VRS SuperBug Heads Up!

its hard to steer in a dogfight Stickshaker

In your pictures above, your UDDI indicates you've got HSEL selected. That would definitely make it difficult since the plane's trying to fly the heading bug's direction.
I didn't mean to insult anyone's passion about flight sim. I was asked a bunch of questions and, rather than getting real specific on my experience, I answered them in a fairly general way. The statement you make above just doesn't make any sense to me at all. Simulators I flew back in the early seventies were more sophisticated than FS9 or FSX in terms of what they allowed you to simulate accurately. That's the key. FS9 and FSX certainly have a lot more eye candy in many areas, but if the F-4 could do it, so could the simulator (almost everything). Not so with Microsoft's game. So to me there's no line at all.

Of course, and every F/A-18E than needed fixing would be configured with exactly the same hardware and software, unlike the millions of potential combinations among flight simmers' controllers.

I didn't think you were insulting anyone, just expressing a diffrent view? Sorry it doesn't make sense to you, those are my memories from a whole 7 hours and 25 years ago, I'm sure they're not perfect. Key phrase, seems to me which is to say that it maybe very diffrent for somone else! I seem to remember reading that I'm using the same controlers that the manual mentions. Game configuration is the same. Software maybe diffrent, I'm running XP. Guess I'm just confused as to why my set up would be so diffrent...........?
Simulators I flew back in the early seventies were more sophisticated than FS9 or FSX in terms of what they allowed you to simulate accurately. That's the key.

Yes! Simulators back then were used mostly for practicing instrument approaches and emergency procedures. They were very good at both. With no visuals, you had to learn to use the instruments (especially HSI) for situational awareness.

Its main function was EP training. Believe me, the IP had you perspiring in there as he threw failure after failure at you until you had to eject.

I'm using the same controlers that the manual mentions. Game configuration is the same. Software maybe diffrent, I'm running XP. Guess I'm just confused as to why my set up would be so diffrent...........?

Mud, how bad is your problem? You said it was like what I described. My faulting of the control delay is more nit and anything else. The plane is mostly flyable.

I haven't tried air refueling or fingertip formation in the F-18. However, I have yet to find any MSFS aircraft to be accurate and smooth enough to do either of those well. Then.... it could be my hamfisted flying??? :costumes:
Yes! Simulators back then were used mostly for practicing instrument approaches and emergency procedures. They were very good at both. With no visuals, you had to learn to use the instruments (especially HSI) for situational awareness.

Depends on the simulator. The F-4's could replicate many more things such as ordnance delivery, mission specific procedures, ground radar tracking, etc.
Cue the scary music!

My first carrier landing. The HUD pics were taken during the replay, and the speed is not accurate. I was actually going too fast. Don’t know why the replay does that. That was fun!
OK Guys,

I have followed this thread to this lul -- I realy want this bird and I'm ready to purchase but I was hoping to get, via this thread, a warm fuzzy that it would run OK on my PC. I've read the Min/Avg/Ultimate requirements on the VRS site and mine fall in the AVG + catagory but I still don't have that warm fuzzy so I'll ask.

Here are my specs:
XP Home SP2
P4 3.0
ATI 1650X Pro PciX16 512MB
250GB SATA 7200 x 2
19" ViewSonic F1 running at 1280 x 1024

In FS9 most sliders are full right I get 30 + FPS and smooth flying with few exceptions.

Yeah, I know it's old, but will it run the Super Bug or is this slide show territiry?

Informed readers want to know! :kilroy:

LDF :mixedsmi:
With difficulty and some hard work tweaking - I get 10-15 FPS where I usually average 40-50 FPS... the systems simulation is very hard on the processor!
OK Guys,

I have followed this thread to this lul -- I realy want this bird and I'm ready to purchase but I was hoping to get, via this thread, a warm fuzzy that it would run OK on my PC. I've read the Min/Avg/Ultimate requirements on the VRS site and mine fall in the AVG + catagory but I still don't have that warm fuzzy so I'll ask.

Here are my specs:
XP Home SP2
P4 3.0
ATI 1650X Pro PciX16 512MB
250GB SATA 7200 x 2
19" ViewSonic F1 running at 1280 x 1024

In FS9 most sliders are full right I get 30 + FPS and smooth flying with few exceptions.

Yeah, I know it's old, but will it run the Super Bug or is this slide show territiry?

Informed readers want to know! :kilroy:

LDF :mixedsmi:

I am running pretty close....my processor matches. I am running XP sp2

I have a P4 3.0G with 2 gigs ram and a 7800GS agp 256. 19 inch LCD running at the same settings as yours.

With adjustments to autogen and a few things turned down I can get 17 to 20 FPS. I am happy with it as it is.
EMatheson and Warhawk1130 ~

Thanks very much for your replies. :wave: More food for thought.

Good morning, Steve!

Well...my system almost matches yours and I can thoroughly enjoy the Bug on my system, with all sliders right!
OK...when I want to fly from Aerosofts "Mega Airport London", I do get some FPS issues...but who lands a Bug at Heathrow, anyways?

So...go ahead an get on the drivers seat!

Good morning, Steve!

Well...my system almost matches yours and I can thoroughly enjoy the Bug on my system, with all sliders right!
OK...when I want to fly from Aerosofts "Mega Airport London", I do get some FPS issues...but who lands a Bug at Heathrow, anyways?

So...go ahead an get on the drivers seat!


Hi Bernd ~

Thanks. Just the arm twist I needed! :woot:
No paint kit yet.

But there are repaints. Fictional Canadian Super Hornets by RobP


Got the reapints...very cool! There's an additonal VFA-105 bird on there also.

Anyway...how do I get rid of the EVENTS box that keeps popping up on me?
Anyway...how do I get rid of the EVENTS box that keeps popping up on me?

If you prefer to run in windowed mode, then you can drag that window down so it's hidden by the task bar. I run it that way without problems, but it IS designed to be run in full screen.