"You do not need a
Parachute to jump out
of a plane,
You only need one if
you want to do it

RAF Hollywood



        it's all FREEWARE

              Panels  1 2 3

     CFS1 Aircraft  1 2 3 4 5

      smilos Place for CFS1

    The Ivan CFS1 Collection    

       Hubbabubbas Corner

CFS2 Aircraft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

      CFS2 Viet Aircraft 7 8 9

  The Knifemakers Collection

   Captain Kurt's CFS2 Page

          Allen's CFS2 Stuff

       DV Slats CFS2 Page

       Aircraft 2004 page2

       CFS1Scenery 1 2 3

         CFS2 Scenery

 The Cees Donker Collection

        FS2004 Scenery     

        Golden Wings 2004

  FS Rail for CFS1 and CFS2

           WW1 for CFS1

           WW1 for CFS2

      J Fortins WW1 - WWII
         Korea and Vietnam

       Utilities 1 2 FS2004


      CFS2 Magazine (free)

  Missions CFS1 and CFS2


                CFS1 Released
       See some Screenshots
Sardinia 1941 released
Sicily, N.Tunisia released

     Alaska  Bush Flying for CFS2
        Phase 1 released
       See some Screenshots

         Vietnam CFS2    
     released and added to daily

          screen shots here

            FS Design


       This site is maintained by:
            Dave aka NO DICE


          Contact Us

  On Line Squadrons


    "to those we have lost"


      Free ad  for a great company

     that helped so much with

       this Vietnam Project

      Free ad  for a great company
     that helped so much with

       this Vietnam Project

                                                                                       Welcome to our Vietnam Project for CFS2
                                                                                        This page is intended for developers only

                                                                           The Required Initial Downloads for this project can be found here
                                                                                 New and / or updated missions can be found here: 
See our AI Aircraft and Library object page for Mission writers and GSL Scenery designers
                                                                                   See some screen shots in the screen shot section
                                              Add on Scenery that is not required but expands the project for future missions or FreeFlight 
                               We have 3 pages of Aircraft and Helicopters of the Era Aircraft page 7 Aircraft page 8
and Aircrsft page 9


If you landed on this page by accident and are not a developer please do not download anything on this page, please see the links above

                            These downloads are for the Vietnam War project CFS2 developers only..they are not completed yet
                   If you happen to be interested in the project and are willing to add to it  please let me know, all are welcomed
                                                                                             contact me at : dea14u@aol.com

Lima 85 Air America Site Laos released 9-01-16
Click Image for larger view

Lima 85 scenery has been released :Here
Mission Writers should download the history and
pics folder below for future reference.
Plus check out
the terrain in this area..WOW
We need Missions for this area....

Please forward your mission(s) to me

Download ****

Radio Chatter For Mission Writers 20 minutes of actual Vietnam-era radio Chatter

Everything from forward observers calling in mortars
to in-flight emergencies. Originally posted by Polaski
for " Wings Over Vietnam " at CombatAce.
Thanks to Capt. Kurt for sending it to me.


I Need help with Mission conversions  
CFS1 to CFS2 Mission Conversion Project
                  No Image

5 missions for CFS1 written by Keith Bedford
They may be able to be converted for the project.
Please take a look and see if this is something you
are interested in converting, I can help with any
required scenery updates.

Download *

 To my SOH friends 

     This Site is Dedicated
            to my Father
         David B Mulcahy
   Oct 8 1934-Jan 13 2000
           MSGT USAF

In Honor of My Dad and all others that have served
no matter where you may be

May we all remember them on Memorial Day

Song by Nathan Carter

Please click image to listen

In honor of my great friend Al Talon:

A great musician, pianist, song writer and artist
A Hero of  911 risking his life to save others from the burning Trade Center
and later passed from the resulting lung disease incurred while saving them.
See his taps page here: 

Song by Al ( Talon )


To All of My Friends
no matter where you may be

This one always seems to put a smile on my face

Keep Smiling

Song by John Prine

Please click image to listen


To Our Friend Rami

May 2019 be your best year ever

May the light of  healing always shine down on you

We all at the SOH are with you sir

Please click Image to Enlarge

To All My friends at the SOH

On this day 4-08 in two wars , My family lost 2 members

1 in WW2 and another in Vietnam, "both on the same date"
yet many years apart. This is why we all stand for the National
in my family and any one that takes a knee must have never
studied "His-Tor-ee" and should move to a country that has no Anthem.

My family and I salute all who have served and sacrificed.
We thank you all more than you will ever know....

Click image to Enlarge

Standing for those who stood for us: The Ute Mountain Color Guard
            " The First Americans, Standing for All Americans"

Click here to see the site:

  If you require help with anything you are working on for the Project
Please forward it to me and I will post it on this page.


                          This site is © Copyright Free Flight Site 2019 All Rights Reserved