[Ask] How to change Me163_599 / Me163B cockpit?




yum, thanks for the images, Wiek!

well, some info to the images: it presents various airplane types of the Komet add-on pack. if people will look the images closer, they can notice some different mesh details like tail wheel covers or rocket engine body vents. the grey Komet is equipped with a 20mm cannone ;)

the CFS3 Komet add-on pack, which we are preparing for the public release, includes Me 163B-0, Me 163B-1a and the "enhanced" Komet japan skins, presenting J8M1 / Ki-200 Shusui rocket airplanes.
the german virtual cockpit is done including the gauges (new textures, tweaked needle animations), the japan cpit will got japan gauges, based on real Shusui instrument panel set.
Your welcome Boreks !! hope you like it :biggrin-new:

My thankfull for this Pre-Final to Boreks-Gecko collaboration..cheers to you guys! :very_drunk:

Messerschmitt Me 163B-1a Komet for CFS3
3D Model and textures: BorekS (+ gauge glass texture by gecko)
Flight model: gecko
Sounds: gecko
Effects: gecko
Special feature: a drop down dolly script (macro) by gecko

well, almost forgot to show the repainted gauges. except this not much news happen, I was busy with some real life things. however, I did some small progress with the japan "shusui" like interiror upgrade.


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That is a great interior, BorekS :encouragement:

it will be great for the immersion factor. How many people in history ever strapped themselves into a little rocket with wings? It must have been terrifying, especially the controlled crash at the end of the ride......
Been waiting for a accurate Me-163 since CFS3 was released and now its for real!!!! Can't wait to fly this interesting aircraft against a bomber formation,(thanks to the low poly B-17). Will there be a mission pack released with the Me-163 ? Thanks guys,it's really looking good!!:applause:
Been waiting for a accurate Me-163 since CFS3 was released and now its for real!!!! Can't wait to fly this interesting aircraft against a bomber formation,(thanks to the low poly B-17). Will there be a mission pack released with the Me-163 ? Thanks guys,it's really looking good!!:applause:

Got the finals from Master BorakS for the Me 163, adjusting the historical missions, and planning to add a few Hobbit Hysterical missions also for Master BorakS
I have found only 6 confirmed missions for the historical set, (still researching this) and I will try to do 10 for the release.

With the Low poly B-17 I can have over 200 B-17 in the missions, and have no Major FPS problems.
Will do a set for the newer faster computers and a set for the Older slower computers so all will have some missions to fly.
I have worked up a set for CFS3 and for ETO 1.50 that will work in Both Sims.

Thanks to ALL whom have worked so hard on the Me 163, it is a joy to dance (wreck) with. Oh yea!
Off to dance with Master Borak's work and crash into things. OOPPS!
Raggedy Hobbit on the loose.
Looking forward to seeing your scenarios Owen. And just an fyi, the final one isn't ready yet, but the latest version is mostly complete.

to our small Komet suff test crew: the mail with the latest airplane pack (v.01k) download link contents a short text, which says this:

here is the latest all-in one Komet pack, I would be happy If you could check the macro script, for more see the readme_first.htm inside the package.

* the J8M1 is included too, but the japan Komet cpit version isnt done yet.
* its not a final prerelease stuff, just another unpublic stuff.

now I will say something bit annoying maybe, but it will be the rule for the Komet public release users also:

I highly recommend to properly install this airplane add-on relating to get all its features working. this is the only way, how to enjoy the rocket bird as it was meant. its not a plain "unzip-and-go" add-onpack.

for those who have our Komet test stuff, nothing changed: it needs to delete all the old Komet trash before, of course.
ok guys, the japan like looking Komet - Shusui interiror instruments are done, I will fix some texture issues only and will not bother with it more deeply. this solution should be enough to feel like sitting in the J8M1 or Ki-200 :)


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