There's Nothing Like Fresh Mesh ...

My apologies my Friend; no choice but to trudge along this way. I am not ready to walk away from this just yet with much to do so anyone who is frustrated by the trying to keep up should probably await a more matured release. I do try to make the updates easy to install as I would during alpha development phases.

I have received many cockpit pictures that gave better insight to all the things around the cockpit so there is more coming there.

But at this stage, everything is a WIP as advertised.
With better insight to the overhead panel, I have started the mods there and will continue adding parts around the cockpit.
With better insight to the overhead panel, I have started the mods there and will continue adding parts around the cockpit.

Away from the internet for a week, took the ecubox textures I spent hours over the last week on the overhead panel textures, only to come too the conclusion that my 3d efforts where useless, get home and online again too find they've bin done, what a relief. My efforts to 3d ish the overhead panel looked good from a distance on a very cloudy day. close up and in the dark they look Uuuuurgggh not so good.


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My apologies my Friend; no choice but to trudge along this way. I am not ready to walk away from this just yet with much to do so anyone who is frustrated by the trying to keep up should probably await a more matured release. I do try to make the updates easy to install as I would during alpha development phases.

I have received many cockpit pictures that gave better insight to all the things around the cockpit so there is more coming there.

But at this stage, everything is a WIP as advertised.

Any chance of windowsills for the pilot and co-pilot, I need too wood them.

Here are a few shots of the interior of "54" to give you another look at interior options.

Note no window sills in the cockpit.
I have a few more minor modeling changes to make inside and a couple gauge changes and I will upload a fresh WIP release, likely Friday.
I was just tweaking the engine textures and have hit a problem. Is it poss too remap the area or some such witchcraft ?


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I did remap that area Steve. What do you want differently?

Did you get the updated model and wings_t.bmp 2048 template from post #198?
If I paint the black to meet up with the exhaust port then the top of the cowling also turns black if that makes sense. Yes these are the textures from post 198.
If I paint the black to meet up with the exhaust port then the top of the cowling also turns black if that makes sense. Yes these are the textures from post 198.

Okay, I understand; I will check that out. Thanks for the explanation, without which I cannot correct the issue.
Attached is a replacement model folder and a new wings_t.bmp 2048 template that corrects the mapping around the engine exhaust areas.

Thanks for the heads-up SteveB.
Might want to convert those Steve, PSP can only open PSP files, but PSP can create and open PSDs, which any program can open.
There where far too many psp's in that statement took me a mo too understand what you meant ( its been one of those weeks)
I will resave as psd no probs back in a bit.
Attaching some updates to the interior templates ... including the ECU box, placards around the cockpit, and the 2 VC panel panel templates.