
They should have gone with a download service and have been done with it, rather than physical shipment. I know there were threads on this that debated it to death, but I would be a lot simpler to distribute in this way.

I personally think that the devs have pondered long and hard about this.
They need to retain control which the discs let them do.- and it gets to folks who have not got the necessary internet connections, as well.
I agree with the discs.
That's an important issue, Sandbagger, having size twelve boots, could cause me to go for the pedal format which allows for extra big plates of meat. Maybe the Saitek pedals then.......

Peterjh S!

When i used the CH pedals I was advised, and found it worked, that it was useful to not put the whole of the foot on the pedal. Have the heel on the floor, and the toes and balls of the feet on the pedals- that way you could impart more finess to the rudder inputs.
So your size twelves may be very handy ( is that Irish? ) :) for this!
CaptainScott said:
They should have gone with a download service and have been done with it, rather than physical shipment. I know there were threads on this that debated it to death, but I would be a lot simpler to distribute in this way.

No way! I have already dreamt of the postman bringing a parcel that has "P3" written on it so dont put the game uploaded in server :costumes:.
But seriosuly now,if money permits, downloading the game should be available later on. But its expensive to have high speeds...postage is the way to go now!:kilroy:
They should have gone with a download service and have been done with it, rather than physical shipment. I know there were threads on this that debated it to death, but I would be a lot simpler to distribute in this way.

We were originally able to D/L Phase 2 with contributions to the website funding the cost to rent the servers. In the beginning it worked properly, but as time went on, people got cheap. Taking it for FREE, which led to the system used now.

Plus what to do for the pilot, who only could get dail-up in his area.
Cameljockey D/L Phase 2 for a month :applause::applause::applause:
OK, got it.

I know the developers considered the download option and discarded it.

Personally, I think that both means should be offered--or a combination of the two, which is often done by companies now. I always like to have the backup on DVD, but be able to download the game and play now, while the hard media game is being shipped to me. I think rather than renting servers, which probably is not cost effective, the better option would be to work with an existing service (generally associated with an established game manufacturer or distributor). Sure, they'll want a cut, but I would bet in the long run it would be cheaper. Maybe I'm real off base.

I just have a feeling that the disc distribution is going to drag on and on and on....

Since I did not sign up until March 2008 (I thought I'd better put in the year...), I'm not likely to get mine anytime soon.
TrackIR / P3

Well I got my TrackIR last night and it is AWESOME!!! Nothing like being able to watch the enemy zoom past you and you be able to follow them to see if they are going to turn, climb, dive or whatever once they are on your 6. It definately adds incredible realism to the game, though there is a little bit of a learning and adjusting curve. It's very easy to get excited and turn your head too far too fast. It can even be a bit jarring at first but once you learn to make minor moves, it smoothes out wonderfully.

As for P3, it HAS taken a long time to release it considering orders started being taken in Feb. However I see that as a good thing. P3 is not a commercially pressed product. It's a labor PASSION. The P3 Team loves the sim they are making and so they pay attention to how they can improve every last detail. They can take the time to do it right instead of being forced to push out an inferior product too soon because the investors demand a return immediately.

Besides, my guess is the P3 guys don't have any desire to have to patch the game to death once it's out. When it's done, it's done and we will all be thankful for the tremendous hard work they have put into it. I know it will be awhile before I get my DVD too, since I only put myself on the list a few months ago. All the pain of waiting will be forgotten once I get to fire up P3 and lose myself in the great experience they have painstakingly crafted for me. I'm as impatient to get my hands on it as anyone, but just a note to say "Thanks guys" to the P3 Team for having the dedication, passion and discipline to get it done right. The videos already prove it has been time well spent.

Mine comes tomorrow and I cannot wait!

Cannot wait for my copy of P3, but I guess I will have to for a considerable time longer. Ugh!

I hope you're right, man, about the quality of the final released quality. If you're not, and it's buggy, I think the resentment factor would be quite high.

I know it's a labor of love and all that and I appreciate that. But at $50 a pop it's also a commercial venture. I'm not complaining about the money, either--I am more than willing to pay, if just to keep people doing this kind of work that provides enjoyment and a vicarious experience of being a WWI pilot. And I realize we are a niche market, that most commercial vendors would not service because of the economics of the thing.

So I am grateful--yet impatient all at the same time!

In the immortal words of Larry the Cable Guy..."Git er done!"
Back in the Win98SE days, I purchased a sim, Microprose I believe. It wasn't aircraft, it was Tanks. The Sherman's Turret only moved left, and the 37mm on the Stuart didn't elevate. The rest of the game was perfect.

