A Flight Simulation Tale

...bits of grit stuck to the discs, but, focussing his highly trained, powerfully inflamed Brain on this knotty , knotty framerate problem, he knew that somehow the answer lay in the....
.....he heard a 'click' behind him. He spun on his heel several times screwing his false left leg into the floor. As he extracated his leg from the floorboards he found himself staring down......
...luckily for him, the flux capacitor spares box and folding coke shovel were tucked away nicely in the leg, held securely 'gainst any untoward movement of the shortened limb, by their leather and brass edged straps; a similar arrangement to a suspender belt, perhaps, only more military. He wondered what he should do next as he was hurtled skyward by the jet's exhausting fumes and found himself forming a cunning plan...
...with all this new-found disk space, he could add true afterburning capacity to the six-axis motion refrigerator simulator! All it needed was a quick defrag
....when with a wheeze from the reverse flow fleeble valve and a bang from the compressor the refrigerator blew itself off it's gimbals. "Damn" he exclaimed " I forgot to buy some Wenslydale cheese for the flux capacitor in ASDA." He leapt from the refrigerator painfully catching his........
.unicycle, catching his nuts in the machine's fanbelt trunnions.. 'Damme,' he thought,'Have to get another packet of them Pishtaschios now.' His mind played tricks with him as he spun endlessly round, first mind tricks, then card tricks. He became confused..'Was it the fridge freezer that has more disc space? Or the washer dryer attechmant that fits on the back? He knew he needed a lot more cheese to...
settle him down for the night.
Then it struck him!
He needed more contact time with his simulator, not more disk space!
Soon fix that, he thought, I have just the thing...
...he mused but before he could implement his plan the strong cheese began to take effect. Soon he was on a higher plane " was that really a halibut driving a Nike trainer?" he exclaimed. He pedalled on, the three wheels of his unicycle propelled him at break neck speed his legs spinning like windmills when suddenly.......
.the military straps holding his false leg in place finally gave way and the leg fell off. Immediately it was picked up by an ardvaark which ran off down.............
...Down the taxiway, but was soon sucked in to a passing Boeing 373 airintake. The airliner in considerable distress then....
...when suddenly the mysterious cloaked FSX pizza delivery guy swooped down in his custom Delorean and assumed a flanking position on the 737....
"Four pizzas to go for Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger!" he called, "Is this a good time for delivery?"
"Never mind that", cried Mr. Ryan the pizza guys co-pilot and guest celebrity rider for the evening, "where have they taken my family?!" Suddenly there was a revelation. "Why have I been so blind?" He frantically scoured his memory remembering he carried a back-up script in the hard drive-"but what was that damn file name it was under???" Then it came to him...