Would Anyone Else like to see an X-Plane Discussion Board here

That is enough to turn me off. I do not NEED someone to capitalize words to emphasize their POINTS to me.

Grow up Mr Meyer.

:amen: One thing is for sure, he ain't gonna get my hard earned money. Long live FSX.
One thing is for sure, he ain't gonna get my hard earned money. Long live FSX.
Myers said:
. . . . .The bottom line is that we at Laminar Research are ready to accept the inflow of customers from Microsoft, will continue to make X-Plane the best flight simulator in the industry
Cocky *** ain't he. . . .grrrr. . .sure glad we're all bailing out at such an alarming rate that he's already in the gold room counting his millions before they're hatched. That alone would be enough for me to stick with FS9/FSX until I'm too senile to know what a computer is anymore.
I'm another that wouldn't give that guy a dime of my money, as far as I'm concerned my staying with FS9/FSX shows my determination to support the guys from ACES that have given us what we have now, no thanks to Microsoft.
We only talk about X-Plane because of the weakness of MS and not because X-Plane "all interesting features will be in the next version" is so much better.
Flightgear and Seven-G are looking more interesting to me EDIT: than X-Plane.
But my main Sim will remain FSX, because of its SDK and graphics.

I would vote for a separate forum for all non-MS flight simulators (Flightgear, X-Plane etc).
All of this talk of not giving Austin our money is well and good but there are some of us who have been flying X-Plane since the early days on and off and many of us who have version 9, now 9.22. Why send these guys to get brainwashed or brutalized at X-Plane.org.

You should see how Harleyman was treated over there just for asking questions about how to get his PC rig setup to run FSX. Those MAC loving loonies over there brow beat him and one suggested that you can't run X-Plane well on a PC-a outright lie. I run it better than they do!

I doubt if anyone in here is stupid enough to leave FSX or FS9 to go to X-Plane, as it has a long way to go to be a great simulator, but we can help each other not waste what we have spent.

I'm not rich and this was a gift that I chose not to return. I love flight simming and I want people on both sides of the aisle to be able to enjoy their hobby as much as I do. It is why I share the knowledge I share about computers and what makes one run best. It is also why I build them. I know how to build a system that makes X-Plane and FSX sing. There are quite a few in here that know that because they are using my build or have had help in building one.

Let's not send our folks over to their side to drink the Kool-Aid! If you don't want to buy X-Plane I agree. I would not purchase it while MSFS is still viable and growing. You have to understand though that Microsoft passed the baton to Austin Meyer by doing what they did with our ACES team, dropping full support for MSFS, and Train Sim 2.0. Perhaps unknowingly they gave that egomaniac what he has always wanted, but I doubt that Microsoft didn't count the cost. FSX is a small revenue item compared to other things they have cooking on the back burner, in bad times a smaller revenue item is going to go to the back burner and something else brought forward-it's business not evil empire stuff.

Cocky *** ain't he. . . .grrrr. . .sure glad we're all bailing out at such an alarming rate that he's already in the gold room counting his millions before they're hatched. That alone would be enough for me to stick with FS9/FSX until I'm too senile to know what a computer is anymore.
I'm another that wouldn't give that guy a dime of my money, as far as I'm concerned my staying with FS9/FSX shows my determination to support the guys from ACES that have given us what we have now, no thanks to Microsoft.

I appreciate that message Ed :wavey:
I appreciate that message Ed :wavey:
My pleasure Francois,
Glad to see the Facebook site is tallying new members at a pretty good clip right now too. Just seems that there could have been a less extreme solution open to MS than to simply dump the entire shop. As I said, FS9/FSX are here to stay and I don't see anything else on the horizon that can touch it, despite what's being said elsewhere.
I know x-plane since version 3, I tried v9 and even built planes for various versions, but in the end I always came back to FS.
1st; the planes have too little inertia. They don't 'feel' like real planes.
I haven't seen a single 'real' pilot who considers x-planes behaviour convincing.
2nd; basic aerodynamic problems can't be resolved due to x-planes 'blade-element-theory'.
A lot of planes like the really nice looking Mu2 (at least it's freeware predecessor) have very serious handling problems.
E.g. I never achieved flightmanual perfomance for my (v9) Hansajet due to these limitations.
3rd; Planes with a highly sophisticated systems-simulation like the PMDG MD-11 are far out of reach.
IMHO the gap between FS and x-plane became even wider when MS introduced FSX!

