This Could Be Very Interesting - AnKor's Shaders

Yes, it should have installed a SweetFX floder. Is this file there?

7. Click on Enable Sweet FX and it will copy most of the needed files into your CFS3 install. It misses SweetFX_compatibility_settings.txt which is in the Flight FX / FX / SweetFX folder and needs to be manually copied into the matching one Flight FX created in your CFS3 directory.
Try removing sweetfx or flightfx and see if you can get Ankor's shaders working without them. They are not required if all you want is the new water and shadows.
I have no FlightFX folder created in my CFS3 directory. The only one that's there is the SweetFX folder.

Should I install FlightFX right to my CFS3 root installation?
So what folder is supposed to go into the CFS3 directory?

Is there supposed to be a FlightFX folder created alongside the SweetFX folder when you enable FlightFX?
Got it to work! Just took a bit of tweaking around. I've noticed that when flying at night, there is no cockpit lighting enabled if you press the light key.

I'm guessing I don't have something set up quite right, but anyone else have this issue?

Ankor, this is one of the best things to happen to CFS3 in a long time!

Cockpit light doesn't work in this version.
You can switch my shaders on and off by pressing '0' (Insert) on numeric keypad. While they are off you won't get shadows and improved water, but the cockpit light will work :)

This bug will be fixed in the new version (along with some other improvements), but my progress there is much slower than I hoped.
Really, I don't understand !
I have windows XP and this in CFS3 :
I see you have installed SweetFX, but not my mod. As I already told my mod has no relation to SweetFX, my mod just allows the latter to work with CFS3, but SweetFX is not required.

The latest version of my mod is here:
Download it and extract to your CFS3 folder.
Then you will get "d3d8.dll", "d3d8.ini" (may appear as just "d3d8") and "shaders30" folder.
Note that files from my mod are called d3d8, not 9! That d3d9.dll is SweetFX.

After that it should work. However, I can't tell whether your SweetFX is correctly installed. I recommend testing my mod first and installing SweetFX only if everything else works good.
Hmm... Files look correct.
What video card do you have?
The minimum required is AMD HD 4xxxx or NVidia 8xxxx series, both of them are from around 2008. Modern built-in Intel GPUs should also work.

Next versions will probably have better error reporting to help with such issues, but for now I'm not sure what else may be wrong.
Here are a couple early shots of my water color project.
First, the Thames is now a muddy brown color:

Second, adjacent bodies of water have a distinctly different color - here is a portion of the Thames Estuary contrasted with several nearby reservoirs which are not nearly so muddy looking.

I'm referencing google earth and other sources for color, but I am open to suggestions if it doesn't look quite right (preferably accompanied by photos as simply saying it should be more grey/green/blue/brown/whatever is not particularly helpful in this case.) Also note that I will be adding varying degrees of color variation within bodies of water later on, the Thames Estuary being a good example where color can vary a lot with depth and how currents mix water etc as well as fading it into the channel's more blue/greenish color.
Master gecko,
I am very interested in this..
When you get this sorted, I would be grateful for the files needed for this.
Don't have the time or skill to sort all of this myself..
Thanks..Looks Great!!
:applause: :applause: :applause:
When it's done I will upload it. It's just one (very large) file, and you will need Ankor's mod installed for it to work correctly.
I don't suppose there will ever be a way to get rid of the "shore waves" in rivers, although I seem to remember something about that earlier. (Been doing home remodeling too long; need to get back to important things like CFS3 work! :banghead: )
Nope, it won't do that unfortunately. I like the shore line in most places (though I wish it could be made wider) but it does look out of place in certain areas like central London.