SOH Team Project - Grumman Tracker, Trader, Tracer

My contributions to the project.......

70% converted to FSX native, still have some more materials and animations to convert. Having an issue with the tailhook not responding to animations using the stock tags, anyone have any ideas?

Standing by to convert the remainder of the models and VC when they become available.

*EDIT* I need new clothes for her:ernae: *END EDIT*

Yea!!!! Good progress :applause:

Not sure if the FSX makemdl tags are different but of course you can name your own.

See the graphic for the basics from the FS9 implementation.

Also, please feel free to change the window glass and props blur to work better in FSX.

Thanks for your efforts.
There is some interesting reference points and articles on the Stoof here; and other goodies too. I am suprised at how quickly this is comming together. Bravo Zulu!

Thanks Lazarus; informative link. It also shows why we modelers have such a fun time trying to learn the variants, the window differences in this case, and often get criticized for getting them wrong. There are at least 4 window variants that I am aware of but we will use just two.
"There are at least 4 window variants that I am aware of but we will use just two."

Oh no!!! That means my rivet count totald will be off. That is not acceptable:icon_lol:
Well, thank YOU, Milton ! I am really very exited about your new project, here's a small token of my affection for the Stoef, from the days *before* i changed my aircraft modeling ambition from paper/wood/plastic to digital...

View attachment 48057

This may also show that, like my fellow countrymen, i am of course fairly biased towards a dutch MLD S2F-1 version..:cool:

If there's still a slot open it would be my pleasure to help out on variant conversion in any way needed. ( i still run a Gmax/FS9 exporter too next to my Gmax/FSX setup ) It would have to be work 'on the side' of course but i am so exited about this project and would love to lend a hand where ever i can.

Say, Milton, haven't seen any pilot figures in the WIP screenies sofar, if you haven't accounted for these already, i'd be happy to start with those.

Probabely maybe superfluous but here's some stuff i found in my internet fav's re the Tracker,Trader,Tracer.

Although a bit 'glassy' still a good all around view of a Tracker cockpit, some nice views on the seats too:

A dutch site with good Stoef cockpit panels/instruments diagrams in English :

Tracker,Trader,Tracer survivors all around the world :

Another dutch Stoof site, devided amongst all nationalities that used it:

And yet another dedicated to the airfield Valkenburg with abundage of photos of dutch MLD Trackers :

You probabely have them all already but maybe other afficionados might enjoy some of 'em.

If there's anything i can help out with, External or Internal, both my Gmax setups are available and my Corel PSP Pro X3 too. :cool:



What a great hobby and model. Your attention to detail there was not lost on your digital migration, thankfully. Beautifully done. :applause:

We would all be honored to have you contribute on the S2F-1 variant. The -1 was so very prevalent around the world and there are so many uses and liveries to be done. It is certainly a project unto itself. I urge you to do this with our blessings. :applause:

You are correct; there is no pilot yet. Thank you for offering. :jump:

Ah, yes; great links, pictures, history, and stories. I picked up a few things, and got clarification on the length of the MAD boom extension at 9'.

Thank you very much Jan. :applause:
Uncle Milton,

The props and glass have been fully updated, the updated props shown in the shots, will post shots of the updated reflective glass later. I will keep playing with the tailhook to see what comes out of that.
Uncle Milton,

The props and glass have been fully updated, the updated props shown in the shots, will post shots of the updated reflective glass later. I will keep playing with the tailhook to see what comes out of that.

Thank you Euroastar350. Please feel free to do whatever you feel necessary to improve the model or textures. We appreciate your efforts totally. :applause:
Just doing some basic VC work here getting new pedals in place, working with seats and center folding console. Trying to get the basic panel and gauge templates set for Diego to work the cockpit textures and gauges. He has started on the main panels, left, center, and right. There are two center consoles plus the overhead console containing the ECU. That is my focus now.
Additional progress shots from within FSX......

Have very few materials to convert, ailerons and elevators need animation, landing gear needs to be adjusted as the animation is somewhat different from FS2004 animations.

