Vultee XP-54 - Texture Artist Needed

I made a few preliminary flights in the military model, and the big Vultee's handling and flight model characteristics appear to be consistent with the airplane's
development history. Ground handling is superb and cockpit visibility is very good both on the ground and in the air. Max airspeed near sea level is spot on at
around 290 m.p.h. I'll need to do more tests at 28K to check speed at that altitude.

With the nose down, the XP-54's clean aerodynamics allows speed to pick up quickly even with power off. Stability and control in a dive is excellent. On approach,
good control at full flaps with +8.8 degrees elevator trim at 120 m.p.h., over the fence at 110, and touch down on the main gear at a hair at around 98 m.p.h.
More refined numbers will no doubt be developed and provided with the final package. Another likely addition to the final package would be a "vc01_L.bmp" from
the XP-47/72 texture files to back light the instruments.

As other members have said, the complicated animations work very well and are mesmerizing to watch.

It would be interesting to see what the XP-54 would have been capable of if completed to the original low/medium altitude specification at a lower gross weight.

Many thanks to Milton and crew for developing this FS9 model that represents a fascinating example of 1940's era U.S. aviation engineering.

Not sure what you are saying here Tom. The vc01_L.bmp is in the common texture folder and the gauge back-lighting works fine here.

EDIT: Oh, I see you are in FS9 ... yup, appears to be missing there. :-/

Attached is the missing texture. Just unzip and copy to the three texture folders in FS9.


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On approach, good control at full flaps with +8.8 degrees elevator trim at 120 m.p.h., over the fence at 110, and touch down on the main gear at a hair at around 98 m.p.h.
More refined numbers will no doubt be developed and provided with the final package.

The model consistently performs very predictably at these settings.... she's a very easy bird to come back to terra firma with.

Was flying around in P3DV4 last night and I am very impressed with it. The animation of the pilot dropping down the bottom of the aircraft on exit open is nice, too bad the viewpoint from the VC can't move with it but i'm sure that would be very difficult.

It reminds me a lot of piglets XP-56, which makes sense because they were made to the same requirement. Was flying both last night for comparison. BTW, Piglets XP-56 works fine in P3DV4 also.
It would be interesting to see what the XP-54 would have been capable of if completed to the original low/medium altitude specification at a lower gross weight.

Wellllllll.........that's gonna happen in spades....

..1946...Working the bugs out and blowing laundry off the backyard lines in Mojave, California.


...1947..... Cleveland first run......


....1948..... Cleveland again.....unhappy engine on return to California....missed the tragic 1949 races....



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Aerial Survey 1950 to 1962....




....A hot rod fitting of the Allison V-3420. FAA issues two short sheets of very narrow parameters for XP-54 to observe. It's a whole new show. Swoose spends a little more than a decade as a photo-survey ship. Ranges as far as Alaska, Yukon, NWT, to some locales in (Ummmmm) South America....where her high altitude performance was a real plus... all over the place ...really....hard to tell....seems like some pages missing from the log book...


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...Reno 1965.... people in the stands start calling it, Super Swoose..."




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......Reno 1975.... The fellows on the crew are collecting the years. Their sentiment over collective wartime experiences takes a leap into paint...





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..And last three images....


.....Reno 1985...... Bluebird evocation of true flight, and perhaps a humble tip of the hat to a true Master Aviation Artist, the late Garry J. Smith.



...All lighter than the Military prototype, except the photo-ship. She carries extra fuel. Each year represented develops more power, Zoom-zoom.

Currently working it all out in FSX ACC DX10, this next week updating all work into good ol' FS9.

.....Likely available around the end of July.

...The graphic foundation is Mike Kelly's amazing work, I've just squeezed some decals over top. To that end, he's created a really solid paint kit to go along with the whole thing. I'm wondering how long before somebody dishes out a Crimson Skies variant...........:mixed-smiley-010:


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I'm definitely looking forward to the release of the racing and survey variants. Thanks for all of the preview pics.
Aside from the liveries Magoo posted above, these additional liveries are in the packages.

Thanks to Mike Kelley and James Banks for the awesome contributions to what started out as a 'quick and dirty" project I did for the Gmax Tutorial project. :applause:


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This is great. Thanks to all involved!

The 1985 Racer version reminds me of the Romulan Bird of Prey from Star Trek.:encouragement:

FS9 Package is uploaded and available and I am uploading the FSX Native package now...

Thank you so much! Thanks to all who contributed!

I'm not usually a fan of fiction, but those post-war racer liveries are fantastic!

And you didn't think you could find anyone to paint this bird!
.....Reno 1985...... Bluebird evocation of true flight, and perhaps a humble tip of the hat to a true Master Aviation Artist, the late Garry J. Smith.


An excellent tribute indeed, and if Garry were still around I'm sure he would want to work his mastery on her. "A Slick Purse from a Sow's Ear indeed". But Milton and his band of Merry Folks have always been known for creating some of the most researched, thought out, refined and absolutely gorgeous aircraft models I have ever had the joy and privilege to fly.

One issue discovered in the Military 00 variant with Fuel Gauge not working. An oversight on my part; my apologies in advance.

One reported problem is that the fuel gauge does not work in the 00 military version.

Here is the simple fix procedure:

1) Open the Vultee_XP-54_FSX_00 package aircraft.cfg and find the Fuel Section.

2) Copy paste the following to replace the Fuel Section, then save and test.

//Longitudinal (feet), Lateral (feet), Vertical (feet), Usable(gallons), Unusable (gallons)
fuel_type =1
number_of_tank_selectors =1
electric_pump =1
Center1 = 1.0, 0, -0.6, 378, 15