
I re-adjusted the headset to the prescribed vertical position and it worked like a charm. None of the quirky flipping out of the view.

Just goes to show you how misleading some instructions in manuals can be.

I am pretty set up now, though I was wondering how I slow down a bit the rate of turn when I turn my head?
After I bought my TIR, apart from enjoying it, it drove me round the bend!

trying to work out how it worked, getting it to consistently do things that I wanted seemed almost impossible! to the point i very nearly threw it out the window in disgust ...

But being stubborn, and listening to others (from 60squad mainly) about how it took time to settle in and get used to it, I persevered ... and swore .... and stopped using it all the time. Then a couple of our guys sent me profiles and talked to me about setting it up, now I only swear at it a little, but have got passed the worst of setting it up. Took me 4-5 weeks of frustration to do it tho ... so hang in there, it is REALLY worth the wait.

So, to start with, if your using the pro clip, decide which side is easiest to fit it onto your headset, I put it on my left side as my mike is on my right.

Set the 3 'things' (tech term) so they are vertical and parralel with your head when you sit looking at the center of your screen in a normal flying position.

Place the little screen thingy (another tech term) on the top of your screen, but NOT in the middle. Place it off set to the side so that it is IN LINE with the 3 things on the side of your head. The Thingy can then see the 3 things 'in the middle'

Open up your TIR program (latest version) select your desire profile end click edit. tick all three heads, gauges and tracking and you should see 3 extra windows open. Hopefully on the tracking window, all you will see is 3 dots almost in the middle, and almost in line vertically. (mine make a small triangle with the midlle one offset to the right) If you see ANY other green light, you have a light source that will affect how it all works. If the green lights are red, it wont work anyway .... Main thing is that they can never cross over when you move your head. Adjust the clip and thingy position until you get similar. always press the F12 key when you re position either your head, the screen thingy the angle of the clip, that way you re center the tracking to the new locations.

keeping your head in its 'normal' comfortable position, start moving in one axis at a time, say, left to right (YAW) see how the game head moves in time with your head. Its important when starting to only do one at a time, and see how things change. its better to have slow movements that dont go far enough than to have it whizzing all over the place and confuse you. Then try up/down (PITCH) then tilt (ROLL) keep looking at the three heads and try to learn how each looks, as half the battle (well mine, anyway) was getting the headclip and screen thingy set up in a way that all three (yaw pitch roll) would work correctly without affecting each other too much, otherwise all you get is the famous 'looked left, screen went haywire and i ended up looking at the bottom rear of the cockpit' syndrome.

The other thing I was told & read was to put a decent dead spot right in the middle of the screen, so that when you look right in the center, and a small area around it, the game head doesnt move. allows you to relax a bit without the screen moving all the time. great for lining up shots.

Whn you select either Y P R, and click edit, you get a graph with several dots on each side of center. this is where you make changes. I have the middle 5 dots on 0 for my dead spot, the progressive changes upwards and outwards after that.

I will try and add some screen shots later (the morning sun is on my screen now) and upload my own profile, which I have ended up with. It has a big dead spot, slow moves until your game head is at 90 -100 deg then fast movements to check your 6. It works for me, anyway.

Still keep loosing the damn targets tho! 'Anyone seen my target, I've lost it again'

Have fun!


EDIT: Files attached now, copy the .txt file into your TIR profiles, and rename it .xml. the other is a creen shot just taken.

View attachment 63224

View attachment 63225
Congrats on your new TrackIR Captain. I adjusted mine by turning on "head" in view so I could see the in game effect and then editing Combat Flight profile one axis at a time. I turned off all of the axis except YAW and played with the settings until I got it to the sensitivity I liked. Then I turned off YAW and turned on PITCH and kept doing the same thing for each one. Working with just one axis at a time makes it so much easier to see exactly what effect you are going to get.

For myself, I found the best experience so far to be just using YAW and PITCH in TrackIR and having the other axis not even turned on. That allows me to look up and down and turn my head around to see behind me, but is a lot less likely to make me "planesick" because of so many motion variables happening at once. I'm sure as time goes by and I get better disciplined at it, I can turn on one extra axis at a time but for now, just having the two lets me see everything I need to.

Gratz again. I know you are having a blast bud.
Outlaw, thanks a million for all your useful tips. Thank everyone, for that matter, who has responded.

I tried your adjustments Outlaw and I think they did create a slight deadspace in the center--not a lot, but enough, I think.

I flew up again--this time getting shot down by ground fire. Situational awareness was much improved.

I've got all the axes on except the roll axis, which I understand is not available in OFF.

I think I am pretty close, but will do more tinkering with time.

As has been likely noted in other threads in this forum, I am not a patient man, so I really do appreciate all the input that has allowed me to get TrackIR up and running so quickly.

Would appreciate the further screenshots Outlaw whenever you get post them. Thanks again.

Now all we need is P3 and we're set? When's it getting here again? Just kidding guys.
Outlaw, on your Y,P, R axes, did you change the drop down menu to dead zone (from custom, which is where most say to keep them)?

Just curious. The dead space effect from just moving the five points down to zero was having just a little effect.

I'll do some experimenting and see.

It's a great thing, to be sure, TrackIR.
No, I kept mine at custom, the drop down just seems to give you a basic starting point. I just manually set the middle 5 points at zero, then adjusted the rest equally until I got the response I wanted.

Initially I had it set way to fast, so my head zoomed round the first 100 degrees and everything was a blur, but now I have it so that its more comfortable, something like 2/3rds my head movement does half my game head movement, as thats the main area I look, then a quick flip and I'm looking behind.