Finally got the tailhook to work, it only extends in the air and not on the ground.....goes to show that I don't fly military aircraft much:jump: Stay tuned for further progress.
ok due to real world commitments i've drafted in my good budy Nick (Simkid22) to assist with final work on the panel lines, this'll reduce the amount of time it's taking... darn real world, sure the graphics are good, as are the FPS, but the gameplay sucks...

anyways, not too long now fella's :salute:
ok due to real world commitments i've drafted in my good budy Nick (Simkid22) to assist with final work on the panel lines, this'll reduce the amount of time it's taking... darn real world, sure the graphics are good, as are the FPS, but the gameplay sucks...

anyways, not too long now fella's :salute:


No problem and no hurry. We have a long way to go yet on the models. :)
Jan,What a great hobby and model. Your attention to detail there was not lost on your digital migration, thankfully. Beautifully done. :applause:

We would all be honored to have you contribute on the S2F-1 variant. The -1 was so very prevalent around the world and there are so many uses and liveries to be done. It is certainly a project unto itself. I urge you to do this with our blessings. :applause:

You are correct; there is no pilot yet. Thank you for offering. :jump:

Ah, yes; great links, pictures, history, and stories. I picked up a few things, and got clarification on the length of the MAD boom extension at 9'.

Thank you very much Jan. :applause:

Thank you, Milton and thanks very much for letting me participate ! :cool:

It will be a great pleasure for me to work on the S2F-1 variant and deliver the pilot figures. I have new, higher poly figures for FSX to offer or low poly for FS9 if needed.

Waiting in anticipation to get started ! :salute:

Thank you, Milton and thanks very much for letting me participate ! :cool:

It will be a great pleasure for me to work on the S2F-1 variant and deliver the pilot figures. I have new, higher poly figures for FSX to offer or low poly for FS9 if needed.

Waiting in anticipation to get started ! :salute:



Thanks. I'll need a low poly version for the FS9 side but I'm sure the hi-poly version would be perfect for the FSX side.

The E1B VC is coming along slowly and I am just doing the basics there.
That will be transferred over to the S2F-3 when done.

After that, I can hopefully convert the S2F to a C1A fairly quickly. From there, you will have a short fuselage starting point for the S2F-1.
No problem Milton! I love that there is a Stoof on the way, last one I had was the Perfect Flight one from way back when and that was showing its age when I bought it. I'm just glad to help :jump: oh and all thats left to add panel lines to is the radome so Matt can get back to weathering it soon!
Pictorial update ...

Focus has been on the lower rear folding console and the overhead console and ECU. Just getting the basic controls in place and animated.

Seats are temporary.
No problem Milton! I love that there is a Stoof on the way, last one I had was the Perfect Flight one from way back when and that was showing its age when I bought it. I'm just glad to help :jump: oh and all thats left to add panel lines to is the radome so Matt can get back to weathering it soon!

Did I send the new radome mapping? I think so.
Yes, I got it from Matt, I was actually the one who brought it up with him since at least VAW-111 had those large bats painted on the back and the old mapping would have been a challenge to say the least to try and do those schemes. :icon_lol:
Finally back in MY desert...

I am presently on a 2-week tour of Israel and the Holy land... upon my return I will post an extremely simple tutorial on USAF and USN lettering... whereby you can paint letters on the fly... 100% correct and very easy to do... with your PSP or Photoshop shape tools (rectangle and airbrush)
Sorry I have no access to a paint program and my own computer during this trip...

Here is a brief introduction to what could be a tutorial in creating one's own lettering...
very simple, very quick... If there is any interest... I will supply more or answer specific questions...

View attachment 48250
Jan,Thanks. I'll need a low poly version for the FS9 side but I'm sure the hi-poly version would be perfect for the FSX side..

Would the boys from the A-26 be a good start for a FS9 Tracker,Tracer,Trader crew, Milton ? FSX versions get completely new figures.

The E1B VC is coming along slowly and I am just doing the basics there.
That will be transferred over to the S2F-3 when done.After that, I can hopefully convert the S2F to a C1A fairly quickly. From there, you will have a short fuselage starting point for the S2F-1.

Sounds great, Milton, looking forward to it ! :salute:
