The OFF DiD Standard.

Nobody made any requests Pol, Winder first stated he'd considered encrypting the pilot files originally, then said he would do it if enough people asked for it, then said he was going to do it regardless. I was against it at first (for the reasons mentioned above by Rick), then became ambivalent, then suggested making it a switchable option.

I think the switchable option would be perfect, but I don't think trust is an issue anyway so I can't say it's high on my list of wants. For me the sim is already nigh-on perfect. :)

Absolutely I'm just pointing out that 1 possibility mentioned of encrypting the pilot data to support this, does not suddenly mean we are out to stop people enjoying OFF .. that's dramatic and totally not correct - just trying to straighten that out.

We have put options in the realism to support this already to make it easier to select, BUT nothing we do deliberately stops people enjoying OFF. We have as I say added many new options and features already to help people who want to play with less restrictions.
In all my sim flying, I have never just stuck to the cockpit for the entire mission.

Hey Royce,
One way I have to make up for a lack of TIR is mapping the eyepoint views to my stick. I use a Saitek X52 and the stick has two hats. One I use for normal panning views, the other I have set up to move my eyepoint around the cockpit. This way, I can lean over the side to see forward for takeoff/landing, and I can move when the struts or wings are blocking my view. Another button serves to recenter. If you have some buttons to spare on your stick, I highly reccomend this method for all non TIR users.
Z- Thanks that's a great idea.
I will get TiR eventually I suppose, but my wife thinks I'm "crazy" as it is with the flight sims and CoD/Crysis games.
If I'm sitting at the PC with "head gear" on..well, she would probably:faint:

Z- Thanks that's a great idea.
I will get TiR eventually I suppose, but my wife thinks I'm "crazy" as it is with the flight sims and CoD/Crysis games.
If I'm sitting at the PC with "head gear" on..well, she would probably:faint:


Don´t worry about it. My wife is still married to me, even wit "antennas" on my head. :friday:
So, as in any entertainment venue, it is the client who

chooses his thrill.

Thanks SIGGI for your contributions.

In settings I am at 110% Realism, do warp, and even with TIR, switch to "hat views' to shoot and locate planes in battle. ( Guess I need to tweak the TIR?)

So, perhaps a STICKY for all those who wish to fly with a DiD pilot, which I will do, or rather attempt, while keeping some of my other pilot's at the "Death on a Dice Roll", and WARP, not sure.

Great topic.

Like WINDER and POL's input, and it would make it even better, should more items such as "Gun Jam" be selected as an option. Not that it would make the DiD, but certainly for the newcomer, and me as I age, perhaps a selection I would care to make.



originall posted by british_eh "Like WINDER and POL's input, and it would make it even better, should more items such as "Gun Jam" be selected as an option. Not that it would make the DiD, but certainly for the newcomer, and me as I age, perhaps a selection I would care to make."

Whazzamatta british? Getiin' too old to swing a lil' ol' tack hammer?


You young whippersnapper's are sometimes just too much:kilroy:


Whazzamatta british? Getiin' too old to swing a lil' ol' tack hammer?

Rick remember these are players discussing this not the OFF Team. Anything we do to support would likely be optional anyway not sure what the issue is. Even if we did do this with no options a tiny amount of players edit their pilots - (which is generally a bad idea anyway)? We have no intention of closing things down, we open things up by adding more and more options as you have seen in the recent patches??

POV I for one would be strongly against it because (as an example) I just strated toying with the idea of keeping notes via the Pilot files to show up in game (what aces I battled, inconlusive fights etc) making it a real living log etc. I also like the mod aspect of any sim.

If you do go forward and make it selectable in workshop...please be careful how it affects realism settings if at all.

I can't stress that enough because it would have nothing to do with the pilots flying at 100 realism that are going to use warp and labels anyway (like me) and not bother with this DiD standard.

In other words, I do not want to get knocked even 5 points for NOT using it etc.
I like the concept ..... but .....
  • Resurrecting pilots should never be alllowed under any circumstances, accidental or otherwise. If he dies, stiff cheddar old boy. Dead is dead. Happens to the best of us. Encrypt I say !
  • Auto mixture should not be allowed. This is a cheat as far as I'm concerned.
  • Auto rudder should not be allowed. If you fly with a k/b or haven't at least got a twist stick why on earth would you sign up for this ?
  • Trim should not be allowed. This is a cheat as far as I'm concerned.
Lastly, depending on what is switched on/off one can roam between 100% and (I think, last time I looked) 130% realism. There's almost too many choices. Perhaps just getting back to a "take it or leave it one choice only" 100% cap will be easier to police.

Or will we get the elitist "130 percenters" skiting about whipping the virtual arses of the lowly "100/110/120 percenters". Hmmm ....actually sounds like fun :bananapowerslide:
hi catch,

I agree with you on the "resurecting thing". This is DiD. I never resurect my pilots. This is a mojor part of the thrill that OFF delivers.
Automixture is nescessary, because some planes had it. there has been a thread around here.
Autorudder is not cheatin`. It is givining you a major disadvantage when using it, and spoils a lot of fun.

I think the standard, Siggi set for DiD, is fairly high. We should keep it like that.

