Aircraft Compatibility thread for P3D V5

Percival Mew Gull

Another Flying Stations work the Percival Mew Gull. Again fully functional VC very nice textures and beautifully modelled and no issues in P3DV5.

Westland Wyvern

Another British Oddity the Westland Wyvern - single seat counter rotating props from turbines ala the Gannett. Another ex Flying Stations product, fully functional in P3DV5. (The exterior lights need a fix- I have that need to go look for it) again beautifully done VC etc etc.

Coincidently I have also been fooling around with MCX and converting HJG airliners to P3D. They all have an issue with the stabilizers, elevator and trim tabs that you need to adjust in the animations and reset to zero. Looks like you figured this out for the Convairs. I may have a go at the DM VC10 which was always a favorite model. Have fun!


Which VC is that _ off which plane?



PS: I converted many HJG planes for private use to P3DV5 ( had initial help by Tom Gibson ) and usually works well, just had never a proper VC. So I fly with an ammended Just Flight DC8 VC

thunder100 - not to jump in but I would hazard a guess that it is from the other DC-8 (not the JF one) Thats the one I used for the Convair. Apart from the eyebrow windows (Convair never had them) you will be amazed at how close it is to the original Convair cockpits - does me just fine. You know the drill borrow the int.mdl file alter the mdl.cfg file, copy across the panel folder and guages to the Convair and there you have it - quite painless actually. Think there is a little work to be done to fine tune a few guages to the Convair power plants not the DC-8 (WIP for me)

Nice conversion you did too that is a nice paint of the Varig Convair. It was a very stylish beast pity about the engines from the the Hustler they fitted, good speed but whoa the fuel burn is unbelievable see why they had a hard time selling them!

Out and about in the 990 this morning!


It is the stand out feature of P3D that you can still do this and it works out so well.
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thunder100 if you have any issues happy to help out. Gavinc was very helpful with the MCX Model Conversion business. I still cannot get the clear cockpit glass to show for the CV990 for some reason. I got a fix for the lighting so they are all properly aligned and some are switchable. Could not get the landing lights to do that trick because of they way they were built into the model in the first place but used FSL Spotlights to do that - works just fine! I have the ini for Spotlights - internal and external lights for the Convairs if you want that as well.
Hawker Sea Fury

Another British Oddity available ex Flying Stations from the link given in the SwordFish thread above is the Hawker Sea Fury. This one actually is set up to go as an addon in P3DV4 so with a few changes drops into P3DV5 as addon. Only fired it up and taken it for a spin again very nicely modelled and a fairly complete set of textures from various users of the Fury.


This is their thumbnail forgot to take a screenie of it!

Working on getting this carrier thingy working again in P3DV5 so many nice models now including RFN's stuff to not try my hand at it again. That is another tale and not so easy it seems!
Hi, i yesterday made my long time favorite plane Eric Dantes Beech Twin Bonanza P3d v5 compatible, it was quite easy job by using MCX, no panel/gauge modifications needed to do, all was mostly default gauges that works well also in Prepar3d v5. This is for my own personal use only.



Oh my! That's an old favourite I'd love to have in P3D. If you aren't willing to share (it's really old freeware) I will have a go myself in MCX.
Toni - you need an extra mdl for the interior to show up.
How did you manage this, please?

Does it work similar to the prop conversion? Means, do I have to isolate the cockpit, remove any other parts and then save the cockpit parts itselves? Do I open the aircraft mdl afterwards and import the cockpit into it and merge it together then? Appriciate if you can provide a little assistance to me :applause:
Another British Oddity available ex Flying Stations from the link given in the SwordFish thread above is the Hawker Sea Fury. This one actually is set up to go as an addon in P3DV4 so with a few changes drops into P3DV5 as addon. Only fired it up and taken it for a spin again very nicely modelled and a fairly complete set of textures from various users of the Fury.


This is their thumbnail forgot to take a screenie of it!

Working on getting this carrier thingy working again in P3DV5 so many nice models now including RFN's stuff to not try my hand at it again. That is another tale and not so easy it seems!

What do I need to change to make it work on P3Dv5?
Forgot to insist for non US Windows installations to check that your regional setting are set to US number format, with decimal separator set to "." to allow export of your modifications !!!! Gérard
Oh my! That's an old favourite I'd love to have in P3D. If you aren't willing to share (it's really old freeware) I will have a go myself in MCX.
I probably need to ask a permission to share this aircraft by Eric, if he is still around in sim community.
Toni - you need an extra mdl for the interior to show up.
How did you manage this, please?

Does it work similar to the prop conversion? Means, do I have to isolate the cockpit, remove any other parts and then save the cockpit parts itselves? Do I open the aircraft mdl afterwards and import the cockpit into it and merge it together then? Appriciate if you can provide a little assistance to me :applause:
I separated VC from original model, when you open the mdl file in MCX, set value to 1 to gen_model, then it will only show VC and you can save that like twin_bonanza_vc.mdl and start to make necessary modifications to make VC model work correct way, like transparent textures. Then remember add also interior=twin_bonanza_vc into model.cfg
Well I tried MCX converting to P3Dv4 and at least got a separate VC. But there are a host of problems that I don't know what to do to fix. Landing lights won't turn off. Flap won't retract. There is a wheel chock that won't go away. And the VC has strange artefacts (see the screen shot) and the glass is opaque. Oh, and the prop animation looks awful. Other than that, LOL. I will wait to see if Eric Dantes is still around. I seem to recall he may have made this first for FS 2002?

