Would Anyone Else like to see an X-Plane Discussion Board here

I was using only X-Plane for a good couple of years and I still found it a PITA. At the same time I'm getting an urge to dig out the discs again and give it a whirl...

For me, its the interface, like remembering which keys are which, and tuning the sim..

If only all flight sims used the same keys, like the 'shoot-em-up' games do. W, move forward, F-pick up the new weapon, G-throw the grenade, Q-lean to the left....

arrghh... :banghead:

If only all flight sims used the same keys,

Amen to that, I mainly use FSX and the Strike Fighters series and that's chaos enough. Anything else I pick up tends to result in randomly hitting keys to get the reaction I want.

I have occasionally tried mapping my X-52 the same way for all my sims but there's always some command one needs that the others don't even have and it all goes to hell!

Anyone tried running under Linux, Re-Built an Old Rig collecting dust thought I would attempt to run under an older copy od Suse Linux 10.0 ?? :friday:

Cheers !!
In MS, CFS1 was mine. Loved it. I also had Red Baron, Flying Corps Gold, Fly (a very cool sim for back then with photoreal terrain), and a couple of others.

Flying Corps Gold was so darn extreme, you had to learn to go into pattern entry to land at the grass aerodrome with other planes. What an awesome game that was. Flying over the front was wild... bombshelled out, blackened, flak going off... Great detail. (Loved igniting those low alt. observation balloons).


Nothing can beat the formation flying in your Camel with a Zeppelin slowly going down in flames... Wings of Glory !! :woot:
...RedBaron3D. One of the best single player campaigns done ever and fantastic multiplayer + still active game community with tons of addons. EOT.

But seriously, dedicated SOH section for the X-Plane would be very interesting.
So, is there someone in charge that is going to add an X-Plane section or can at least give an answer as to if there will be an X-Plane section?

I just purchased X-Plane and fly FSX and X-Plane 9 now as others on this forum do. It would be nice to not post about X-Plane in the FSX thread as I can see how that might irritate some of the FSX only people. I would like to be able to discuss X-Plane add-ons and such still. Please let me know if it is in the works. I have some questions for other X-Plane users, I like your forum and its users, and would perfer to stay on this forum only if it is willing to support X-Plane discussion also.

Also on the X-Plane front. I just got my free A-6 Texan from http://www.jrollon.com/Texan.html and love its flight modeling. It slips, crabs, stalls, and does so many advanced manuvers so realisticly I can't get enough ( well 10 minutes worth at a time due to flying in demo waiting for my X-Plane 9 copy to arrive ).

Please let me know of any good free must have add-ons I should be downloading while I wait for my X-Plane to arrive in the mail.


Don't shoot me (really... don't), but I picked up a copy of X-Plane last week. I'm still in the configuring and tweaking phase, but I'll be trying some flights soon. One thing that noticed is that my TrackIR works as expected in the VC's in this version, something that I could never get to work in the 9.0 demo, so that's a big plus. Still, there's clearly a formidable learning curve to the sim, and it would be nice to have a spot here at SOH where we can have friendly discussions and try to figure it all out.
Ordered it a couple of days ago so yeah, would be good to see something like that. It's good to not have to google up all the (new) addons by yourself hehe. I guess I'm just a bit lazy.:ernae:
Don't shoot me (really... don't), but I picked up a copy of X-Plane last week. I'm still in the configuring and tweaking phase, but I'll be trying some flights soon. One thing that noticed is that my TrackIR works as expected in the VC's in this version, something that I could never get to work in the 9.0 demo, so that's a big plus. Still, there's clearly a formidable learning curve to the sim, and it would be nice to have a spot here at SOH where we can have friendly discussions and try to figure it all out.

It took me awhile before I found the " Lateral Field of View " setting. This is very important for a person to find right away in the demo because I was going nuts with the "zoomed in" appearance while trying to fly. I found to just set it at 100 degrees and zoom in if needed, this way it acts just like FSX. I also have had a lot of fun with their weather generator. I really love the snow, rain, and turbulence in X-Plane. Cross wind landings are so much fun in X-Plane. :ernae:

I wonder if the site Admin has taken any notice to the amount of people in just the FSX thread that have X-Plane and would like a discussion thread that supports it? It seems strange that it wouldn't have happened by now, but I don't know if this site encourages membership as I never see too many adds on it and sounds like it survives on donations mainly.
Hey Major,

Yep, that setting worked for me also. I hated having my nose against the panel. I was trying to move the eyepoint back, lol....

You know what would be cool is if Austin put out a little questionaire that asked for suggestions for XP. That would be my first one. A slider right in the open (first on the list) that was for that vary adjustment.

I agree. Now that XP is the only 'sim' being manufactured, it would be nice to add it to the halls of FS.

So, is there someone in charge that is going to add an X-Plane section or can at least give an answer as to if there will be an X-Plane section?

I just purchased X-Plane and fly FSX and X-Plane 9 now as others on this forum do. It would be nice to not post about X-Plane in the FSX thread as I can see how that might irritate some of the FSX only people. I would like to be able to discuss X-Plane add-ons and such still. Please let me know if it is in the works. I have some questions for other X-Plane users, I like your forum and its users, and would perfer to stay on this forum only if it is willing to support X-Plane discussion also.

Also on the X-Plane front. I just got my free A-6 Texan from http://www.jrollon.com/Texan.html and love its flight modeling. It slips, crabs, stalls, and does so many advanced manuvers so realisticly I can't get enough ( well 10 minutes worth at a time due to flying in demo waiting for my X-Plane 9 copy to arrive ).

Please let me know of any good free must have add-ons I should be downloading while I wait for my X-Plane to arrive in the mail.


im not in charge, but noted
i will pass it along to the people in charge
If only all flight sims used the same keys,

I just configured my controls to be the same as FSX. No issues then everything operates (at least in the cockpit) the same with both.

I do admit I dont like the interface as much as FS but thats just the clothes. Otherwise I enjoy XP greatly!

I have made great strides of late in the "assimilation" process. If ya'll have any questions I might be able to ease the transition. :)
Its not as easy as 123
i would need a couple of Mods
who are knowledgeable with X plane
Volunteers could pm me
this is not a yes or no
im investigating
I just bought XP v9 a few days ago, and at first, I was a little "iffy" on it. However, after spending a few days with it, I haven't really touched FSX. The entire install for XP v9 is crazy, and IIRC, comes in at about 80 GB. The default aircraft are pretty poor, but some of the add-ons are fantastic. For example, check out the Alphajet by XPFR....WOW:


It looks gorgeous in-game and flies great!

Something about XP intrigues me. For some reason, the FS series just doesn't feel right to me (in a lot of cases), almost as if many of the aircraft are flying on rails or something. When I land in XP, I actually feel like I'm landing, like I'm working to get the aircraft on the ground. With Flightsim., it is almost as if I can hop in and land whenever I want wherever in whatever I want with minimal effort. Also, I see a lot of folks around the net knocking the scenery in XP....why? The scenery I have seen in-game looks awesome. Deep valleys, high mountains, clouds that actually cast moving shadows on the ground, nice looking water, road traffic.............and good performance! I guess, in a lot of ways, I don't see why so many folks are so "against" X-Plane. Is it the product, or is it something else I am not aware of?

Both sims have their pluses and minuses, and both have a place on my HD. Personally, I think folks canceling out X-Plane without spending some actual time with it (other than the demo) are really missing out.

At Best Buy, it's currently only $29.99. Not too bad, IMO.
For all X-Plane lacks, I have done many things in it that I haven't been able to do in FSX:woot:. It feels much more like you are flying with many of the planes. I don't see why so many are down on it. I just hope X-Plane starts to develop faster so it will be able to have the AI traffic and ATC system that FSX has now along with the instrumentation/avaionics that FSX has.

And I know what you are saying about flying on rails, it is nice to have a rudder. :amen:
Have you seen the trains yet?

Also, you might check out LOWI (Innsbruck) for some cool detail. You might have to boost up your ground airport detail scenery scaler to full to get everything to show up, but it has static cars and things.

If they started doing that to all airports, it would be a wild sim, scenery wise.

Also, you can adjust the light. It looks a bit darkish. Just boost that setting up.

i beleive x-plane uses Blender for modelling - blender has a plugin that will import true FSX models but loses a ton of detail in doing so - so here is the dilema... it's taken me a decade to get "average" at modelling and modding for the FS series - do i want to spend another decade climbing up the steep slopes of Mount learning curve for X-Plane.

maybe , but I am not yet motivated to start over - it's a huge investment

but still , never say never

and on the topic of an X-plane forum - this has always been a predominatly FS oriented site -
"can we all just get along" with the new neighbors or could it get ugly ???

i'm sure Ickie would find that scenario ,,, entertaining
I cant say for you gMax users but Max & blender seem to play well together.

I have made a few simple models in Max & they import nicely into blender as a 3ds or obj. It would appear that it even preserves all the uvw mapping.

I have yet to export the objects into XP but thus far it seems like it is fairly straight forward.

My biggest issue is figuring out Blender. Its an odd proggy.