Getting it dialed in slowly, soon be able to race the AI.
When it saves separate cfg files for each car does it include controls?
I would like slower steering for the classic & road cars.
On a completely different tack, we now have a set of Chaparral 2D repaints covering most of the 1966 Euro season. Nice!
KC013, IIRC the original came from RTM and was payware, the original skins were a bit naff but recently that was corrected on Race Department with a very nice bundle of authentic repaints.
Good luck with your search for a PK, way back (1960 something) COX had pretty decent 1:24th slot car, I think it was later picked by Monogram and released as a curbside kit.
I reappeared some time ago when Revell-Monogram started going through their archives, again IIRC.
Looks like the person who did the very nice 330P is responsible. Kudos.
Getting it dialed in slowly, soon be able to race the AI.
When it saves separate cfg files for each car does it include controls?
I would like slower steering for the classic & road cars.