That game was responseable for me buying a joystick, and WWII Fighters (great game) it sucked, prior to the patch becomeing available

I'm no-longer in any hurry. When the Developers are happy, I'm happy !:applause:
I've just ordered Trackir 4

I've just ordered Trackir 4 based on everyones opinions who've already bought it. :d

I can't wait :applause::applause::applause:

Now i just have to be patient for P3 to be released - if I have to wait much longer - i'll have to be put in a padded cell! :costumes:

Well time will tell on the quality of the product but honestly, given the quality displayed in the videos I seriously have no doubts that the game will be fantastic. As far as it being a "commercial venture", my meaning wasn't that they weren't interested in making a profit (which they richly deserve, in my opinion). I was merely trying to point out that what they are producing isn't being done under the kind of restrictions that a traditional game publishing company has. Meaning they don't have a bunch of investors demanding that they push an unready product out the door that they can patch to death later in the hopes of getting some of the investor money back as quickly as possible. The Devs will call it done when it is done in their hearts and minds. We will play P3 when it's the game that they themselves really want to be playing and that, usually, is the hallmark sign of top quality polishing on a product. When passion and discipline drives a products production cycle instead of deadlines, the end result is nearly always far superior to what the competition has to offer.

But no matter what, I can tell you for certain that P3 will be the most fun played with a TrackIR. Congrats on getting one. It took about a day to get mine calibrated correctly and then me learn to turn just the right amounts without getting too excited during the combat to over-compensate, but now that I have it down pretty good I cannot imagine flying without it. The P3 / TrackIr combination is going to keep me occupied for many, many long hours to come.

Well, how did you calibrate yours? It's driving me nuts, turning all over the place when I don't want it to and getting itself fixed at views I cannot use to pilot the plane (i.e., straight back--180, for example). I must be doing something wrong, but I just don't know what.
Hi Captain,
It should be fairly quick to set up, but a few pointers maybe:

1. Make sure you installed the latest TrackIR patch (Version 4.1.036)
2. Copy the CFS3 flight sim profile already in the list and rename it OFF (you can download the latest game update patch from TrackIR)
2. Tick the box to default to that profile for OFF

Select Edit and in the Motion screen:
1. Make sure all axis are selected (no Roll for OFF)
2. Set the movement (motion) to Custom initially, with no adjustments
3. If you have TrackIR Pro 4, make sure its ticked (true view also)
5. Set smoothing to around 30

Make sure you've no other light sources in the room that could affect TrackIR (e.g. sunlight through windows, reflections, strong lights etc)

In-game use F12 (unless you've assigned that function to another HotKey) to re-centre your cockpit view. Otherwise your centre of vision will drift and you will get disorientated.
Thanks, Sandbagger! I had downloaded the latest patch, but I had not done all the other stuff.

Is the profile I need to copy from CFS3 the "combat flight" profile. I would assume so, but just checking.

The only other light source in the room that I have is a small, green-shade lamp on a desk about 6-8 feet behind me and to the left. Should not impact TrackIR. I even had the overhead light on yesterday and it did not interfere with me getting the three green dots.

One question I did have. I have the headset clip. I saw the picture in the quick start guide as to how that gets attached. However, if I do it that way, the green dots will not line up in the triangle like they are supposed to. So, I have to rotate those receptor heads to get them to line up. Am I supposed to do that, or this the triangle formation not all that critical for the tracking dots?
Also, my "in-game" head seems to go all over the place after I followed the steps you outlined. Not sure what is up with that, but the in-game head thing seems to be pretty accurate of what I experience in the game in terms of my head whipping around in all sorts of weird directions.
Hi Captain,
All profiles for TrackIR are installed with its software. Check the list of TrackIR game profiles already installed for TrackIR. If you've the latest set then Combat Flight sim 3 should be listed. If not, go to the TrackIR site where the latest game profiles can be downloaded and installed. For testing purposes I guess any related flight simprofile would do (e.g. Red Baron 3D).

As for the TrackIR Pro 4 head gear - the 3 probe tracker is clipped usually to the left side of your headset. The longer of the 3 probes at the bottom. It should be positioned as near to vertical as possible (as when wering the headset). Not sure about your reference to 'triangle'. You should have 3 green dots, which match the 3 probes on your headset. If you've positioned the monitor sender/receiver on the top of your monitor, it should be aligned with the headset probes (as best you can). Then you should see the 3 green dots more or less vertical in the receiver screen.
OK, I got the thing to work basically in OFF using your instructions, Sandbagger. Thanks a million!

The view did, on occasion, still have an annoying tendency to "flip out" and go off into some weird view (mainly of the cockpit seat) and I had to press F12 to get it back on target.

I did fly a mission in a blinding snow storm but got shot down by a bunch of Sopwith Triplanes and Nieuports.

On adjustments, how would you determine what you need to do? There are a lot of options, but not sure what they all mean or what the impacts are.
The triangle reference is in the little quick start card.

The headset, according to the instructions, should be worn as you describe. Sounds like to me this triangle thing is not sacrosanct.