X-Plane has really come into its own now. It's easy to use, easy to setup, and looks fantastic! I'll be glad when ATC gets added..
I would not call it "Easy to setup". I've spent a week on it and I'm not even close to having my rig set up. And the 30 file limit at X-plane.org is killing me. Maybe I can circumvent that if I donate?
It does look good, in some ways much better than FSX, in others much worse, but I am figuring it out.
My biggest pet peeves so far... Flight dynamics I'm not finding as being any more accurate than FSX, unlike what I was expecting. Granted, I'm not looking at edge of the envelope stuff. This is merely standard take offs, turns, landing, taxiing, approach, etc.. Too me, controlling in flight is "game like" for most of the planes I've tried. Hopefully I can fix that by changing the sensitivity curves of my controllers? When I fly, a lot of the planes I've tried bob like a bobblehead and react to the slightest input immediately. The planes I've flown (Cessnas, Pipers, etc.) tend to react with some resistance so you have to anticipate when to stop with control input ahead of where the plane is. The planes I fly in FSX react closer to this than what I've seen so far in X-Plane. Handling in the water is horrible. Weather, haven't even touched that yet, but seems it's not there yet really, at least not without a bunch of work. The shore lines look HORRIBLE. Worse than FS out of the box, and that's saying something. I did try and get the Ortho4XP stuff working, but my computer crashes when I've tried to process the jpg's, so I'll have to figure out what's up with that, and that'll likely fix that problem? (My desktop is circa 2010 overclocked to 3.8 GHz, 2GB GTX 1050, 18 GB memory, Windows 7 Pro).
Point is... I've been using flight simulators for over 30 years, X-Plane is NOT plug and play if you have expectations similar to what you can get with FSX. There's very few planes where I trust the flight model to be accurate. I know I'll get there, but, for me anyway, it's not easy or straightforward, or ready out of the box, and figuring out what's compatible with my version (11.32) and getting it all working. It's a lot of work. Hopefully someday we'll get to a point where there's a standard setup so newbies can get up and going quickly.
Haha, yesterday, X-Plane decided to try to use a Corsair I installed as AI; it taxied out to the runway ok, but every time it tried to take off, it would groundloop into the grass within 50 yards, it would taxi back to the runway, try again, pirouetting down the runway. The Cessna in line behind him finally got fed up and took off when the Corsair was far enough down the runway...

Not that that bothers me, something I've likely got to fix in the plane itself to get it up to 11.3 standards, but it was kind of funny to me. Poor Corsair pilot....
Definitely some beautiful screenshots here though... I'm getting there.