The Grizz is out!!

Milton,....for some reason I can't make an audio 'connection' with the ground control tower. Or visa-versa. Is there something I have to do at my end to activate this feature?

Hi Milton Thank you very much for this nice airplane. Great work by all. I have the same problem here, the Grizzly won't contact tower even though I followed the EVP mod installation instructions. In fact the " ~ " button that starts tower communications does nothing when pressed using the Grizzly. I'll watch for the fix thank you.
Okay, it is working here using the "tilde" "`" button (without the shift key, ... but maybe this change is required in the General section:

Add Dogknot's statements:

atc_type =BEECHCRAFT <-------Add this
atc_model =GRIZZLY <-------Add this

Remove or comment these out:
//atc_type=Beechcraft <-------Comment this out
//atc_model=xa38 <-------Comment this out

Open the radio, the freq's from ATC should be in the Standby radio ... switch standby for Comm or whatever.
Dear Milton

A Masterpiece


Works fine also in FSX(apart prop discs)



Starliner team
Just bloody marvelous, a real gem.:ernae:
Can't stay and chat, off to fly it some more.:running:
Regarding the radio/ATC contact issues:

I think I found the problem.

After loading the plane I looked at the radio popup and I noticed that the ADF1 and ADF2 are switched to "Mute". Switch these to "Audio" and that fixes the problem of ATC not working.

Awesome plane by the way! This one will see many flight hours on my computer!

Here's a shot of the real McCoy.

... and another.

Awesome work Milton. Thank you. I felt the need to contribute somehow so if you want to add in shockwave's lights and nick's prop dust, here goes: :bump:

Back-up your panel and aircraft config files first just in case.

Add the following to VC01 in the panel.cfg -

gauge23=shockwave_lights!SW Lights, 1,1,1,1 //shockwave light
gauge24=nn-gauges!MultiPropDustFXcontrol.xml, 0,0

Then in the aircraft.cfg, make your lights section look like this -

// types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
// 6=Taxi, 7=Recognition, 8=Wing, 9=Logo, 10=Cabin
light.0 = 5, 5.50, -25.000, -2.00, Newll ,//wing
light.1 = 4, 3.00, 0.00, 3.600, fx_vclight
light.2 = 1, 4.0, 0.0, -1.7, fx_beacon,
light.3 = 2, -31.3, 0.0, 3.7, fx_strobe,
//light.4 = 7, -21.5, 0.0, 0.7, fx_recog_R, //lights modeled - not needed here unless you want them brighter
//light.5 = 7, -22.2, 0.0, 0.7, fx_recog_G, //lights modeled - not needed here unless you want them brighter
//light.6 = 7, -23.2, 0.0, 0.7, fx_recog_A, //lights modeled - not needed here unless you want them brighter
//light.7 = 3, 0.55, -33.0, 3.684, fx_navredm, //lights modeled - not needed here unless you want them brighter
//light.8 = 3, 0.55, 33.0, 3.684, fx_navgrem, //lights modeled - not needed here unless you want them brighter
light.9 = 1, -24.77, 0.00, 5.1, fx_shockwave_beacon_rotating_red,
light.10=5, 0.20, -24.00, 2.00, Fx_shockwave_landing_light_tail ,
light.11=5, 0.20, -24.00, 2.00, Fx_shockwave_landing_light_light_sm ,
light.8=8, -12.12, -10.00, -5.86, fx_nickspropdust_dirt_s
light.9=8, -12.12, 10.00, -5.86, fx_nickspropdust_dirt_s
light.10=9, -12.12, -10.00, -5.86, fx_nickspropdust_gravsnd_s
light.11=9, -12.12, 10.00, -5.86, fx_nickspropdust_gravsnd_s
light.12=6, -12.12, -10.00,-5.86, fx_nickspropdust_watrsno_s
light.13=6, -12.12, 10.00, -5.86, fx_nickspropdust_watrsno_s

OK, then make you effects section so -

water = fx_nicks_tchwater
dirt = fx_nicks_tchdirt
concrete = fx_sparks
touchdown = fx_twin_tiremark, 1
startup = fx_cranky_Grizzly
windshield_rain_effect_available = 1