Looking down I have set more progressive, as I wanted to scan the dials in the cockpit, and the same setting works for looking up too, as that view I use when rolling over the top of an enemy, so I dont want movement to be too fast.

As you get more used to TIR you will find many minor adjustments wil get it how you like to fly. Learn to understand how to translate @I want it to work THIS way' into the graphs that TIR uses, and you'll soon get it how you want it :)

Do bear in mind that most of my flying at the moment is IL2, I will need a different profile for OFF, but to be honest, I cant see it will change a huge amount now.

I've already created an IL2 profile as well, but have not tweaked it yet to outlaw specifications.

Thanks a lot for all your help and mentoring in TrackIR.
Did you copy my profile and load it into your TIR ?

I have 6 or 7 profiles, including two sent to me, so I could see how others did it, and see which bits l liked, then add/modify my own one.

I took your screenshot and copied the settings. Thanks for that screenshot.

I'd be interested in getting other profiles; how did you load them?
if you look just below the screenshot I posted, there is a link for outlaw_IL2.txt save this as outlaw_IL2.xml into your TIR profiles directory. mine is at C:\Program Files\NaturalPoint\TrackIR4\Profiles

restart the software, and under your profiles list you should see mine. Edit it, then you will see the settings I have used. To start with, i just wrote down the numbers that related to each dot on the edit screen, just so I could jiggle them about while flying, then try the new number set to see how it worked

Got it. Thanks.

The settings look interesting.

Could they be used for OFF?
I dont see why not?

One thing you DO have to pay attention to is sitting position. I find If I slouch in my chair without realising, my profile chucks the view all over the place :)

I started to load the TIR program and check the head gauges & tracking windows each time before playing, as I didnt understand why it always seemed different! this was in my 'I hate TIR' phase. It does work best if i sit in the same position each time!

I recieved my trackIr the other day, & set it up as suggested by all you good folks in this post, & all i can say is WOW!

Its great to be able to keep my enemies in view by just turning my head rather than looking down at the keyboard to press a button, & to physically look down the gunsight moving my head slightly before I fire, gives it a more realistic feel,

I seem to be staying alive more due to the fact that when bullets start to whistle past me i turn my head straight away & am able to take evasive action much quicker. rather than taking time to look at the keyboard to press a key, which by that time im usually a swiss cheese!

I must admit that i did have some doubts about getting trackIR before I decided to finally take the plunge but i can say to anybody who has doubts about getting trackIR

GET IT! You'll be so glad that you did!! :applause:
Plus, I don't know if you use pedals, but if not try this one, I found much better method of aircraft control. Fire your Machine Guns via the Spacebar, grasp the joystick as if the trigger does Not exist, in the case of Force Feedback, you'll still feel the pulse of the guns. :ernae:
I have used trackir since trackir 1.
My present set up is trackir 3Pro with vector expansion.
A mate recently got trackir 4 and we were setting it up using the clip etc. We found it to be quite finicky. Going in and out of "tracking"
I noticed that he had the three prong sensor clip for going on to the front of baseball cap,
(which is what is used with trackir 3 ).
We tried it and immediately found the tracking to be constant and smoother!!
Now, I expected that I would find it better, because, after all, that is the set up I am used to, but the interesting thing is that my mate, who had never used trackir before, fell straight into it and nearly all of his problems went away- considering it was his first time.

The conclusion is, that unless you have the clip set up spot on, it is finicky.
Use the hat and things are a lot easier.
The only downside I could see is that you look at lot less technical and a little geeky in the hat
If that worries you!

This may help those who initially find set up difficult

I've got TrackIR 4 with the clip and it works OK. Trick is to get the actual clip mechanism properly in place. It's a bit finicky at first, but settles down nicely after awhile. No major concerns, other than I've noticed that my settings don't always seem to stay set where I placed them, so I often have to go back and re-set.

I would say that I found the posts above by Outlaw to be the most helpful.
a little geeky in the hat

a LITTLE!?!? I look a complete dweeb........It's just a fact of cultural life that only the Yanks can get away with wearing baseball caps, for us Brits, well we have to be resigned to the derisory looks from others and believe me, it's not just the clip on the front they're smirking at!
a LITTLE!?!? I look a complete dweeb.....

I'll give you a story of utter dweebdom
When I first started useing Trackir, I found the climate of SW Florida, in summer made the wearing of a Baseball Cap rather uncomfortable.

My solution was to mount the Hatclip on one of those green visors.

But as is normally the case, the availability of an object, is inversely proportional to it's need.

I finally managed to get my paws on a visor, in a Golf Pro Shop, however it was pink, that didn't bother me, I couldn't see it.

I wondered why everyone would giggle, everytime I flew OFF. This went on for roughly a week

Then, I looked in the mirror

Sooo I attacked my Boston Red Sox's Cap with a sissors, leaveing only the brim

Now it just Looks Strange, instead of Funny :costumes::costumes::costumes:
It's when there's a knock at the door and you rush down to answer it, forgetting that you are wearing the hat, that you get the real strange looks!!

Or, for you trackir veterans, in the days when you stuck the reflective dots on your glasses or nose, and you nipped out for the paper with a nose still decorated with three reflective dots.
Don't ask me how I know--:)
I 'd say that it's going to be VERY difficult to keep your head in precisely the same position especially when you are in a hot dogfight. Still it's got to be possible, but it's difficult.