I'm really looking forward to an extended FSX live and for that reason, even further improved FSX-planes ;)

No, I don't think that SOH needs an x-plane forum
Sure, the more the better. I am sure that with the "Vacuum" left by our great Master MS, who has everyone by the ***alls both with this Sim and in the business world with its "expensive and full of Bugs Vista OS", someone will come out
with a better Sim eventually...........Do you´ll thing NO ONE can do better?????? they were the top of the Mount
and no one can ever beat them?????? ---note I am talking both of MS and the Aces......Come on people, time passes
and things and people go with it....I have seen a lot come and go.....So Yes, do open a Forum for other Sims, why not???:welcome:
Signed up at the X-Plane forum, just to see what's going on. Looks active and I didn't see much "told you so" over the demise of Aces, in fact some of the posts were sorry to see MSFS go.

Valid point here. I'm often following the XPlane.org forum because it's the most active one for X-Plane, and I'm interested by the features of this simulator since years.

Sure this forum has some pretty stupid members, but that's the case in most forums, including FS9/FSX forums (just looks a little back in time, the behavior of some FS9'ers when FSX appeared). Thruth is that behind those guys, there are a whole bunch of nice guys, real sim enthusiats with a BRAIN, willing to help and inform... just like on any other forum.

Now, the page from Meyer about welcoming the rats that leave the FS sinking ship.... that's really funny. This guy is being a little bit too much optimistic on the delays. It will take years before FSX looses his interest.

I am personnaly considering buying XPlane 9. It's not that I want to leave FSX, because FSX gives me most of what I need in a flight sim. However, XPlane has some stuff that is missing in FSX, mainly for the flight models (you know, vectored thrust, space flight etc...) and that's something I want to experience. Now, having seen tons of XPlane screenshots, I can safely state that the XPlane graphics are [MARQUEE]TERRIBLE[/MARQUEE] for the most part. Being a VFR, low and slow lovers, XPlane has really NOTHING to offer me in this area at this time, but I expect this will change in future, because we all know how fast this sim evolves.

Leaving the FS world just because MS is stopping the developpments would be stupid. We all know waht modules can do, how much they can add features that did not exist before (rcbo stuff is THE perfect example).

But ignoring the XPlane world just because it is XPlane would be even more stupid. Concerning the original question in this topic, I don't really know what to answer. On one hand, the XPlane.org is the main forum for XPlane, all the experienced users are there, all the informations are there.
On the other hand, I would prefer discovering the XPlane world within a community I know, you guys here :friday:, instead of risking the Harleyman experience on the other forum. :hand:
They remind me of the people at People's Temple-Jim Jones group and they love their Kool-Aid. Austin is the Exalted One and as you say IAN Microsoft the evil empire. I will say that some of them have been extremely kind about the ACES deal and have great sympathy for their plight, but then you get the other mob that can't see beyond the forest they created.

BTW Michael their sales may be up but they are not counting the ones who buy it, try it and toss it! Those are in the majority. I meet them on facebook and other sim sites like Flight Gear. Still I think an XPlane forum over here would be cool we haven't drunk the Kool-Aid.

I've got plenty of KOOL-AID left for free.:jump:

Seriously, I purchased X-Plane today but have yet to install it. A forum here might be nice, but if there are others elsewhere that should suffice for now. Should MSFS die altogether then a full time forum would be necessary. MS discontinued a space sim and the combat sims and they have not returned......yet.

Just to balance out my purchases, I got a duplicate of FSX, but in the Gold version. Want MS to know there is life in there sim still, and also have a spare should my other discs go kaput.

I have track ir4 and hope that it will work.
I cant see FS dying.. Look at CFS1! Still tons of followers.. I will not throw away my CFS1 disc. Too good of a sim. Now and then I load it up. I still intend to try CFS2 someday. I think FS9 and FSX will be here for ages....

As for X-Plane, its just a different sim. Its not really competing as its so different from FS. FS has 'alot' to offer. X-Plane does not, but it does have alot for what it is. Goodness, its got Autogen, cloud shading on Earth, real world aerodynamics, weapons systems.

Comparing the two though is almost like comparing FS to CFS. Two diff sims.

Yep, I would massively enjoy a X-Plane forum room. I want to get a couple of my own birds converted to XP9 format, and also learn how to get those planes 'twitchiness' dialed out. Looks like some fun going in there and making some improvements.

