Beautiful shots, Patrick! Almost photographic. Which carrier is that, by the way?
Regarding the flight behaviour: I once did a carrier landing in a real F/A-18C simulator (owned by McDonnell Douglas, now Boeing). When I made my first carrier landing with the VRS Super Hornet this morning it felt the same as in the ‘real’ simulator, as far as my memory goes. I even made the same mistakes (overcorrecting pitch, coming in a bit too high in the end) and corrected them in more or less the same way. I find it difficult to compare the plane with the Aerosoft F-16 in detail; you have to cater for so many variables like payload etc., but to me VRS have delivered a masterpiece. My FS9, now re-installed out of necessity, is a de facto Hornet simulator. The flight behaviour is way better than the default Hornet in FSX Acceleration, and comparing the three carrier landings I made in professional simulators with landings in PC-simulators I conclude that the more realistic the plane is simulated, the easier the landing (of course apart from real-life risks and systems and environment complexity) . Please VRS, release an FSX version; I am prepared to pre-order it now and not concerned about getting an upgrade discount or not. You have delivered more than the money’s worth here, and I hope you are enjoying your well-deserved holiday.
By the way: if you sometimes get the word ‘rig’ in the flight control system (FCS) page, it may help to move your joystick and rudder briefly around to their extreme positions. With me it clears the message.