This Could Be Very Interesting - AnKor's Shaders

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I hope when all the bugs are sorted you guys will do a definitive upload or sticky for all this impressive stuff.
See post #14 on page one for step-by-step instructions and step 6 is where you can select a particular CFS3 install.
Thanks Shessi!

Yes to ac shine with XP, just mod the shaders.xml in the main folder as stated, works with XP.

As the shine it too much I saw that MM stated

I've now toned down the Glint by editing the shader file to:
float sunStrength = mul(arrDirLights[0].vDiffuse.rgb, float3(1,1,1))*0.5
(instead of the default multiplier of 10 as shown in the picture of the Nieuport)

I've searched for where this is and no luck, can someone tell, ta.

Also I've installed Sweet_FX, and tried Ankors files but with the d3d8.dll the sim black boxes and fails to load. Remove just this dll file, leaving the others and all's well. Have latest DX files, re-set screen res and disabled movie. Re-started pc, but still fails.

Also Pat mentions Ankors 'shaders30' file, that is not in his pack, location? thanks

This is too good to miss!


I finally got a chance to get this installed and all I can say is WOW!!!! This thing makes CFS3 look like a whole new sim. The water and shadows are amazing. Thanks MajorMagee for the updated water files, those work great.

AnKor has done something that I never thought could be done. :ernaehrung004:
Master Ankor, has managed to make a completely new sim for CFS3 with His work.
Very Grateful
And there is Much Rejoicing!!
:applause: :jump: :applause:
Back in my Win 7 machine.(Kathy). Yea it is named..LOL!!
Loaded the files as I did in my XP machine
I have the beautiful water effects, darker then in Rising Sun, which I like
No Green in the water dark Blue. but not black.

Also what I was interested in seeing aircraft shine.
Boy!! do I have shine in Win 7!
Too much some aircraft it white-out some skins it is so bright.

Never expected to say that about Win 7
On this p-51 it looks really good, just a bit too bright
need to adjust the shine level a little lower now..
Can some one tell me where this setting for aircraft shine is, and where to adjust this. Thanks..


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Yea the Win7 machine has shine!
On some birds looks really nice.
On some washes them out , But I am grateful for this improvement in the Win 7 looks with ETO
Think I have settled on a water color for now tired everything from Light Blue to almost Black.
Thanks for this wonderful improvement Master Ankor..


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I will work to make the shine and reflections more appropriate. Though I'm still unsure what is the difference between XP and W7 in this regard.
Right now one of the missing features is support for _s and _r maps. WOFF doesn't use them and thus I haven't programmed them for my dll. However, I'm going to implement then and hopefully put to better use than was possible in original CFS3.

As for water, I will likely do some changes in my shader for the next release. I also want to get rid of panoramic map incompatibilities - some screenshots here clearly display the water becoming black in the distance because of incorrect environment texture.

I can't tell the date for next update, I have made a lot of research for new features, but before implementing them I have to rework some parts of the existing code - after months of rash development it became such a mess that adding more features is getting too complicated.
all i know is on win8

for cfs3-plus added firepower ... plus eto , plus maw

i got all working and is excellent

maw , no issue following the install and copied over form other install

water weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

thanks to hobbit, major , on technical issues .... and of course the master creator ankor
I will work to make the shine and reflections more appropriate. Though I'm still unsure what is the difference between XP and W7 in this regard.
Right now one of the missing features is support for _s and _r maps. WOFF doesn't use them and thus I haven't programmed them for my dll. However, I'm going to implement then and hopefully put to better use than was possible in original CFS3.

Been thinking about this and dug up another thread for you:!-Specular-Textures-in-Windows-7

The pictures are gone but the descriptions may be helpful, and I may still have the pics if you like. To get any specular effects you have to make an edit to the shaders xml which I described in my tutorial. This seems to still use the texture, but the base line for the lowest specular values on the texture (black) gets taken from 0 (no shine) to something at least as high as full white on a texture would have given with a stock shaders xml in XP. The specular values in the m3d files seem to be some sort of scaler for the effect, but of course have to be changed individually. So if there was a way to reset whatever the baseline is back to a level where black on a specular texture gives no shine on an unedited stock model, it would fix the issues on the vast majority of the models. A handful would still not shine because the modeler did not give any specular shine at all to any material. Another way would be to get the game to use the specular textures and effects with a stock shaders xml. You are probably way ahead of me here, but I though I'd put it out there just in case.
Er... Forgive me if I'm being thick or something, but from time to time in MAW, and so far all the time in RS, the sea turns out to look like dry land... I'm using only the WOFF shaders30 package, and none of the other bits such as SweetFX or ENB. Any ideas what's gone wrong? Bit beyond me, all this...

Here I am, out at sea. Not very naval. The second one is in the same place, on another flight, and indicates that I have a conflict between my own land texture files and the stock ones, but that shouldn't turn the sea into land!


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Are you using the stock MAW shaders.xml and water textures? If you're using a different one it may cause issues. What's your location? Some parts of MAW around Turkey have dry oceans I've found. It could also be a config issue, check the two sliders at the bottom of z order section which have to do with water and see if a different setting helps.
I thought of shaders - as far as I know, they're as issued, but they equally may very well not be. I'll take a look. In any case, I'm nowhere near Turkey - in MAW, I had this off the Libyan coast and around Malta. In RS, Hawaii.

The Z bias sliders are set to the values used in the "enabling high resolution textures" tutorial from GC.

<ZBiasBitsResolution val="22"/>
<ZBiasTerrainDecal val="0"/>
<ZBiasWaterPolyNear val="1"/>
<ZBiasWaterPolyFar val="0"/>
<ZBiasWaterLineNear val="1"/>
<ZBiasWaterLineFar val="0"/>
<ZBiasFlatEffects val="25"/>
<ZBiasShadow val="0"/>
<ZBiasTerrainAlphaNear val="0"/>
<ZBiasTerrainAlphaFar val="0"/>
<ZBiasObject val="0"/>
<ZBiasObjectFar val="0"/>
<ZBiasEffects val="1"/>
<ZBiasClouds val="1"/>


I changed the ZBiasBitsResolution val to 15 (as set automatically by the config tool) and that solved it in MAW. In RS, I continued to have the same problem despite changing the Z bias resolution until I copied the shaders from MAW over, but rather stupidly, I let it overwrite, so we don't have the guilty file!

Interesting that both mods should cause the same problem.
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Hi All,

Hi Nigel, if you right click on your RS folder and go to properties, there is a tab called previous versions, that will let you opne the folder and retrieve the shader file. just copy it to your desktop.

regards Rob.