Lastly, add a smoke section like this one -

smoke.0= -5.86, -12.12, -10.00, fx_nicks_watrsnoland_s // Engine 1 water, snow and ice surface types prop dust
smoke.1= -5.86, -12.12, 10.00, fx_nicks_watrsnoland_s // Engine 2 water, snow and ice surface types prop dust

Hope you enjoy,

LouP :jump: :applause:
Hey Lou, :)

Thank you for that. I don't personally have those things but I know many do and will enjoy them. :ernae:
......or the real Willy! hehe He was the motivating factor behind the Grizz after all! A HUGE thanks to everyone involved! Who needs payware when you can get an awesome bird like this for free?!
ill second that




Thank you gentlemen
Henry, those shots must have been taken in FSX? The alphas are a bit strong for that it appears. :) I hope it looks better in the sim than those reflections appear here.

Everyone, please keep in mine that this project was not developed for or tested in FSX. It is native FS2004 and there is also an FS2002 version.
For the Radio (Communications with ATC) pull up the Radio panel and switch on the "audio" from "standby". Then all is well. :bump:

Henry, those shots must have been taken in FSX? The alphas are a bit strong for that it appears. :) I hope it looks better in the sim than those reflections appear here.

Everyone, please keep in mine that this project was not developed for or tested in FSX. It is native FS2004 and there is also an FS2002 version.
actually its fs9 but modified alphas
in the sim not your aircraft
i guess i should post some in the other fs9:173go1:
It is interesting how much difference different setups have. I know this must drive the texture artist crazy. :icon_lol:
I don't have FSX (yet..) so I've only tried it in FS9 and this is a magnificent bird! A fabulous WIP, more power to your elbows, gentlemen! :icon29:
I knew there was something I forgot in my beta notes! The radio is based on the DC-3 radio, and I can't get that to work right either. The issue comes when I try to change the frequency, either by the ATC "autotune" feature, or manually. I even copied the [RADIOS] section from the stock DC-3 to remove the standby freq. function, but no joy. My fix was to delete all vintage radio entries and insert my own modern com/nav popup. Since I like modern avionics, I didn't think twice about the issue after the switch.
I knew there was something I forgot in my beta notes! The radio is based on the DC-3 radio, and I can't get that to work right either. The issue comes when I try to change the frequency, either by the ATC "autotune" feature, or manually. I even copied the [RADIOS] section from the stock DC-3 to remove the standby freq. function, but no joy. My fix was to delete all vintage radio entries and insert my own modern com/nav popup. Since I like modern avionics, I didn't think twice about the issue after the switch.

Auto-tune works for me. You must flip the standby switch to standby position, then switch to frequency in the ATC window, then flip the switch to primary.

I will look into the manual tuning ... I had trouble there as well.

EDIT: Okay, I tried the DC-3 and the manual tune works as does the auto-tune as long as you are out of Mute modes. I copied the radios section over to the Grizzly to remove the standby radios and I can manually tune and autotune. However, the manual tuning is funky to get to work. I will have Scott repair this when he returns.

Here's the DC-3 radio section if anyone wants to replace the Grizzly radio setup in the aircraft.cfg.

// Radio Type = availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope
Audio.1 = 1
Com.1 = 1, 0
Com.2 = 1, 0
Nav.1 = 1, 0, 1
Nav.2 = 1, 0, 0
Adf.1 = 1
Adf.2 = 1
Transponder.1 = 1
Marker.1 = 1
To Milton and Team

Another piece of art. The Griz is spectacular from every angle. Have not done any real flights, just short flights checking it out, but am looking forward to a nice cruise tomorrow.

To LouP

Where can a fella find Nick's Dust Pack thingie? I copy and pasted your light and effects lines into the Griz. I have the Shockwave lights but not Nick's effects.

To Henry:

That first set of screen shots of the Griz you posted are amazing! The reflections are far beyond anything I have seen in FS2004. Is that alpha you are using available to the masses?

I like the "what-if" quality about the XA-38. You can easily mix and match paints and models to create your own favorite version.

In this case a "clean" AAF tank buster and a long-range Navy ship:

