So, is there someone in charge that is going to add an X-Plane section or can at least give an answer as to if there will be an X-Plane section?
I just purchased X-Plane and fly FSX and X-Plane 9 now as others on this forum do. It would be nice to not post about X-Plane in the FSX thread as I can see how that might irritate some of the FSX only people. I would like to be able to discuss X-Plane add-ons and such still. Please let me know if it is in the works. I have some questions for other X-Plane users, I like your forum and its users, and would perfer to stay on this forum only if it is willing to support X-Plane discussion also.
Also on the X-Plane front. I just got my free A-6 Texan from and love its flight modeling. It slips, crabs, stalls, and does so many advanced manuvers so realisticly I can't get enough ( well 10 minutes worth at a time due to flying in demo waiting for my X-Plane 9 copy to arrive ).
Please let me know of any good free must have add-ons I should be downloading while I wait for my X-Plane to arrive in the mail.