Milton, I never did. I got sidetracked by building a new "Low Budget" computer. Here is a link to the textures and PSD's:
Ah, thank you Sir

Milton, I never did. I got sidetracked by building a new "Low Budget" computer. Here is a link to the textures and PSD's:
Manecas has been "out of commission" for a while now so that's why we have not heard from him recently; hopefully he will be back soon.
It is in our plans, once the radial is completed.. . don't suppose the FSX team can also do up a PT-6 version as well (?) . .
While waiting for Ventura and Mallard textures, (always gotta be busy), I have started work on this little gem.
External engines now completed and mapped; flight model evolving but already very nice; panel and gauge changes are in process.
What a difference these PT-6's make in ground and water behavior (loving these differences), take-off, climb out (beast!), and cruise (190-200 depending on cruise settings and fuel preservation needs).
Love the reverse props too; really fun to play with this in water as well.
Every part of this aircraft is looking totally brilliant!
I can hardly wait!! I have an Aussie G-73 coming soon...the nose has been a bear. VH-CQA (formerly N611DS) followed by a Texaco. This will resolve my problem of finding a proper NZ registered bird since about the only liveries I can find pictures of are turbo conversions...I just love this airplane!!! I'll put up a couple screenshots in the morning. VH-CQA is currently operating from Evan's Head Airpark, NSW.
Indeed, thanks to so many talented contributors here.
Wellis, oh man, I really appreciate that and look forward to these paint schemes.![]()