OK Guys,
I have followed this thread to this lul -- I realy want this bird and I'm ready to purchase but I was hoping to get, via this thread, a warm fuzzy that it would run OK on my PC. I've read the Min/Avg/Ultimate requirements on the VRS site and mine fall in the AVG + catagory but I still don't have that warm fuzzy so I'll ask.
Here are my specs:
XP Home SP2
P4 3.0
ATI 1650X Pro PciX16 512MB
250GB SATA 7200 x 2
19" ViewSonic F1 running at 1280 x 1024
In FS9 most sliders are full right I get 30 + FPS and smooth flying with few exceptions.
Yeah, I know it's old, but will it run the Super Bug or is this slide show territiry?
Informed readers want to know!
LDF :mixedsmi: