of a private transport for all to use !

Thanks ... we are very happy to contribute as broadly to the masses as possible. I for one understand what it means to have an old computer. :)

The Civilian version request was in the original development thread. Great idea!

Thanks also to Moses03 who found some very hard to get information about this aircraft. The credits highlight those at museums and elsewhere who helped make this possible; and:

Special thanks to : Andrew Labosky, Volunteer Archivist, Kansas Aviation Museum for finding real world pictures of the XA-38 Cockpit and Gunner's station;

Special thanks to : Glyn Owen for panel references and Gary Newman for wind tunnel model and cannon photos;

Tire Textures : Manfred Jahn
Jan Visser for the pilot models that add lots of realism.

EditVoicePack : Brent Hricziscse, aka dogknot

More credits in the readme ... thanks to all of them, and to all of you for your kind remarks and helpful feedback along the way.