That would be a logical conclusion, but i believe it is an incorrect conclusion. My team ran into this very same issue with the original P-61 and what we found was puzzling. Several P-61s stationed in Europe had invasion stripes. Whats odd is that the P-61 wasnt in Europe for D-Day. More puzzling, the stripes were only on the bottom of the wing, but encircled the empennage. I dont have a clue as to why this was done, but apparently, after the invasion the rules for using stripes changed and we end up with several different aircraft painted in the below schemes.
Heres an example of a half painted empenanage.
Therefore, except for the empirical evidence in the photo, any stripe you paint is correct, but considering that the empannage stripes either fully encircled the empennage or stopped halfway up, I can only conclude that your aircraft had stripes on the bottom of the wing and a fully encircled empennage.
There is of course one more possibility. Looking closely at the photo, we can see that the empennage stripes are worn off at the top of the empennage, and it appears there are no stripes on the bottom. But this is just my impression.