Vultee XP-54 - Texture Artist Needed

This was meant for the few flyers who are already doing the early stage stuff out there. I hoping to trawl in a bit more info before we go really loud with this project.

Everybody's quite busy, so this may end up being unleashed on the unsuspecting membership in general before I get the data I'm looking for.

Dustpan and wisk standing by.
LOL Not a problem guys; I would have had the beta out but I was wrestling (still am) with an FSX FM issue.

So, I kluged together a quickie basic FSX package to help test Magoo's download.

NOTE: Will NOT work in FS9

Takeoffs and landings are high speed due to hi-speed air foil.

Take off: 1 notch of flaps, 4-5 degrees nose up, rotate slowly at 95-100, liftoff at 115kias
Approach: keep your speed up, cross the fence at 115kias.
You are on your own from there.

Here ya go; I'll leave this up until you get Magoo some reports:

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Milton- I can't get the alpha to load up in FS2004. It hangs up on the selection window. Any ideas?


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Milton- I can't get the alpha to load up in FS2004. It hangs up on the selection window. Any ideas?

My apologies Kevin. The upload test was meant for FSX versions so I uploaded the FSX version that has DDS textures and a Common folder structure. That is what is stopping you.

This was not meant to be an FS9 test. If you can convert the DDS to bmp, and put all textures in the N43STP folder, it should work.

We are preparing an FS9 beta but will be a few days.

EDIT: I modified the post above to clarify. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Basic FSX/A feedback

Firstly- thanks to everyone working on this plane! I did some quick testing in FSX/A non-steam of the alpha with the FM above:

1.Flies smoothly and matches the given speed at sea level with WEP.
2.Takes off and lands with no problems.

I did notice some obvious issues which are part of the w.i.p such as:

1.two seats in the VC.
2.aircraft.cfg needed work to get plane in sim.
3.flaps only seem to move visually one stage.

Cheers James.
Firstly- thanks to everyone working on this plane! I did some quick testing in FSX/A non-steam of the alpha with the FM above:

1.Flies smoothly and matches the given speed at sea level with WEP.
2.Takes off and lands with no problems.

I did notice some obvious issues which are part of the w.i.p such as:

1.two seats in the VC.
2.aircraft.cfg needed work to get plane in sim.
3.flaps only seem to move visually one stage.

Cheers James.

LOL Told you I scrambled to put this together ... now you know the real mess we deal with in alpha stage. :)
Anyone with books/mags on the XP-54, I am looking for two things: wing air foil number, and wing incidence. Any help greatly appreciated.

EDIT: Never mind this request; had it all along. Just forgot that I had already included the data in the original FM.

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Update time:

Mike Kelley has completed the paint kit and finalizing 3 liveries. He is now assembling packages for FS9 and FSX that will eventually become the beta test packages.

Magoo has developed an exciting racing set of options that are part of this one consolidated package of military and civilian models.

Tom Falley has made some recent improvements in the military flight model that puts to rest a nagging problem there. Thanks to Magoo for some insight there.

I want to give a shout out to Tom Gibson and others at FSDeveloper who helped resolve an intriguing and frustrating issue relating to prop visibility. Tom was instrumental in finding the cause of an issue that plagued me for 12 hours. Thank you Tom for all you do for the community.

For the past four days I have been converting the Vultee XP-54 to native FSX. I just completed the alpha build of that and sent it out to the team. So you FSX/P3D folks out there, we will have something native for you after all.

Thanks for your interest.

I assure you that we are working daily on this and there have been lots of progress.

The package contains 6 variants, 5 of which are racer versions.

Mike Kelley and Magoo have done some great work to homogenize things.

The paint kit is about wrapped now and there are liveries to be produced.

But the fundamentals are in place.
The status of the project is in the hands of Magoo and Mike Kelley awaiting final textures for the racer versions I believe.
Slow, yet constant progress:




Somebody delivered a pallet load of dayglo paint to the hanger by mistake. We found a good use for it.


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Betcha there was an FAA Cop waiting at the hangar door to give that Vultee pilot a big ol' ticket!

Superb work, looking very nice at this point.... :encouragement:

More colors, the first sighting of the "Allison" powered Swoose.....





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WOW! A very nice paint on the XP-54 which fits it precisely! Not to mention it's absolutely GORGEOUS!


Very nice!