I'm tending to agree on the resurrection issue. Even a computer malfunction can be encompassed as a realistic cause of death (a control-wire snapped etc). So I've amended the rules accordingly, resurrection is now forbidden under any circumstances. It removes any temptation whatsoever, in the 'heat of the moment', to classify a death as bogus under questionable circumstances.

The OFF Campaign DiD Standard.
This is intended for the added enjoyment of those vPilots who choose to make the OFF experience as realistic as it can be. "Realistic experience", in this case, will be my interpretation of it, as I apply that to the standard I created many years ago for RB2-3D, a number of other sims subsequently and a one-year+ online war...DiD (Dead is Dead).

Some of the settings are open to debate. Mostly ones I've had in my own mind. Others may have differing opinions on them, and I'm open to consideration of those, but they will most likely make no way. This is not an expression of contempt, just that experience has shown that 'Rule by Commitee' doesn't work for DiD.

DiD is also not intended to express contempt for those who play the sim by a 'lesser' standard. People play the game in whatever way they like, for whatever reasons they like. And their reasons are entirely valid for their own private purposes. But (BUT), if one wishes to express one's prowess in the public arena (for fun, ego, bragging-rights, light-hearted competitiveness etc) one should rightly be held to a common standard, otherwise the expression has no substantive meaning or value. DiD is intended to provide that standard, to put all those of a like mind on a level playing field as it were.

So...OFF DiD:


Auto Mixture: Users' choice. Not all a/c of this period had a manual control, it doesn't significantly affect the player's ability to kill and with that in mind not all players can or need to be arsed with it. If you choose to enable it you are DiD+, but it's a very tiny weeny little plus.

Auto Rudder: Users' choice. It should be OFF, but maybe you have no pedals and your stick doesn't twist. In fact, with it ON you suffer a disadvantage in combat.

Invincible: OFF.
Unlim Weapons: OFF.
Unlim Fuel: OFF.
Sun Glare: ON.
G-Effects: ON.
A/C Stress: ON.
Force-feedback: Users' choice.
Flight Model: Realistic.
Weapon Effectiveness: Realistic.
Claims: Normal.
Ground Fire: Normal.
Death: Hard (Dead is Dead).
Main Guns: Normal.

Rear Guns: Wide. The choice here is between ALL gunners having, potentially, preternatural abilities vs ALL gunners having generally average abilities. I've been very nicely plastered under wide, by one to three 2-seater gunners I tried to approach, so it does NOT make 2-seaters a turkey-shoot.

Wind effects: ON.
Weather Mode: Historical.
Weather Dynamics: Dynamic.
Campaign Mission Frequency: Historical.
A/C Spawn Control: OFF Campaign.

Parameter Editor Panel in CFS3 Config (via button in Workshop).

All settings in there are at users' choice EXCEPT:

Targetting Cone: Disabled.
HUD: Disabled.
Simulation Warnings: Disabled.
Time Compression: Disabled.
Advisor Messages: Disabled.
Chat: Disabled.

In-Game Functions:

TAC: Allowed. Rule: It must be switched OFF as soon as a/c spotted on it turn to red, irrespective of whether or not you have visually acquired them. It must not be turned on again until you are 100% sure combat has ceased and you are unlikely to be re-engaged by those same enemy a/c.

Labels: Not allowed.

MAP: Allowed. The game map, real maps and the landscape over which you fly are not sufficiently corrobative of one another to make real navigation more than an unrealistically difficult and hazardous chore.

Auto-Pilot: Allowed. It's a straight & level device, use of it will put you at a disadvantage in fact.

Visual Zoom: Allowed, it's binoculars.

Trim: Allowed. Rule. Only at the very beginning of a flight (on the runway) and not to be touched thereafter. It's use simulates a pilot and his fitters setting up his a/c on the ground to his liking. Fly your a/c in QC, find out how many clicks of each put your plane as you like it, then apply those same clicks to your a/c on the runway in campaign before each flight.

Real Time: All campaign missions must be flown in real time. To do otherwise gives a pilot an unrealistic advantage in terms of fatigue and attentiveness thereof. It also de-values the stock you invest in your character, which itself tends to lead to unrealistic behaviour in combat, which can skew combat-results.

External Views: Not allowed, except to take screenies while paused. All flying and fighting must take place while in the cockpit with cockpit visible.

Pilot resurrection: Forbidden, under any circumstances.

NB: The sim's realism rating must be at least at 100% by whatever combination of settings available.

That's it. If I've missed anything please advise.

That's the DiD standard, open to modification for a very limited time subject to persuasive proposals. But please don't hold your breath (for anyone who gives a hoot). If you wish to be regarded by it you are on your honour to observe it faithfully and may indicate your desire to such end by the inclusion of the acronym "DiD" anywhere you bally well please.

I'll finish with the usual elitist bit..."DiD, sorts the men from the boys, the wheat from the chaff, the real vAces from the arcade wannabes!" :applause:
can you put the labels on momentarily to see what ace you are fighting , just for fun purposes?

I hate to shoot Manfred down and not know it!
can you put the labels on momentarily to see what ace you are fighting , just for fun purposes?

