VRS SuperBug Heads Up!

This is simply mind-boggling.....how advanced an addon this is, and how good it is overall. Kinda puts all of those 'can't be done in FS9' arguments to rest (at least so far as to say that new ground can be broken). Jon, you and Alvaro and the rest of the team deserve a huge congrats on this one! :friday::ernae::friday:....now if only i could land it........lol:icon_lol:
Great to hear, Felix, thanks much. I know you had been looking forward to it and it's nice to know we didn't let you down.




Will be getting this aircraft, but kind of scared about the problems I read about stick and rudder pedals not working. I have CH Fighterstick and CH Pro pedals. They talk about invert this and do this and that, I have no idea what they are talking about. So what do you say? Get it and it will all be fine?

I have the CH Products yoke, throttle, and rudders, and it works fine. You do have to do the invert thing, but it’s easy. Just read through the “getting started” PDF. It takes 20-30 minutes, if you read through it carefully. I was a little put off by all this as well, but I really wanted to try this plane out. I’m not disappointed!
This simulation has the most realistic fly by wire set for any military aircraft thus far in FS. Because of its implementation, and a lot of other subtle coding, it requires the user to do a few things before you get started. Once the setup is done, you shouldn't have to do it again. I promise you however, it will be well worth the small work required to get it to run. I think everyone who has it will agree.
Ok, this is cool. I’m landing at Mountain Home AFB (gotta show those USAF dudes my new ride), which is at 3000 feet up. Plus I’m lugging around five external tanks and still have most of the internal fuel. So you would expect that the landing speed would be higher, right? I’m [more or less] on AOA, but at 153 knots, quite a bit faster than the normal 137-ish from the book. It must “know”!

(Mud, EM="environmental map". I don't know what that is either, but they're talking about the canopy looking all dark and cool :costumes:)
Why do I have this feeling that online tonight Flight 19 is going to have to call Terminex to take care of all these bugs? :costumes:
I'm really thinking about getting this plane, but can somebody w/ a top system post the highest FPS they can get with this addon (scenery max, auto-gen, high traffic..etc.). I just want to see the top ceiling it can reach w/ all FS9 settings maxed....for example, sitting at the active at KSEA. I usually use the RealAir planes as a base (i can usually get 90+fps in the SF260). The Eaglesoft Cirrus SR22 is probably the worst FPS plane i have; getting about 28fps w/ the same settings.

I do this test by setting the fps counter to unlimited, and get the average.

because i'm a little concerned that my machine might choke on this aircraft. I bought the captain sim C-130 earlier this year, and that thing is a joke at major airports (15fps at best w/ settings maxed)...so i had to remove it. The worst feeling is to fly a beautiful aircraft with choppy fps.

is there a return policy or anything (i'll go to the website and check myself now)?

**EDIT** i just found the support forum and there were some posts about FPSs in there. Seems like this addon does eat up a lot of fps. So i guess my question goes back to the return policy (couldn't find one on their site). Is there such a thing? I love the Flight1 wrapper system because of this feature. I can buy all of them and take it for a test drive first.


Why do I have this feeling that online tonight Flight 19 is going to have to call Terminex to take care of all these bugs? :costumes:

:costumes: I'll get it figured out Willy!! I would have flown it more today but getting things done got in the way!!

PRB: I like that dark glass also!! Wish someone would post more about it!!
Could be interesting to know what "P.I.E" think about the
VRS Super Bug !

I met Lt. Page "P.I.E" Felini last june at the Québec Air Show.

Not only she is a F-18F Pilot, a War Veteran ( OIF ), and a F-18F QFI,
but she is one of the East Coast Super Hornet Demo Pilot.

She is definitly my type of women.

I will contact her to know if she tried the VRS F-18F and have
a "Top Consumer Report" from her.

Note :
Impossible at least for me, to know the meaning of her callsign !

The only complaint I have against this plane is the flight dynamics. It may be the difference between FS9 and FSX but, I find the Aerosoft F-16 to be much more stable and responsive than the VRS F-18.

I have calibrated the controls (CH- Fighterstick, Pro Throttles and CH-Rudders) several times in both XP and FSUIPC. I have all my dead zones at 0. It didn't make much difference. Also, I can't get anything more than 95% N2. The bird seems sluggish at times because of that.

Otherwise, the more I fly it the more I enjoy it.