Wow, I have only flown MSFS and know nothing about X-Plane first hand but this thread speaks volumes about who has drank the kool-aide. I would just like to remind people that X-Plane and FSX are both games in hopes that that people realise there is no winner or loser, rooting for a home team, hate them because their planes look poopy and mine are shiney........

After sifting through much BS it sounds like, from the people who play both games and don't look at it as a competition in which one or the other must be backed to win or if someone says something bad about the FS I own I must take it personal, that X-Plane is much behind FSX in most everything.

I guess the thing that intrigues me about X-Plane is its use of physics in flight modeling and the fact it is still in development and will get better. MS got out of the CFS arena years ago and failed to give FSX the ability to really support that. I may be wrong here, but X-Plane could possibly fill that void.

But other than Combat there are many other things that I feel were left out of FSX that X-Plane might include in theirs as it is developed. Online play with greater player interaction to create more purpose for flying. Combat, Cargo runs, airlines, competitions..... all things that could make the experience more enjoyable. Look at what people go through for the Around the world race competitions and such, there is so much potential here.

Hardware is developing rapidly and the i7 PCs of today can calculate a lot more physics than the best 8P systems 4 years ago. I would really like to see an X-Plane forum so I can keep track of developments in this platform. I am downloading the demo now so I can do some stalls and see how the program works.
I still intend to try CFS2 someday.

C'mon down to the basement. Ya know ya want too!:woot:


I think theres would be a problem with opening a X-Plane forum here. Sure X-Plane may have a long way to go, but its still a viable option for folks. We have an IL2 forum here don't we? Besides with the vast majority of the good crew we have here already I doubt anything would get out of control... too much...

And as far as X-plane9 vs FSX vs FS9 is much like IL2 vs CFS2. WHO CARES?! CFS2 is my main WWII combat sim, it has a soft spot in my heart. IL2 is better generally graphics wise and is much better for jumping online and playing with other thinking (I'd hope) people. FS9 is awesome for civi flying. Why don't I fly FSX? Well I haven't really tired it on my rig, (last time I did try it on my old rig it didn't run all that great...) and I like all the add-ons and stuff I already have with FS9.

I admit I haven't tried X-plane, and the big kicker? As others have said, the community. If there was a forum here, I'd give it a shot! gamming is a fun pasttime, but gamming and disgussing it wiht good like minded and interested folks? priceless! *Why else do ya think has the basement been working and running for so dang long?*:gossip:
I just got done playing the demo and must say it is a much better game than I expected and flying planes in X-plane feels much different than FSX. In X-Plane you can feel the planes instability much more and it feels more like you are flying, especially at low speeds. I was still disappointed in the physics when I did stalls and such but it seemed more realistic during take-off and landing. As others previously stated the graphics don't seem very good after playing FSX, but I found them tollerable, but I also had everything turned way up in 1920X1200.

The demo actually left me wanting more and for $40 at Wal-Mart I think I will grab a copy when I can afford it. :ernae:
I am neither a pilot, nor have I tried x-plane; but one of my brothers flies helicopters, and says the helicopter flight model in x-plane is much better than the one found in MSFS.
I am neither a pilot, nor have I tried x-plane; but one of my brothers flies helicopters, and says the helicopter flight model in x-plane is much better than the one found in MSFS.

I'd agree with that, having used X-Plane 7 to practice when I was undergoing basic rotary training. I was landing the Blackhawk on garage rooftops like it was going out of fashion, whereas I can barely fly the damn things in FSX. From memory I stopped using it shortly after Strike Fighters came out which had better graphics (probably still does considering the advances in both) and let me blow things up, and then I got back into FS to help make the Ark Royal.
I'd say the main reason I haven't gone back to X-Plane is that I don't feel the graphics and complexity of setting it up are worth the cost and when I say complexity I was using only X-Plane for a good couple of years and I still found it a PITA. At the same time I'm getting an urge to dig out the discs again and give it a whirl...
CFS2 was my first sim and I LOVED it. if it had water and texture resolution like FSX, I'd still be flying it.

In MS, CFS1 was mine. Loved it. I also had Red Baron, Flying Corps Gold, Fly (a very cool sim for back then with photoreal terrain), and a couple of others.

Flying Corps Gold was so darn extreme, you had to learn to go into pattern entry to land at the grass aerodrome with other planes. What an awesome game that was. Flying over the front was wild... bombshelled out, blackened, flak going off... Great detail. (Loved igniting those low alt. observation balloons).