I hate to shoot Manfred down and not know it!

Yes. It was asked already actually. :)
can you put the labels on momentarily to see what ace you are fighting , just for fun purposes?

I hate to shoot Manfred down and not know it!

Well at least you're surviving long enough to see who is shooting at you....which hasn't been the case for me. I just get into a furball and WHAM...I'm being peppered with consistent dead-on hits from one or more AC THAT DON'T APPEAR IN REAR SNAP VIEW. I wasn't aware WW1 technology included cloaking..
Well at least you're surviving long enough to see who is shooting at you....which hasn't been the case for me. I just get into a furball and WHAM...I'm being peppered with consistent dead-on hits from one or more AC THAT DON'T APPEAR IN REAR SNAP VIEW. I wasn't aware WW1 technology included cloaking..

They'll shoot at one from any angle they can, not just from 6 o'clock. And from 6 o'clock they start firing from so far away that one often can't see them. And the range is such that one turns earlier than one should, giving them a chance to hit one with a sustained and easy deflection-shot.

I don't take hits very often, and when I do they are usually few. I'm not sure why that is, other than I don't fly straight for very long at a time, I'm usually twisting and turning after a target, which must put off pursuit.
Keep altering altitude and directions. Your pilots will thank you for it:friday:The flak over the frontline is terrible and pilotz from zhe othzer zide are far better sniperz zhan me.
Automixture is nescessary, because some planes had it. there has been a thread around here.

Autorudder is not cheatin`. It is givining you a major disadvantage when using it, and spoils a lot of fun.

I think the standard, Siggi set for DiD, is fairly high. We should keep it like that.


G'day Giant,

Well here's another 2 bob's worth ....

If most WW1 planes did not have auto mixture (I think that's right isn't it ?) then majority rules and it shouldn't be allowed. For those few with auto mixture does it make any difference if auto is turned off ? My major beef with this is if you use auto mixture on a plane that doesn't have auto mixture and should be adjusted manually then that is a cheat. Simple as that and as Siggi says "I shall not be swayed" !

As for auto-rudder it just ain't natural or realistic for WW1 aircraft.... and the whole idea of this DiD business is to be as realistic as virtually possible isn't it ?

Both should go damn it :a1451:

G'day Giant,

Well here's another 2 bob's worth ....

If most WW1 planes did not have auto mixture (I think that's right isn't it ?) then majority rules and it shouldn't be allowed. For those few with auto mixture does it make any difference if auto is turned off ? My major beef with this is if you use auto mixture on a plane that doesn't have auto mixture and should be adjusted manually then that is a cheat. Simple as that and as Siggi says "I shall not be swayed" !

As for auto-rudder it just ain't natural or realistic for WW1 aircraft.... and the whole idea of this DiD business is to be as realistic as virtually possible isn't it ?

Both should go damn it :a1451:


Do you know which a/c had auto-mixture and which didn't? I don't have a clue. And those that didn't, was it controlled via a button on the dashboard or via a lever? Because it's not very realistic to have to find the control on a keyboard if the real ones were on a lever.

Those without a twist-rudder, or pedals, are already penalised. Having no independant rudder-control is a huge disadvantage in a dogfight. So I'm unable to understand why you think auto-rudder should be banned.
While I like the idea of a common standard in principle, there are some things I have to take issue with.

If you're going to insist on no warp for maximum immersion then I'd have to suggest you should also insis that everyone should chug a couple of large mouthfuls of castor oil before they embark on a mission. And stay in their seat, regardless of the consequences.

There's a reason why WW1 pilots were referred to as "Greasy Breeches" you know. And it wasn't the expertise of their dhoby teams, I can assure. you. No, sitting there for a couple of hourse breathing castor oil fumes will have that effect...

None of this pause button nonsense, either - that's hardly realistic is it? You need to pee? Do it in your seat, like they would have done there.

Alternatively perhaps we could recognise thta most of us actually have to fit our simming in around Real Life (TM) and as such accept that warping, while not ultra realistic is an acceptable compromise. In the same way that we don't get someone to hand swing the prop.

We could also remember that rotary engines, especially early on, generally only had 2 throttle positions - running or not. Slowing down was achieved by flicking the magnetos on and off. Get it right and you achieved fairly accurate control. Get it wrong and you achieved a glider.

But don't get me wrong, I'm being picky and perhaps have my tongue a little way in my cheek. Perhaps.

Let's adopt a standard and work towards it. But I'd urge you to reconsider warping as otherwise the only people able to adhere to it will be media stereotypical computer simmers (single geeky blokes with no life outside their virtual world), retirees (I salute you) and kids. Us regular guys who juggle this with the 2 or 3 real jobs we need to keep body, soul and famil together won't get a look-in.


PS One other thing. I'm a pilot. Spending an hour in the cockpit of a virtual plane at 60mph is, frankly, boring. And that's NOT why I go simming...

My choices under weapon effectivness are: Normal, Strong, Strongest.
I'm assuming you mean Normal here instead of Realistic. Is this correct?

I find that setting rear guns to wide increases difficulty by 10% over the
Normal setting. Is this your intention?